Appendix A. Fact Sheet

A.1 Built-In Properties

Table A.1: Phing Built-In Properties

application.startdirCurrent work directory
env.*Environment variables, extracted from $_SERVER.
host.archSystem architecture, i.e. i586. Not available on Windows machines.
host.domainDNS domain name, i.e. Not available on Windows machines.
host.fstypeThe type of the files ystem. Possible values are UNIX and WINDOWS.
host.nameOperating System hostname as returned by posix_uname(). Not available on Windows machines.
host.osOperating System description as set in PHP_OS variable (see PHP Manual).
host.os.releaseOperating version release, i.e. 2.2.10. Not available on Windows machines.
host.os.versionOperating system version, i.e. #4 Tue Jul 20 17:01:36 MEST 1999. Not available on Windows machines.
line.separatorCharacter(s) that signal the end of a line, "\n" for Linux, "\r\n" for Windows system, "\r" for Macintosh.
os.nameOperating System description as set in PHP_OS variable.
phing.fileFull path to current buildfile.
phing.dirPath that contains the current buildfile.
phing.homePhing installation directory, not set in PEAR installations.
phing.startTimeThe time that Phing started to run.
phing.versionCurrent Phing version.
phing.project.nameName of the currently processed project.
php.classpathThe value of the PHP_CLASSPATH. Same as the include path returned by get_include_path().
php.versionVersion of the PHP interpreter. Same as PHP constant PHP_VERSION (see PHP Manual).
project.basedirThe current project basedir.
user.homeValue of the environment variable HOME.