Appendix J. File Formats

J.1 Build File Format

The following XML file shows a basic Phing build file skeleton that can be used as a starting point for your own build files. See the references in Appendix A, Fact Sheet and Appendix B, Core tasks for more detailed information on properties and tasks.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  The root tag of each build file must be a "project" tag.
<project name="(projectname)" basedir="(projectbasedir)"
         default="(targetname)" description="(projectdescription)">

    Inclusion of optional overall project properties.
  <property file="(main property file)" />

     Build file wide properties used in the targets below

  <!-- Useful to make the current buildtime available as a property -->
      <!-- Format is, e.g. Sat, 03 Oct 2009, 16:31 -->
      <format property="buildtime" pattern="%a, %d %b %Y, %H:%M"/>

  <property name="(first.property1)"  value="(value1)" override="true" />
  <property name="(second.property2)"  value="(value2)" override="true" />

    Type and task calls here, i.e. filesets, patternsets,
    CopyTask calls etc.
    <!-- Filesets  -->
    <fileset dir="(" id="(fileset.reference)">
        <include name="(include.pattern)"/>

    <!-- Custom tasks  -->
    <taskdef classname="(task.classname)" name="" />

    All target definitions
    ("if" and "unless" attributes are optional)
  <target name="(targetname)" [depends="targetname1,targetname2"]
          [if="(ifproperty)"] [unless="(unlessproperty)"] >
      Type and task calls here, i.e. filesets, patternsets,
      CopyTask calls, etc.

    More targets here
  <target name="..." >
      Type and task calls here, i.e. filesets, patternsets,
      CopyTask calls, etc.



By convention properties are named in dot notation in Phing build files, e.g. ftp.upload, temp.builddir and so on