Phing User Guide

Michiel Rook

Siad Ardroumli

Phing 3.x

2024-09-28 13:54:59

1. About this book
1.1. Contributors (present and past)
1.2. Copyright
1.3. License
1.4. DocBook
2. Introduction
2.1. What Phing Is
2.2. Phing & Binarycloud: History
2.3. How Phing Works
2.4. Cool, so how can I help?
3. Setting-up Phing
3.1. System Requirements
3.2. Obtaining Phing
3.3. Running Phing
4. Getting started
4.1. XML And Phing
4.2. Writing A Simple Buildfile
4.3. More Complex Buildfile
4.4. Relax NG Grammar
5. Project components
5.1. Projects
5.2. Version
5.3. Project Components in General
5.4. Targets
5.5. Tasks
5.6. Types
5.7. Basic Types
5.8. Conditions
6. Extending Phing
6.1. Extension Possibilities
6.2. Source Layout
6.3. System Initialization
6.4. System Services
6.5. Build Lifecycle
6.6. Writing Tasks
6.7. Writing Types
6.8. Writing Mappers
6.9. Writing Selectors
6.10. Writing Conditions
A. Fact Sheet
A.1. Built-In Properties
A.2. Command Line Arguments
A.3. Distribution File Layout
A.4. Program Exit Codes
A.5. The LGPL License
A.6. The GFDL License
B. Core tasks
B.1. AdhocTaskdefTask
B.2. AdhocTypedefTask
B.3. AppendTask
B.4. ApplyTask
B.5. AttribTask
B.6. Augment
B.7. AutoloaderTask
B.8. AvailableTask
B.9. Basename
B.10. Bindtargets
B.11. ChmodTask
B.12. ChownTask
B.13. ConditionTask
B.14. CopyTask
B.15. DefaultExcludes
B.16. DeleteTask
B.17. DependSet
B.18. Diagnostics
B.19. Dirname
B.20. EchoPropertiesTask
B.21. EchoTask
B.22. EchoXML
B.23. ExecTask
B.24. FailTask
B.25. FileHashTask
B.26. FileSizeTask
B.27. ForeachTask
B.28. IfTask
B.29. ImportTask
B.30. IncludePathTask
B.31. InputTask
B.32. JsonValidateTask
B.33. LoadFileTask
B.34. ManifestTask
B.35. MkdirTask
B.36. MoveTask
B.37. PathConvert
B.38. PathToFileSetTask
B.39. PhingCallTask
B.40. PhingTask
B.41. Phingversion
B.42. PhpEvalTask
B.43. PhpLintTask
B.44. PropertyCopy
B.45. PropertyRegexTask
B.46. PropertySelector
B.47. PropertyTask
B.48. Record
B.49. ReflexiveTask
B.50. Relentless
B.51. ReplaceRegexpTask
B.52. ResolvePathTask
B.53. Retry
B.54. RunTargetTask
B.55. SleepTask
B.56. SortList
B.57. Subphing Task
B.58. SwitchTask
B.59. SymlinkTask
B.60. TaskdefTask
B.61. Tempfile Task
B.62. ThrowTask
B.63. TouchTask
B.64. TruncateTask
B.65. TryCatchTask
B.66. TstampTask
B.67. TypedefTask
B.68. URLEncodeTask
B.69. UpToDateTask
B.70. Variable
B.71. VersionTask
B.72. WaitForTask
B.73. XsltTask
C. Optional tasks
C.1. ApiGenTask
C.2. ComposerTask
C.3. CoverageMergerTask
C.4. CoverageReportTask
C.5. CoverageSetupTask
C.6. CoverageThresholdTask
C.7. DbDeployTask
C.8. FileSyncTask
C.9. FtpDeployTask
C.10. GitArchiveTask
C.11. GitBranchTask
C.12. GitCheckoutTask
C.13. GitCloneTask
C.14. GitCommitTask
C.15. GitDescribeTask
C.16. GitFetchTask
C.17. GitGcTask
C.18. GitInitTask
C.19. GitLogTask
C.20. GitMergeTask
C.21. GitPullTask
C.22. GitPushTask
C.23. GitTagTask
C.24. GrowlNotifyTask
C.25. HgAddTask
C.26. HgArchiveTask
C.27. HgCloneTask
C.28. HgCommitTask
C.29. HgInitTask
C.30. HgLogTask
C.31. HgPullTask
C.32. HgPushTask
C.33. HgRevertTask
C.34. HgTagTask
C.35. HgUpdateTask
C.36. HipchatTask
C.37. HttpGetTask
C.38. HttpRequestTask
C.39. IniFileTask
C.40. IoncubeEncoderTask
C.41. IoncubeLicenseTask
C.42. JsHintTask
C.43. JsMinTask
C.44. JslLintTask
C.45. LiquibaseChangeLogTask
C.46. LiquibaseDbDocTask
C.47. LiquibaseDiffTask
C.48. LiquibaseRollbackTask
C.49. LiquibaseTagTask
C.50. LiquibaseTask
C.51. LiquibaseUpdateTask
C.52. MailTask
C.53. NotifySendTask
C.54. OpenTask
C.55. PDOSQLExecTask
C.56. PHPMDTask
C.57. PHPStanTask
C.58. PHPUnitReport
C.59. PHPUnitTask
C.60. ParallelTask
C.61. PatchTask
C.62. PharDataTask
C.63. PharPackageTask
C.64. PhkPackageTask
C.65. PhpCSTask
C.66. PhpDependTask
C.67. PhpDocumentor2Task
C.68. rSTTask
C.69. S3GetTask
C.70. S3PutTask
C.71. SassTask
C.72. ScpTask
C.73. SmartyTask
C.74. SonarTask
C.75. SshTask
C.76. StopwatchTask
C.77. SvnCheckoutTask
C.78. SvnCommitTask
C.79. SvnCopyTask
C.80. SvnExportTask
C.81. SvnInfoTask
C.82. SvnLastRevisionTask
C.83. SvnListTask
C.84. SvnLogTask
C.85. SvnPropgetTask
C.86. SvnProplistTask
C.87. SvnPropsetTask
C.88. SvnRevertTask
C.89. SvnSwitchTask
C.90. SvnUpdateTask
C.91. SymfonyConsoleTask
C.92. TarTask
C.93. UntarTask
C.94. UnzipTask
C.95. VisualizerTask
C.96. WikiPublishTask
C.97. XmlLintTask
C.98. XmlPropertyTask
C.99. ZSDTPackTask
C.100. ZSDTValidateTask
C.101. ZendCodeAnalyzerTask
C.102. ZipTask
D. Core Types
D.1. Description
D.2. Excludes
D.3. FileList
D.4. FileSet
D.5. DirSet
D.6. PatternSet
D.7. Path / Classpath
D.8. Regexp
E. Core filters
E.1. PhingFilterReader
E.2. ExpandProperties
E.3. ConcatFilter
E.4. HeadFilter
E.5. IconvFilter
E.6. Line Contains
E.7. LineContainsRegexp
E.8. PrefixLines
E.9. ReplaceTokens
E.10. ReplaceTokensWithFile
E.11. ReplaceRegexp
E.12. SortFilter
E.13. StripLineBreaks
E.14. StripLineComments
E.15. StripPhpComments
E.16. StripWhitespace
E.17. TabToSpaces
E.18. TailFilter
E.19. TidyFilter
E.20. XincludeFilter
E.21. XsltFilter
E.22. ClassConstants
F. Core mappers
F.1. Common Attributes
F.2. ChainedMapper
F.3. CompositeMapper
F.4. FirstMatchMapper
F.5. CutDirsMapper
F.6. FlattenMapper
F.7. GlobMapper
F.8. IdentityMapper
F.9. MergeMapper
F.10. RegexpMapper
G. Core selectors
G.1. Contains
G.2. Date
G.3. Depend
G.4. Depth
G.5. Different
G.6. Filename
G.7. Present
G.8. Containsregexp
G.9. Size
G.10. Type
G.11. And
G.12. Majority
G.13. Modified
G.14. None
G.15. Not
G.16. Or
G.17. Readable
G.18. Writable
G.19. Executable
G.20. Selector
G.21. Symlink Selector
G.22. PosixPermissions Selector
H. Project Components
H.1. Phing Projects
H.2. Targets and Extension-Points
I. Loggers and Listeners
I.1. Listeners
I.2. Loggers
I.3. DefaultLogger
I.4. AnsiColorLogger
I.5. MailLogger
I.6. NoBannerLogger
I.7. ProfileLogger
I.8. StatisticsListener
I.9. TimestampedLogger
I.10. SilentLogger
I.11. MonologListener
I.12. DisguiseLogger
J. File Formats
J.1. Build File Format
J.2. Property File Format


PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant. You can do anything with it that you could do with a traditional build system like GNU make, and its use of simple XML build files and extensible PHP "task" classes make it an easy-to-use and highly flexible build framework. Features include running PHPUnit and SimpleTest unit tests (including test result and coverage reports), file transformations (e.g. token replacement, XSLT transformation, Smarty template transformations), file system operations, interactive build support, SQL execution, CVS/SVN operations, documentation generation (PhpDocumentor) and much more.

If you find yourself writing custom scripts to handle the packaging, deploying, or testing of your applications, then we suggest looking at the Phing framework. Phing comes packaged with numerous out-of-the-box operation modules (tasks), and an easy-to-use OO model for adding your own custom tasks.

Chapter 1 About this book

1.1 Contributors (present and past)

1.2 Copyright

Copyright 2002-2022, The Phing Project.

1.3 License

This documentation is made available under the GNU Free Document License (see Section A.6, “The GFDL License”)

Copyright (c) 2002 - 2022, The Phing Project

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;

1.4 DocBook

All Phing reference documentation is written using the DocBook5 XML markup (see DocBook Project). The main advantage with DocBook is that it is a single source but multiple outputs. These document sources can be rendered into many possible output formats such as (X)HTML, PDF, EPub, Webhelp, RTF, Text and many more. Another advantage, inherit with the text based XML format, is that the document sources are all completely text based written using UTF-8 encoding. Only a plain text editor is required to extend or edit this documentation.

However, XML tends to be quite verbose and even if a plain text editor technically is all that is needed the actual entering of text will be made much easier with custom XML editor. These editors can be used to hide the XML tags and do auto-completion and on-the-fly validation to make sure that what is written is a valid DocBook5 document.

To work with the documentation we recommend to use one of the free XML/DocBook aware editors available. For example

The sources for the documentation are included under the docs/ directory. The DocBook sources are split into several files in order to make it more maintainable using the XML standard XInclude (see XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0).

For the writing of the book only a subset of all available DocBook elements are used as shown in Section 1.4.4, “DocBook v5 elements used in the manual and their meaning”

As of this writing the build process has been validated using version 1.78.1 of the DocBook5 stylesheets.


Make sure all documentation is written using UTF-8 text encoding.

1.4.1 Building the documentation

In order to build the documentation it is necessary to have the DocBook5 XSL stylesheets installed together with "xsltproc" which is used to transform the source into various output formats. In addition, to build the versions (either HTML or PDF) that supports highlighting of included source (within the <programlisting> element) the Saxon 6.5.5 XSL processor must be used. This is necessary since the syntax highlighting in DocBook is based on a Java extension (xslthl-2.x.x) which requires a Java based processor (such as Saxon).


The easiest way to setup a complete build environment for DocBook5 for people new to DocBook is to install a clean version of Debian 7.x and then run the "" shell script. This will create a fully tested and working build environment for DocBook5 as it is used with Phing. This could easily be done using a virtual setup (for example using VirtualBox).

All DocBook is structured in a tree:

├── source
│   ├── appendixes
│   │   └── optionaltasks
│   └── chapters
└── stylesheets
    ├── css
    │   └── img
    └── xsl
        └── images

All document sources are stored under the subdirectory "source" and the master document is aptly named "master.xml". This document pulls in all chapters and appendixes in the right order. For example, new tasks added must be documented in a new file inside "source/appendixes/optionaltasks/", then a reference should be added in "source/appendix/optionaltasks.xml". Look at the existing tasks and follow the same structure.


In order to get highlighting to work both the "xslthl-2.x.x.jar" package must be installed as well as Saxon 6.5.x. The jar file must be installed somewhere in the CLASSPATH , for example "/usr/share/java" if you run this on Linux. The xslthl package is available on SourceForge, please see XSLT syntax highlighting. By using the automated setup for Debian 7.x all these dependencies will be taken care of!

The customized stylesheets used are stored under "stylesheets" which uses one sub-folder for the customized XSL stylesheets (responsible for the transformation from DocBook to the chosen output format) and one sub-folder for the CSS stylesheets used to give the generated HTML documents there "look & feel".

Finally the "scripts" directory stores utility scripts. This currently contains two scripts, and "hlsaxon". The first scripts helps to create a full build environment for DocBook5 starting with a clean Debian 7 installation. This is meant to help people new to DocBook5 to get a working build environment as easy as possible. This script takes care of all detailed setup and will make a fulloy working DocBook5 build environment out-of-the-box.

The second script (hlsaxon) is wrapper file used from the buildfiles to call the Saxon translator (a Java based XSL procesor) with highlighting enabled and suitable paths to supporting libraries In this script the path to the DocBook installed stylesheets must be adjusted depending on your system (unless the automated setup have been used - with the file which takes care of that setup automatically). Mutatis mutandis.

In order to drive the transformation a Phing build script is available in the docbook root, build.xml. The build script supports the following public targets

 all*         Builds all available targets (default)
 chunk        Builds the chunked HTML
 clean        Removes all output files
 epub         Builds the EPUB version
 hlhtml       Builds the HTML version with syntax highlight
 hlpdf        Builds the PDF version with syntax highlight
 html         Builds the HTML version
 htmlfancy    Builds the HTML version with an alternative styling for screen output
 pdf          Builds the PDF version
 webhelp      Builds the webhelp version (Note: This requires Java and Ant
              to be installed!)
 validate     Validates all sources against the DocBook5 grammar

All generated output is stored under the directory "output" (which is created if it doesn't exist) with a subdirectory corresponding to the name of the chosen output format.

1.4.2 Template for new tasks

For creating documentation for new tasks the easistes thing is to use the included template template_for_tasks.xml which is a skeleton tasks with all commonly used elements. This will ensure a correct setting of all attributes. The skeleton can then be added to a suitable appendix as needed.


All new task description should go into one of the Appendices.

1.4.3 Customization of the look & feel of the rendered outputs


The following section is only meant for the maintainers that work on the core layout of the official Phing manual and is not necessary for developers adding documentation for new tasks of improving documentation for existing tasks.

Furthermore, by necessity this assumes a rudimentary knowledge of Docbook5 bubild process and what XSL and CSS stylesheets are. It is not possible in this short space to give a full description of that setup.

XSL Customization layer

All DocBook5 renderings are started from one of the customized XSL stylesheet under "stylesheets/xsl" . All commonly adjusted properties should go into the appropriate stylesheet for that rendering. No properties should be passed on via the command line. To keep the customization layer as future proof as possible only in very rare circumstances should any cores XSL templates be copied and modified. As usual the recommended way is to use the provided hooks.

CSS styelsheets

The CSS stylesheets are used to create the look & feel for the HTML based renderings. These are entirely standard CSS files which by design are kept very simple. It should be noted that a few styling option depends in turn of the modified XSL transformations in the XSL customization layer. This had to be done in order to gain some more detialed control not provided by DocBook5 out-of-the-box.


The webhelp output rendering is a bit of a special case. This rendering depends not only on DocBook5 but also on Java as well as Ant build processor. These dependencies are inherited from the official DocBook5 webhelp process and will remain. Unfortunately adjusting the look & fell for this rendering is not as simple as for the other outputs since a fair amount of the layout (as well as look & feel) are hard-coded in the Webhelp build system. While it is perfectly possible to adjust the hard coded values and design choises it is not future proof. Since the Webhelp rendering is the newest and fastest improving output from DocBook the intention for the Phing documentation is to track these improvements and not spend time ourself to duplicate this effor with a parallell development.

1.4.4 DocBook v5 elements used in the manual and their meaning

To keep things simple the manual uses only a small subset of all available elements in the DocBook schema. This makes it fairly easy to quickly get up to speed with adding and editing the manual. It also helps to keep the look&feel consistent and makes the writing of the CSS and XSL stylesheets a little bit easer.

The following list shows the supported elements and how they should be used in the manual

<chapter>, <appendix>

This is the top element for each chapter and appendix in the manual. Each <chapter> or <appendix> must also have a title.

Table 1.1: Required attributes

xmlns space for DocBook. Always needed.
xmlns:xi space for XInclude. Needed since we use XInclude to split the manual into different files.
xmlns:xlink space for xlink. Needed sine we make use of link and xref elements to link to other sites and cross references within the manual.
version5.0Versions of DocBook. Always needed.
xml:idapp.XXX , ch.XXXThe id for the chapter or the appendix. Used in other part of the manual to refer to this chapter/appendix with an <xref> element.

Table 1.2: Required nested elements

<title>The title of the chapter/appendix.


<appendix xmlns=""
    <title>Core tasks</title>

The section tags divides each chapter and appendix into logical parts. Each task description must be contained in a <sect1> element and each example section for the task must be contained within a <sect2> element. Depending on the description needed for each task additional <sect2> may be added as needed to make the text logically structured. If needed, a further nesting level may be used by using <sect3> elements within each <sect2> element. No deeper nestings than <sect3> should ever be used.

Each top level section must have the xml:id attribute which is used to reference the section from other parts of the document. Each section must have a nested title element.

Table 1.3: Required attributes

roletaskdefThis is only used and required for <sect1> elements for task description. This role is not currently used in the any of the XSL sheets. This is for future use.
xml:idName of sectionThe id for task definition should be the same as the task name for task description. For other sections the id should be a logical name that descrobes the content.

Table 1.4: Required nested elements

<title>The title of the section


<sect1 role="taskdef" xml:id="AdhocTaskdefTask">

Division between paragraphs in flowing text.


Used to mark command lines and multi-line computer output. For inline screen output use the <literal> element


Used for all PHP and XML program listings in the manual. Please note that this tag should not be used for command lines as entered in a terminal. Use the <screen> element for this.

Note: Remember to write all opening '<' as &lt;

Table 1.5: Required attributes

languagephp, xmlThe language attribute should indicate what programming language the programlisting contains. This is used to control what syntax highlighting should be used.


<programlisting language="xml">
    <xsltfilter style="${process.stylesheet}">
         <param name="mode"
  <filelist dir="book/"

Used to indicate acronym in running text


Used to indicate literal names in running text such as program variables, name of attributes, XML-elements etc.


Used to indicate a file- or directory name in running text.

Table 1.6: Required attributes

roledirUsed when the filename is a directory.


<filename role="dir">/etc/php5</filename>

Used to include a URL link to other sites or documents outside the manual.

Table 1.7: Required attributes

xlink:hrefURL LinkThe link to an external reference.


<link xlink:href=""
>GeSHi Homepage</link>

A link to another part of the document. When the link is generated in the rendered document the name of the section, chapter or appendix that the link refers to is included literal.

Table 1.8: Required attributes

xlink:hrefInternal reference to an ID elementInternal links must be prefixed with a '#' character.


<xref xlink:href="#ch.projcomponents"/>

The CALS model for table should be used. The generated rendered version will be styled by the CSS stylesheet automatically. For this to work as expected for the required attribute for a task the columns needs to have the following names (they are used in the CSS sheets). The column width specified is not important since that will be overridden by the CSS stylesheets.

<colspec colname="name" colnum="1" colwidth="1.5*"/>
<colspec colname="type" colnum="2" colwidth="0.8*"/>
<colspec colname="description" colnum="3" colwidth="3.5*"/>
<colspec colname="default" colnum="4" colwidth="0.8*"/>
<colspec colname="required" colnum="5" colwidth="1.2*"/>

A CALS model table should have the following required nested elemenets. For more information on more advanced CALS formatting such as joining rows or columns please see Chapter 30. Tables in Bob Stayton's book "DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide - 4th Edition"

Table 1.9: Required nested elements

titleThe descriptive title for the table.
tgroupGroups a set of columns together.
colspecDefines the sizing of the table.
theadHeader row for table.
tbodyBody of table.


    <title>Required attributes</title>
    <tgroup cols="3">
        <colspec colname="attribute"   colnum="1"
        <colspec colname="value"       colnum="2"
        <colspec colname="description" colnum="3"
<emphasis role="bold">

Should only be used when certain effects in flowing text are wanted that warrents the text to be rendered in a bold style to be shown as emphasised.


<emphasis role="bold">PH</emphasis>ing <emphasis
role="bold">I</emphasis>s <emphasis
role="bold">N</emphasis>ot <emphasis
role="bold">GN</emphasis>U make;

The above example will then be rendered as: "PHing Is Not GNU make;"


This tag is used to indicate the name of a application. The line between a command (marked with <literal>) and an application is not cut in stone but an application is usually a complex computer program with its own user interface. Examples of what we would mark as applications are "Emacs", "OpenOffice", "MatLab" etc.

This element is rarely used.

Chapter 2 Introduction

2.1 What Phing Is

Phing is a project build system based on Apache ant (See ant ). You can do anything with Phing that you could do with a traditional build system like Gnu make (See gnumake ), and Phing's use of simple XML build files and extensible PHP task classes make it an easy-to-use and highly flexible build framework.

Because Phing is based on Ant, parts of this manual are also adapted from the ant manual (see ant ). We are extremely grateful to the folks in the Ant project for creating (and continuing to create) such an inspiring build system model, and for the open-source licensing that makes it possible for us to learn from each other and build increasingly better tools.

2.2 Phing & Binarycloud: History

Phing was originally a subproject of Binarycloud. Binarycloud is a highly engineered application framework, designed for use in enterprise environments. Binarycloud uses XML extensively for storing metadata about a project (configuration, nodes, widgets, site structure, etc.). Because Binarycloud is built for PHP, performing extensive XML processing and transformations on each page request is an unrealistic proposition. Phing is used to "compile" the XML metadata into PHP arrays that can be processed without overhead by PHP scripts.

Of course, XML compilation is only one of many ways that Binarycloud uses the Phing build system. The Phing build system makes it possible for you to:

  • Build multi language pages from one source tree,

  • Centralize metadata (e.g. your data model) in one XML file and generate several files from that XML with different XSLT.

In the beginning, Binarycloud used the GNU make system; however, this approach had some drawbacks: The space-before-tab-problem in makefiles, the fact that it is only natively available for Unix systems etc. So, the need for a better build system arose. Due to its XML build files and modular design, Apache Ant was a logical choice. The problem was that Ant is written in Java, so you need to install a JVM on your computer to use it. Besides the need for yet another interpreter (i.e. besides PHP), there was also legal/ideological conflict in requiring a commercial JVM (there were problems with Ant on JVMs other than Sun's) for an LGPL'd Binarycloud.

So, the development of Phing began. Phing is a build system written in PHP and uses the ideas of Ant. The first release was designed & developed simultaneously, and thus not very sophisticated. This original system was quickly pushed to its limits and the need for a better Phing became a priority. Andreas Aderhold, who was responsible for Phing/r1, designed and wrote much of the Phing/r2 that followed. Phing/r2 became the Phing-1.0 that run under PHP4.

Next came Phing 2.x, which required PHP5 (at least 5.2.x) and made use of many of the available features in PHP5.2 to achieve a high degree of modularization, code efficiency as well as stability and testability. Phing became supported as a build tool in a number of various IDEs such as phpStorm, Netbeans 8.1 and the like. From versions 2.3.3, released on 7th December 2008, through to version 2.16 Phing has been available to install via PEAR.

In 2018 active work started on producing Phing 3.0 which requires PHP7.1 at a minimum. Phing 3.0 is only available through Composer or as a .phar archive and is no longer installable via the PEAR installer.

2.3 How Phing Works

Phing uses XML buildfiles that contain a description of the things to do. The buildfile is structured into targets that contain the actual commands to perform (e.g. commands to copy a file, delete a directory, perform a DB query, etc.). So, to use Phing, you would first write your buildfile and then you would run phing, specifying the target in your buildfile that you want to execute.

% phing -f mybuildfile.xml mytarget

By default Phing will look for a buildfile named build.xml (so you don't have to specify the buildfile name unless it is not build.xml) and if no target is specified Phing will try to execute the default target, as specified in the <project> tag.

In the same way as traditional make files (but without most of the traditional drawbacks) targets can have dependencies. They can depend on both other targets as well as other files.

2.4 Cool, so how can I help?

Phing is under active development and there are many things to be done. The project will also welcome non-coders to help keep the documentation up to date. If you don't already know about DocBook participating in the documentation is a great opportunity to get experience!

To get involved start by doing the following:

  • Read this manual to understand Phing ;-)

  • Visit the Phing website (

  • ...and of course, start to actively participate in the development by forking the repository (see below)

2.4.1 Participating in the development

As of 1 January 2012 all Phing development is based on Git and the project is hosted at GitHub (

In order to participate in the development you will only need to follow three basic steps

  1. Register a free account at GitHub

  2. Clone the Official Git repository

  3. Read up on the (very well written) documentation at GitHub on how to setup your own repository and do things like cloning an existing repository and creating pull requests asking the official Phing maintainers to take in your proposed additions/changes.

The chances to have a change set accepted greatly increases if you adhere to the following recommendations

  • Follow the naming and coding principle used by Phing

  • Make sure you have added documentation for all your additions, including examples.

  • Make sure you have added unit-test code as needed

  • Be polite in all communication!


If you have not worked with Git before and are coming from subversion there is a bit of re-adjustment needed. Fortunately there are several SVN-To-Git re-learning guides available (for example which might make the initial transition easier.

However, it is probably best to forget about your mental picture on Subversion and realize that Git is a different animal. So trying to think of everything in terms of Subversion is not really helpful in the long run. You should therefore take the time to read the (free!) book "Pro Git", by Scott Chacon available from

Chapter 3 Setting-up Phing

The goal of this chapter is to help you obtain and correctly setup and execute Phing on your operating system. Once you setup Phing properly you shouldn't need to revisit this chapter, unless you're re-installing or moving your installation to another platform.

3.1 System Requirements

To use Phing you must have installed PHP version 5.6 or above compiled --with-libxml2, as well as --with-xsl if you want to make use of advanced functionality.

For more information on PHP and the required modules see the PHP [php] website. For a brief list of software dependencies see below.

3.1.1 Operating Systems

Designed for portability from the get go, Phing runs on all platforms that run PHP. However some advanced functionality may not work properly or is simply ignored on some platforms (i.e. chmod on the Windows platform).

To get the most out of Phing, a Unix style platform is recommended. Namely: Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc.

3.1.2 Software Dependencies

For a detailed and up-to-date list of required and/or optional software and libraries, refer to the phing/phing package on Packagist.

3.2 Obtaining Phing

Phing is free software distributed under the terms of the LGPL.

3.2.1 Distribution Files

There are several ways to get a Phing distribution package. If you do not want to participate in developing Phing itself it is recommended that you get the latest snapshot or stable packaged distribution. If you are interested in helping with Phing development, register an account at GitHub as described below.

The easiest way to obtain the distribution package is to visit the Phing website [phing] and download the current distribution package in the format you desire.

3.2.2 Composer Install

The preferred method to install Phing is through Composer. Add phing/phing to the require-dev or require of your project's `composer.json` configuration file, and run composer install:

    "require-dev": {
        "phing/phing": "3.*"

3.2.3 Phar package

Download the Phar archive. You do not need to execute any additional commands to install Phing, downloading the archive is enough. Phing can simply be started by running:

$ php phing-latest.phar [parameters ...]

3.2.4 Getting the latest source from Phing's Github repository

The latest snapshot can always be downloaded directly the official Phing Git repository. However, be warned that there is not guarantee that the momentous state of the repository represents a completely stable application without any problems.

You can download a snapshot as a zip-tarball from:

3.3 Running Phing

Now you are prepared to execute Phing on the command line or via script files. The following section briefly describe how to properly execute phing.

3.3.1 Command Line

Phing execution on the command line is simple. Just change to the directory where your buildfile resides and type

$ phing [target [target2 [target3] ...]]

at the command line (where [target...] are the target(s) you want to be executed). If no target is specified Phing will try to execute the default target, as specified in the project tag. When calling multipe targets, Phing will invoke each target independently of the other targets. Optionally, you may specify command line arguments as listed in Appendix A.

For example, the following command line calls the default buildscript build.xml using the default target with the property ftp.upload set to true.

$ phing -Dftp.upload=true

3.3.2 Supported command line arguments

The following command line arguments are supported

  -h -help               print this message
  -l -list               list available targets in this project
  -i -init [file]        generates an initial buildfile
  -v -version            print the version information and exit
  -q -quiet              be extra quiet
  -S -silent             print nothing but task outputs and build failures
  -verbose               be extra verbose
  -debug                 print debugging information
  -emacs, -e             produce logging information without adornments
  -diagnostics           print diagnostics information
  -strict                runs build in strict mode, considering a warning as error
  -no-strict             runs build normally (overrides buildfile attribute)
  -longtargets           show target descriptions during build
  -logfile <file>        use given file for log
  -logger <classname>    the class which is to perform logging
  -listener <classname>  add an instance of class as a project listener
  -f -buildfile <file>   use given buildfile
  -D<property>=<value>   use value for given property
  -keep-going, -k        execute all targets that do not depend
                         on failed target(s)
  -propertyfile <file>   load all properties from file
  -propertyfileoverride  values in property file override existing values
  -find <file>           search for buildfile towards the root of the
                         filesystem and use it
  -inputhandler <file>   the class to use to handle user input

Chapter 4 Getting started

Phing buildfiles are written in XML, and so you will need to know at least some basic things about XML to understand the following chapter. There is a lot of information available on the web:

4.1 XML And Phing

A valid Phing buildfile has the following basic structure:

  • The document prolog

  • Exactly one root element called <project> .

  • Several Phing type elements (i.e. <property> , <fileset> , <patternset> etc.)

  • One or more <target> elements containing built-in or user defined Phing task elements (i.e. <install> , <bcc> , etc).

4.2 Writing A Simple Buildfile

The Foobar project installs some PHP files from a source location to a target location, creates an archive of this files and provides an optional clean-up of the build tree:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project name="FooBar" default="dist">

    <!-- ============================================  -->
    <!-- Target: prepare                               -->
    <!-- ============================================  -->
    <target name="prepare">
        <echo msg="Making directory ./build" />
        <mkdir dir="./build" />

    <!-- ============================================  -->
    <!-- Target: build                                 -->
    <!-- ============================================  -->
    <target name="build" depends="prepare">
        <echo msg="Copying files to build directory..." />

        <echo msg="Copying ./about.php to ./build directory..." />
        <copy file="./about.php" tofile="./build/about.php" />

        <echo msg="Copying ./browsers.php to ./build directory..." />
        <copy file="./browsers.php" tofile="./build/browsers.php" />

        <echo msg="Copying ./contact.php to ./build directory..." />
        <copy file="./contact.php" tofile="./build/contact.php" />

    <!-- ============================================  -->
    <!-- (DEFAULT)  Target: dist                       -->
    <!-- ============================================  -->
    <target name="dist" depends="build">
        <echo msg="Creating archive..." />

        <tar destfile="./build/build.tar.gz" compression="gzip">
            <fileset dir="./build">
                <include name="*" />

        <echo msg="Files copied and compressed in build directory OK!" />

A phing build file is normally given the name build.xml which is the default file name that the Phing executable will look for if no other file name is specified.

To run the above build file and execute the default target (assuming it is stored in the current directory with the default name) is only a matter of calling: $ phing

This will then execute the dist target. While executing the build file each task performed will print some information on what actions and what files have been affected.

To run any of the other target is only a matter of providing the name of the target on the command line. So for example to run the build target one would have to execute $ phing build

It is also possible to specify a number of additional command line arguments as described in Appendix A, Fact Sheet

4.2.1 Project Element

The first element after the document prolog is the root element named <project> on line 3. This element is a container for all other elements and can/must have the following attributes:

Table 4.1: <project> Attributes

nameThe name of the projectNo
basedirThe base directory of the project. This attribute controls the value of the ${project.basedir} property which can be used to reference files with paths relative to the project root folder. Can be a path relative to the position of the buildfile itself. If omitted, "." will be used, which means that the build file should be located in the project's root folder. No
defaultThe default target that is to be executed if no target(s) are specified when calling this build file.Yes
descriptionThe description of the project.No
strictEnables the strict-mode for the project build process.No

See Section H.1, “Phing Projects” for a complete reference.

4.2.2 Target Element

A target can depend on other targets. You might have a target for installing the files in the build tree, for example, and a target for creating a distributable tar.gz archive. You can only build a distributable when you have installed the files first, so the distribute target depends on the install target. Phing resolves these dependencies.

It should be noted, however, that Phing's depends attribute only specifies the order in which targets should be executed - it does not affect whether the target that specifies the dependency(s) gets executed if the dependent target(s) did not (need to) run.

Phing tries to execute the targets in the depends attribute in the order they appear (from left to right). Keep in mind that it is possible that a target can get executed earlier when an earlier target depends on it, in this case the dependent is only executed once:

<target name="A" />
<target name="B" depends="A" />
<target name="C" depends="B" />
<target name="D" depends="C,B,A" />

Suppose we want to execute target D. Looking at its depends attribute, you might think that first target C, then B and then A is executed. Wrong! C depends on B, and B depends on A, so first A is executed, then B, then C, and finally D.

A target gets executed only once, even when more than one target depends on it (see the previous example).

The optional description attribute can be used to provide a one-line description of this target, which is printed by the -projecthelp command-line option.

Target attributes

You can specify one or more of the following attributes within the target element.

Table 4.2: <target> Attributes

nameThe name of the targetYes
dependsA comma-separated list of targets this target depends on.No
ifThe name of the Property that has to be set in order for this target to be executedNo
unlessThe name of the Property that must not be set in order for this target to be executed. 

See Section H.2, “Targets and Extension-Points” for a complete reference.

4.2.3 Task Elements

A task is a piece of PHP code that can be executed. This code implements a particular action to perform (i.e. install a file). Therefore it must be defined in the buildfile so that it is actually invoked by Phing.

These references will be resolved before the task is executed.

Tasks have a common structure:

<name attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2" ... />

where name is the name of the task, attributeN is the attribute name, and valueN is the value for this attribute.

There is a set of core tasks (see Appendix B, Core tasks) along with a number of optional tasks. It is also very easy to write your own tasks (see Chapter 6, Extending Phing).

Tasks can be assigned an id attribute:

<taskname id="taskID" ... />

By doing this you can refer to specific tasks later on in the code of other tasks.

4.2.4 Property Element

Properties are essentially variables that can be used in the buildfile. These might be set in the buildfile by calling the property task, or might be set outside Phing on the command line (properties set on the command line always override the ones in the buildfile). A property has a name and a value only. Properties may be used in the value of task attributes. This is done by placing the property name between " ${ " and " } " in the attribute value. For example, if there is a BC_BUILD_DIR property with the value 'build', then this could be used in an attribute like this: ${BC_BUILD_DIR}/en . This is resolved to build/en.

Getting the value of a Reference with ${toString:} Any Phing type item which has been declared with a reference can also its string value extracted by using the ${toString:} operation, with the name of the reference listed after the toString: text. The __toString() method of the php class instance that is referenced is invoked all built in types strive to produce useful and relevant output in such an instance.

For example, here is how to get a listing of the files in a fileset:

<fileset id="sourcefiles" dir="src" includes="**/*.php"/>
<echo> sourcefiles = ${toString:sourcefiles} </echo>

There is no guarantee that external types provide meaningful information in such a situation

Built-in Properties

Phing provides access to system properties as if they had been defined using a <property> task. For example, ${} expands to the name of the operating system. See Appendix A, Fact Sheet for a complete list

4.3 More Complex Buildfile

<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<project name="testsite" basedir="." default="main">
    <property file="./" />

    <property name="package"  value="${}" override="true" />
    <property name="builddir" value="./build/testsite" override="true" />
    <property name="srcdir"   value="${project.basedir}" override="true" />

    <!-- Fileset for all files -->
    <fileset dir="." id="allfiles">
        <include name="**" />

    <!-- ============================================  -->
    <!-- (DEFAULT) Target: main                        -->
    <!-- ============================================  -->
    <target name="main" description="main target">
        <copy todir="${builddir}">
            <fileset refid="allfiles" />

    <!-- ============================================  -->
    <!-- Target: Rebuild                               -->
    <!-- ============================================  -->
    <target name="rebuild" description="rebuilds this package">
        <delete dir="${builddir}" />
        <phingcall target="main" />

This build file first defines some properties with the <property> task call to PropertyTask. Then, it defines a fileset and two targets. Let us have a quick rundown of this build file.

The first four tags within the project tag define properties. They appear in two possible variants:

  • The first property tag contains only the file attribute. The value has to be a relative or absolute path to a property file (for the format, see Appendix J, File Formats).

  • The other times, the tag has a name and a value attribute. After the call, the value defined in the attribute value is available through the key enclosed in "${" and "}".

The next noticeable thing in the build file is the <fileset> tag. It defines a fileset, i.e. a set of multiple files. You can include and exclude files with the include and exclude tags within the fileset tag. For more information concerning Filesets (i.e. Patterns) see Appendix D, Core Types. The fileset is given an id attribute, so it can be referenced later on.

One thing is worth noting here though and that is the use of double star expression, i.e. "**". This special regexp refers to all files in all subdirectories as well. Compare this with a single "*" which would only refer to all files in the current subdirectory. So for example the expression "**/*.phps" would refer to all files with suffix "'.phps" in all subdirectories below the current directory.

The first task only contains a call to CopyTask via <copy>. The interesting thing is within the copy tag. Here, a fileset task is not written out with nested include or exclude elements, but via the refid, the Fileset created earlier is referenced. This way, you can use a once defined fileset multiple times in your build files.

The only noticeable thing in the second target is the call to PhingTask with the <phingcall> tag (see Appendix B, Core tasks for more information). The task executes a specified target within the same build file. So, the second target removes the build directory and calls main again, thus rebuilding the project.

A variant is to override properties defined in the build file with properties specified on the command line using the -D switch. For example to override the builddir in the build file above one could call Phing as

$ phing -Dbuilddir=/tmp/system-test  

4.3.1 Handling source dependencies

A common task required in many build files is to keep some target which has a number of dependencies up to date. In traditional make files this could for example be an executable that needs to be recompiled if any of the source files have been updated. In Phing such a condition is handled by the UpToDateTask , see Section B.69, “UpToDateTask” for examples on how this task us used.

4.4 Relax NG Grammar

With a little bit of experience it is not that difficult to write and understand Phing build files since the XML format in itself tends to be quite verbose. However, it can become a bit tedious and the large (and growing) amount of built-in tasks and filters can sometimes make it difficult to remember the exact syntax of all the available features.

To help with this the Phing distribution contains a Relax NG Grammar (REgular LAnguage for XML Next Generation, file that describes the (formal) syntax of the build files. This grammar can be used to validate build files. However, the most beneficial use of the grammar is together with a schema aware XML editor. Such an editor can make auto-completion based on the grammar. This feature makes writing complex build files significantly easier since it is usually enough to enter the first letter of an element to have the rest of the element written automatically as well as any compulsory attributes.

Most XML editors can be told to what schema (or model) to use for validation and auto-completion by adding a specification in the beginning of the XML file. For example, the following two lines in the beginning of an XML file would do (of course the exact path to the grammar will depend on your system setup)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model xlink:href="/usr/share/php5/PEAR/data/phing/etc/phing-grammar.rng"
            schematypens="" ?>

Using auto-completion will make it substantially easier to edit large build files. Please note that since the phing-grammar does not have an official designation we must use the absolute filename to specify the grammar (instead of a canonical URI that is resolved by the systems XML-catalogue).

This grammar is available (as a plain text file) in the distribution at: /etc/phing-grammar.rng

Since we do not want to neither endorse nor forget any particular XML editor with this capability we do not make available such a list of editors. Instead, spending a few minutes with Google searching for XML-editors is bound to find a number of editors with this capability.

If you wish to validate your Phing build file, there are numerous options. Links to various validation tools and XML editors are available at the RELAX NG home page, The command line tool xmllint that comes with libxml2 is also able to validate a given XML file against the supplied grammar.

For example, to use xmllint to validate a Phing build file the following command line could be used:

$ xmllint -noout -relaxng phing-grammar.rng build.xml
build.xml validates

Chapter 5 Project components

This goal of this chapter is to make you familiar with the basic components of a buildfile. After reading this chapter, you should be able to read and understand the basic structure of any buildfile even if you don't know exactly what the individual pieces do.

For supplemental reference information, you should see Appendix B, Core tasks, Appendix D, Core Types and Appendix H, Project Components.

5.1 Projects

In the structure of a Phing buildfile, there must be exactly one Project defined; the <project> tag is the root element of the buildfile, meaning that everything else in the buildfile is contained within the <project > element.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project name="test" description="Simple test build file" default="main" >
  <!-- Everything else here -->

The listing above shows a sample <project> tag that has all attributes available for Projects. The name and description attributes are fairly self-explanatory; the default attribute specifies the default Target to execute if no target is specified (Section H.2, “Targets and Extension-Points” are described below). For a complete reference, see Appendix H, Project Components.

5.2 Version

Since Phing 2.4.2 it is possible to include a phingVersion attribute in the <project> tag. This attribute allows you to define the minimum Phing version required to execute a build file, in order to prevent compatibility issues.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project name="test" phingVersion="2.4.2" >
  <!-- Everything else here -->

5.3 Project Components in General

Project Components are all the elements found inside a project, i.e. targets, tasks, types, etc. Project components may have attributes and nested tags. Attributes only contain simple values, i.e. strings, integers etc. Nested elements may be complex Phing types (like FileSets) or simple wrapper classes for values with custom keys (see Appendix D, Core Types for example).

Any nested elements must be supported by the class that implements the project component, and because the nested tags are handled by the project component class the same nested tag may have different meanings (and different attributes) depending on the context. So, for example, the nested tag <param.../> within the <phingcall> tag is handled very differently from the<param.../> tag within the <xsltfilter> tag -- in the first case setting project properties, in the second case setting XSLT parameters.

5.4 Targets

Targets are collections of project components (but not other targets) that are assigned a unique name within their project. A target generally performs a specific task -- or calls other targets that perform specific tasks -- and therefore a target is a bit like a function (but a target has no return value).

Targets may depend on other targets. For example, if target A depends on a target B, then when target A is called to be executed, target B will be executed first. Phing automatically resolves these dependencies. You cannot have circular references like: "target A depends on target B that depends on target A".

The following code snippet shows an example of the use of targets.

<target name="othertask" depends="buildpage" description="Whatever">
  <!-- Task calls here -->

<target name="buildpage" description="Some description">
  <!-- Task calls here -->

When Phing is asked to execute the othertask target, it will see the dependency and execute buildpage first. Notice that the dependency task can be defined after the dependent task.

5.5 Tasks

Tasks are responsible for doing the work in Phing. Basically, tasks are the individual actions that your buildfile can perform. For example, tasks exist to copy a file, create a directory, TAR files in a directory. Tasks may also be more complex such as XsltTask which copies a file and transforms the file using XSLT, SmartyTask which does something similar using Smarty templates, or CreoleTask which executes SQL statements against a specified DB. See Appendix B, Core tasks for descriptions of Phing tasks.

Tasks support parameters in the form of:

  • Simple parameters (i.e. strings) passed as XML attributes, or

  • More complex parameters that are passed by nested tags

Simple parameters are basically strings. For example, if you pass a value "A simple string." as a parameter, it is evaluated as a string and accessible as one. You can also reference properties as described in Chapter 4, Getting started.

Note: There are special values that are not mapped to strings, but to boolean values instead. The values true, false, yes, no, on and off are translated to true/false boolean values.

<property name="myprop" value="value" override="true"/>

However, some tasks support more complex data types as parameters. These are passed to the task with nested tags. Consider the following example:

  <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="**" />

Here, CopyTask is passed a complex parameter, a Fileset. Tasks may support multiple complex types in addition to simple parameters. Note that the names of the nested tags used to create the complex types depend on the task implementation. Tasks may support default Phing types (see Section 5.6, “ Types ”) or may introduce other types, for example to wrap key/value pairs.

Refer to Appendix B, Core tasks for a list of system tasks and their parameters.

5.6 Types

5.6.1 Basics

Besides the simple types (strings, integer, booleans) you can use in the parameters of tasks, there are more complex Phing Types. As mentioned above, they are passed to a task by using nesting tags:

  <type />

<!-- or: -->

      <!-- etc. -->

Note that types may consist of multiple nested tags -- and multiple levels of nested tags, as you can see in the second task call above.

5.6.2 Referencing Types

An additional fact about types you should notice is the possibility of referencing type instances, i.e. you define your type somewhere in your build file and assign an id to it. Later, you can refer to that type by the id you assigned. Example:

  <fileset id="foo">
    <include name="*.php" />

  <!-- Target that uses the type -->
  <target name="foo" >
    <copy todir="/tmp">
      <fileset refid="foo" />

As you can see, the type instance is assigned an id with the id attribute and later on called by passing a plain fileset tag to CopyTask that only contains the refid attribute.

5.7 Basic Types

The following section gives you a quick introduction into the basic Phing types. For a complete reference see Appendix D, Core Types.

5.7.1 FileSet

FileSets are groups of files. You can include or exclude specific files and patterns to/from a FileSet. The use of patterns is explained below. For a start, look at the following example:

<fileset dir="/tmp" id="fileset1">
  <include name="sometemp/file.txt" />
  <include name="othertemp/**" />
  <exclude name="othertemp/file.txt" />

<fileset dir="/home" id="fileset2">
  <include name="foo/**" />
  <include name="bar/**/*.php" />
  <exclude name="foo/tmp/**" />

The use of patterns is quite straightforward: If you simply want to match a part of a filename or dirname, you use *. If you want to include multiple directories and/or files, you use **. This way, filesets provide an easy but powerful way to include files.

5.7.2 FileList

FileLists, like FileSets, are collections of files; however, a FileList is an explicitly defined list of files -- and the files don't necessarily have to exist on the filesystem.

Besides being able to refer to nonexistent files, another thing that FileLists allow you to do is specify files in a certain order. Files in FileSets are ordered based on the OS-level directory listing functions, in some cases you may want to specify a list of files to be processed in a certain order -- e.g. when concatenating files using the <append> task.

<filelist dir="base/" files="file1.txt,file2.txt,file3.txt"/>

<!-- OR: -->
<filelist dir="basedir/" listfile="files_to_process.txt"/>

5.7.3 FilterChains and Filters

FilterChains can be compared to Unix pipes. Unix pipes add a great deal of flexibility to command line operations; for example, if you wanted to copy just those lines that contained the string blee from the first 10 lines of a file called foo to a file called bar, you could do:

cat foo | head -n10 | grep blee > bar

Something like this is not possible with the tasks and types that we have learned about thus far, and this is where the incredible usefulness of FilterChains becomes apparent. They emulate Unix pipes and provide a powerful dimension of file/stream manipulation for the tasks that support them.

FilterChain usage is quite straightforward: you pass the complex Phing type filterchain to a task that supports FilterChains and add individual filters to the FilterChain. In the course of executing the task, the filters are applied (in the order in which they appear in the XML) to the contents of the files that are being manipulated by your task.

    <token key="BC_PATH" value="${top.builddir}/"/>
    <token key="BC_PATH_USER" value="${top.builddir}/testsite/user/${lang}/"/>

  <filterreader classname="Phing\Filter\TailFilter">
    <param name="lines" value="10"/>

The code listing above shows you some example of how to use filter chains. For a complete reference see Appendix D, Core Types. This filter chain would replace all occurrences of BC_PATH and BC_PATH_USER with the values assigned to them in lines 4 and 5. Additionally, it will only return the last 10 lines of the files.

Notice above that FilterChain filters have a "shorthand" notation and a long, generic notation. Most filters can be described using both of these forms:

  <token key="BC_PATH" value="${top.builddir}/"/>
  <token key="BC_PATH_USER" value="${top.builddir}/testsite/user/${lang}/"/>

<!-- OR: -->

<filterreader classname="Phing\Filter\ReplaceTokens">
  <param type="token" name="BC_PATH" value="${top.builddir}/"/>
  <param type="token" name="BC_PATH"

As the pipe concept in Unix, the filter concept is quite complex but powerful. To get a better understanding of different filters and how they can be used, take a look at any of the many uses of FilterChains in the build files for the binarycloud Bibliography project.

5.7.4 File Mappers

With FilterChains and filters provide a powerful tool for changing contents of files, mappers provide a powerful tool for changing the names of files.

To use a Mapper, you must specify a pattern to match on and a replacement pattern that describes how the matched pattern should be transformed. The simplest form is basically no different from the DOS copy command:

copy *.bat *.txt

In Phing this is the glob Mapper:

<mapper type="glob" from="*.bat" to="*.txt"/>

Phing also provides support for more complex mapping using regular expressions:

<mapper type="regexp" from="^(.*)\.conf\.xml$$" to="\1.php"/>

Consider the example below to see how Mappers can be used in a build file. This example includes some of the other concepts introduced in this chapter, such as FilterChains and FileSets. If you don't understand everything, don't worry. The important point is that Mappers are types too, which can be used in tasks that support them.

  <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="*.ent.xml"/>

  <mapper type="regexp" from="^(.*)\.ent\.xml$" to="\1.php"/>

    <filterreader classname="Phing\Filter\XsltFilter">
      <param name="style" value="ent2php.xsl"/>

For a complete reference, see Appendix D, Core Types

5.8 Conditions

Conditions are nested elements of the condition, if and waitfor tasks.

5.8.1 not

The <not> element expects exactly one other condition to be nested into this element, negating the result of the condition. It doesn't have any attributes and accepts all nested elements of the condition task as nested elements as well.

5.8.2 and

The <and> element doesn't have any attributes and accepts an arbitrary number of conditions as nested elements. This condition is true if all of its contained conditions are, conditions will be evaluated in the order they have been specified in the build file.

The <and> condition has the same shortcut semantics as the && operator in some programming languages, as soon as one of the nested conditions is false, no other condition will be evaluated.

5.8.3 or

The <or> element doesn't have any attributes and accepts an arbitrary number of conditions as nested elements. This condition is true if at least one of its contained conditions is, conditions will be evaluated in the order they have been specified in the build file.

The <or> condition has the same shortcut semantics as the || operator in some programming languages, as soon as one of the nested conditions is true, no other condition will be evaluated.

5.8.4 xor

The <xor> element performs an exclusive or on all nested elements, similar to the ^ operator in PHP. It only evaluates to true if an odd number of nested conditions are true. There is no shortcutting of evaluation, unlike the <and> and <or> tests. It doesn't have any attributes and accepts all nested elements of the condition task as nested elements as well.

5.8.5 os

Test whether the current operating system is of a given type.

Table 5.1: OS Attributes

familyThe name of the operating system family to expect.Yes

Supported values for the family attribute are:

  • windows (for all versions of Microsoft Windows)

  • mac (for all Apple Macintosh systems)

  • unix (for all Unix and Unix-like operating systems)

Note: machines running OSX match on the mac and unix families! To test for Macs that don't run a Unix-like OS, use the following code:

<condition property="isMacOsButNotMacOsX">
        <os family="mac"/>
            <os family="unix"/>

5.8.6 equals

Tests whether the two given Strings are identical

Table 5.2: equals Attributes

arg1First string to test.Yes
arg2Second string to test.Yes
casesensitivePerform a case sensitive comparison. Default is true.No
trimTrim whitespace from arguments before comparing them. Default is false.No

5.8.7 versioncompare

Compares two given versions

Table 5.3: versioncompare Attributes

versionThe version you want to compareYes
desiredVersionThe version you want to compare againstYes
operatorThe operator to use for version comparison. Default is >=.No
debugTurns on debug mode, that echoes the comparion message. Default is false.No

<versioncompare version="${aProperty}" desiredVersion="1.3" operator="gt" />

This condition internally uses PHP version_compare(). Operators and behavior are the same.

5.8.8 http

Condition to wait for a HTTP request to succeed.

Attributes are:

  • url - the URL of the request.
  • errorsBeginAt - number at which errors begin at.
  • quiet - Set quiet mode, which suppresses warnings and errors.

Table 5.4: http Attributes

urlThe URL of the request.Yes
errorsBeginAtNumber at which errors begin at. - Default: 400No
requestMethodSets the method to be used when issuing the HTTP request. - Default: GETNo
followRedirectsWhether redirects sent by the server should be followed. - Default: trueNo
quietSet quiet mode, which suppresses warnings and errors. Default is falseNo

<http url="" errorsBeginAt="404" />

5.8.9 PDOSQLExec

PDOSQLExecTask can also be used as condition. Returns true when the connection to a database succeeds, and false otherwise. This condition requires the PDO extension to work properly.

Table 5.5: PDOSQLExec condition attributes

url The PDO Data Source Name (DSN). Yes
userid The username for current DSN. No
password The password for current DSN. No

This is a typical use case for PDOSQLExec condition:

<target name="wait-for-mysql">
    <waitfor timeoutproperty="mysql.timeout" maxwait="60" maxwaitunit="second">
        <pdosqlexec url="mysql:host=localhost;port=3306"
    <fail if="mysql.timeout">Cannot reach database</fail>

If you also want to check if a specific schema exists, you can include the schema's name in your url:

<pdosqlexec url="mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=foo"

This condition uses PDO behind the scenes. Therefore, if you have installed the appropriate driver you should also be able to reach many other DBMS. For example, for a PostgreSQL database:

<pdosqlexec url="pgsql:host=localhost;port=5432;dbname=bar"

You should never hard-code sensitive data in your buildfile, you could use an unversioned property file instead. Also, be careful when using verbose or debug mode since you can expose sensitive data.

5.8.10 socket

Condition to test for a (tcp) listener on a specified host and port.

Table 5.6: socket Attributes

serverThe hostname or ip address of the server.Yes
portThe port number of the server.Yes

<socket server="localhost" port="80" />

5.8.11 hasfreespace

Condition returns true if selected partition has the requested space, false otherwise.

Table 5.7: hasfreespace Attributes

partitionAbsolute path to the partition/device to check.Yes
neededThe amount of free space required. Examples: 250M, 10G, 1T.Yes


File size can be written using IEC and SI suffixes, bytes are assumed when suffix is not specified. The following suffixes (case-insensitive) are supported:

Table 5.8: Supported file size suffixes

IECB. 1 byte
K, Ki, KiB, kibi, kibibyte. 1024 bytes
M, Mi, MiB, mebi, mebibyte. 1024 kibibytes
G, Gi, GiB, gibi, gibibyte. 1024 mebibytes
T, Ti, TiB, tebi, tebibyte. 1024 gibibytes
SI kB, kilo, kilobyte. 1000 bytes
MB, mega, megabyte. 1000 kilobytes
GB, giga, gigabyte. 1000 megabytes
TB, tera, terabyte. 1000 gigabytes

On Unix-like platforms:

<hasfreespace partition="/" needed="250M" />

On Windows:

<hasfreespace partition="c:" needed="10M" />

This condition internally uses PHP disk_free_space().

5.8.12 isset

Test whether a given property has been set in this project.

Table 5.9: isset Attributes

propertyThe name of the property to test.Yes

5.8.13 contains

Tests whether a string contains another one.

Table 5.10: contains Attributes

stringThe string to search in.Yes
substringThe string to search for.Yes
casesensitivePerform a case sensitive comparison. Default is true.No

5.8.14 istrue

Tests whether a string evaluates to true.

Table 5.11: istrue Attributes

valuevalue to testYes

<istrue value="${someproperty}"/>
<istrue value="false"/>

5.8.15 isfalse

Tests whether a string evaluates to not true, the negation of <istrue>

Table 5.12: isfalse Attributes

valuevalue to testYes

<isfalse value="${someproperty}"/>
<isfalse value="false"/>

5.8.16 ispropertytrue

Tests whether a property evaluates to true.

Table 5.13: ispropertytrue Attributes

propertyproperty to testYes

<ispropertytrue property="someproperty"/>

5.8.17 ispropertyfalse

Tests whether a property evaluates to not true, the negation of <ispropertytrue>

Table 5.14: ispropertyfalse Attributes

propertyproperty name to testYes

<ispropertyfalse property="someproperty"/>

5.8.18 referenceexists

Tests whether a specified reference exists.

Table 5.15: referenceexists Attributes

refreference to test forYes

<referenceexists ref="${someid}"/>

5.8.19 available

This condition is identical to the Available task, all attributes and nested elements of that task are supported, the property and value attributes are redundant and will be ignored.

    <available file=""/>
        <echo message="Please read"/>

5.8.20 filesmatch

Test two files for matching. Nonexistence of one file results in "false", although if neither exists they are considered equal in terms of content. This test does a byte for byte comparison, so test time scales with byte size. NB: if the files are different sizes, one of them is missing or the filenames match the answer is so obvious the detailed test is omitted.

Table 5.16: filesmatch Attributes

file1First file to test.Yes
file2Second file to test.Yes

<filesmatch file1="${file1}" file2="${file2}"/>

5.8.21 isfileselected

Test whether a file passes an embedded selector.

Table 5.17: isfileselected Attributes

fileThe file to check if is passes the embedded selector.Yes
basedirThe base directory to use for name based selectors. It this is not set, the project's basedirectory will be used.No

<isfileselected file="a.xml">
  <date datetime="06/28/2000 2:02 pm" when="equal"/>

5.8.22 isfailure

Test the return code of an executable for failure.

Table 5.18: isfailure Attributes

codeThe return code to test.Yes

<exec command="test" returnProperty="return.code"/>
    <isfailure code="${return.code}"/>
    <then><echo msg="${return.code}"/></then>

5.8.23 matches

Test if the specified string matches the specified regular expression pattern.

Table 5.19: matches Attributes

stringThe string to test.Yes
patternThe regular expression pattern used to test.Yes
casesensitivePerform a case sensitive match. Default is true.No
multilinePerform a multi line match. Default is false.No
modifiersThe regular expression modifiers used to test.No

Chapter 6 Extending Phing

Phing was designed to be flexible and easily extensible. Phing's existing core and optional tasks do provide a great deal of flexibility in processing files, performing database actions, and even getting user feedback during a build process. In some cases, however, the existing tasks just won't suffice and because of Phing's open, modular architecture adding exactly the functionality you need is often quite trivial.

In this chapter we'll look primarily at how to create your own tasks, since that is probably the most useful way to extend Phing. We'll also give some more information about Phing's design and inner workings.

6.1 Extension Possibilities

There are three main areas where Phing can be extended: Tasks, Types, Mappers. The following sections discuss these options.

6.1.1 Tasks

Tasks are pieces of codes that perform an atomic action like installing a file. Therefore a special worker class hast to be created and stored in a specific location, that actually implements the job. The worker is just the interface to Phing that must fulfill some requirements discussed later in this chapter, however it can - but not necessarily must - use other classes, workers and libraries that aid performing the operations needed.

6.1.2 Types

Extending types is a rare need; nevertheless, you can do it. A possible type you might implement is urlset, for example.

You may end up needing a new type for a task you write; for example, if you were writing the XSLTTask you might discover that you needed a special type for XSLTParams (even though in that case you could probably use the generic name/value Parameter type). In cases where the type is really only for a single task, you may want to just define the type class in the same file as the Task class, rather than creating an official stand-alone Type.

6.1.3 Mappers

Creating new mappers is also a rare need, since most everything can be handled by the Appendix F, Core mappers. The Mapper framework does provide a simple way for defining your own mappers to use instead, however, and mappers implement a very simple interface.

6.2 Source Layout

6.2.1 Files And Directories

Before you are going to start to extend Phing let's have a look at the source layout. You should be comfortable with the organization of files in the source tree of Phing before starting to code. After you extracted the source distribution or checked it out from git you should see the following directory structure:

  |-- bin
  |-- classes
  |    `-- phing
  |         |-- filters
  |         |    `-- util
  |         |-- mappers
  |         |-- parser
  |         |-- tasks
  |         |    |-- ext
  |         |    |-- system
  |         |    |    `-- condition
  |         |    `-- user
  |         `-- types
  |-- docs
  |    `-- phing_guide
  `-- test
       |-- classes
       `-- etc

The following table briefly describes the contents of the major directories:

Table 6.1: Phing source tree directories



The basic applications (phing, configure) as well as the wrapper scripts for different platforms (currently Unix and Windows).


Repository of all the classes used by Phing. This is the base directory that should be on the PHP include_path. In this directory you will find the subdirectory phing/ with all the Phing relevant classes.


Documentation files. Generated books, online manuals as well as the PHPDoc generated API documentation.


A set of testcases for different tasks, mappers and types. If you are developing in git you should add a testcase for each implementation you check in.

Currently there is no distinction between the source layout and the build layout of Phing. The directory layout shows the file tree that carries some additional files like the Phing website. Later on there may be a buildfile to create a clean distribution tree of Phing itself.

6.2.2 File Naming Conventions

There are some file naming conventions used by Phing. Here's a quick rundown on the most basic conventions. A more detailed list can be found in [See Naming And Coding Standards]:

  • Filenames consist of no more or less than two elements: name and extension .

  • Choose short descriptive filenames, which must be less than 31 chars.

  • Names must not contain dots.

  • Files containing PHP code must end with the extension .php .

  • There must be only one class per file (no procedural methods allowed, use a separate file for them), with the exception of "inner"-type / helper classes that can be declared in the same file as the "outer" / main class.

  • The name portion of the file must be named exactly like the class it contains.

  • Buildfiles and configure rulesets must end with the extension .xml .

6.2.3 Coding Standards

We are using PEAR coding standards. We are using a less strict version of these standards, but we do insist that new contributions have phpdoc comments and make explicitly declarations about public/protected/private variables and methods. If you have suggestions about improvements to Phing codebase, don't hesitate to let us know.

6.3 System Initialization

PHP installations are typically quite customized -- e.g. different memory_limit, execution timeout values, etc. The first thing that Phing does is modify PHP INI variables to create a standard PHP environment. This is performed by the init layer of Phing that uses a three-level initialization procedure. It basically consists of three different files:

  • Platform specific wrapper scripts in bin/

  • Main application in bin/

  • Phing class in classes/phing/

At the first look this may seem to be unnecessary overhead. Why three levels of initialization? The main reason why there are several entry points is that Phing is build so that other frontends (e.g. PHP-GTK) could be used in place of the command line.

6.3.1 Wrapper Scripts

This scripts are technical not required but provided for the ease of use. Imagine you have to type every time you want to build your project:

php -qC /path/to/phing/bin/phing.php -verbose all distro snapshot

Indeed that is not very elegant. Furthermore if you are lax in setting your environment variables these script can guess the proper variables for you. However you should always set them.

The scripts are platform dependent, so you will find shell scripts for Unix like platforms (sh) as well as the batch scripts for Windows platforms. If you set-up your path properly you can call Phing everywhere in your system with this command-line (referring to the above example):

phing -v2 all distro

6.3.2 The Main Application (phing.php)

This is basically a wrapper for the Phing class that actually does all the logic for you. If you look at the source code for phing.php you will see that all real initialization is handled in the Phing class. phing.php is simply the command line entry point for Phing.

6.3.3 The Phing Class

Given that all the prior initialization steps passed successfully the Phing is included and Phing::startup() is invoked by the main application script. It sets-up the system components, system constants ini-settings, PEAR and some other stuff. The detailed start-up process is as follows:

  • Start Timer

  • Set System Constants

  • Set Ini-Settings

  • Set Include Paths

After the main application completed all operations (successfully or unsuccessfully) it calls Phing::shutdown(EXIT_CODE) that takes care of a proper destruction of all objects and a gracefully termination of the program by returning an exit code for shell usage (see [See Program Exit Codes] for a list of exit codes).

6.4 System Services

6.4.1 The Exception system

Phing uses the PHP5 try/catch/throw Exception system. Phing defines a number of Exception subclasses for more fine-grained handling of Exceptions. Low level Exceptions that cannot be handled will be wrapped in a BuildException and caught by the outer-most catch() {} block.

6.5 Build Lifecycle

This section exists to explain -- or try -- how Phing "works". Particularly, how Phing proceeds through a build file and invokes tasks and types based on the tags that it encounters.

6.5.1 How Phing Parses Buildfiles

Phing uses an ExpatParser class and PHP's native expat XML functions to handle the parsing of build files. The handler classes all extend the Phing\Parser\AbstractHandler class. These handler classes "handle" the tags that are found in the buildfile.

Core tasks and datatypes are mapped to XML tag names in the files -- specifically phing/tasks/ and phing/types/

It works roughly like this:

  1. Phing\Parser\RootHandler is registered to handle the buildfile XML document

  2. RootHandler expects to find exactly one element: <project>. RootHandler invokes the ProjectHandler with the attributes from the <project> tag or throws an exception if no <project> is found, or if something else is found instead.

  3. ProjectHandler expects to find <target> tags; for these ProjectHandler invokes the TargetHandler. ProjectHandler also has exceptions for handling certain tasks that can be performed at the top-level: <resolve>, <taskdef>, <typedef>, and <property>; for these ProjectHandler invokes the TaskHandler class. If a tag is presented that doesn't match any expected tags, then ProjectHandler assumes it is a datatype and invokes the DataTypeHandler.

  4. TargetHandler expects all tags to be either tasks or datatypes and invokes the appropriate handler (based on the mappings provided in the files).

  5. Tasks and datatypes can have nested elements, but only if they correspond to a create*() method in the task or datatype class. E.g. a nested <param> tag must correspond to a createParam() method of the task or datatype.

... More to come ...

6.6 Writing Tasks

6.6.1 Creating A Task

We will start creating a rather simple task which basically does nothing more than echo a message to the screen. See [below] for the source code and the following [below] for the XML definition that is used for this task.


use Phing\Task;

class MyEchoTask extends Task {

     * The message passed in the buildfile.
    private $message = null;
     * Whether to reverse the message, for fun?
    private $reverse = false;

     * The setter for the attribute "message"
    public function setMessage($str) {
        $this->message = $str;

    public function setReverse($str) {
        $this->reverse = StringHelper::booleanValue($str);

     * The init method: Do init steps.
    public function init() {
        // nothing to do here

     * The main entry point method.
    public function main() {
        if ($this->reverse) {
        } else {


This code contains a rather simple, but complete Phing task. It is assumed that the file is named MyEchoTask.php. For this example, we're assuming that the file is placed in /home/example/classes. We'll explain the source code in detail shortly. But first we'd like to discuss how we should register the task to Phing so that it can be executed during the build process.

6.6.2 Using the Task

The task shown [above] must somehow get loaded and called by Phing. Therefore it must be made available to Phing so that the buildfile parser is aware a correlating XML element and it's parameters. Have a look at the minimalistic buildfile example given in [the buildfile below] that does exactly this.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<project name="test" basedir="." default="test.myecho">
    <includepath classpath="/home/example/classes" />
    <taskdef name="myecho" classname="MyEchoTask" />

    <target name="test.myecho">
      <myecho message="Hello World" reverse="yes"/>

To register the custom task with Phing, the taskdef element (line 5) is used. See Section B.60, “TaskdefTask” for a more detailed explanation. Optionally, before the taskdef element, the includepath element adds a path to PHP's include path. This is of course only required if the mentioned path isn't already on the include path. See Section B.30, “IncludePathTask” for a more detailed explanation.

Now, as we have registered the task by assigning a name and the worker class ([see source code above]) it is ready for usage within the <target> context (line 8). You see that we pass the message that our task should echo to the screen via an XML attribute called "message".

And for fun, if the "reverse" attribute is set to a "truth-like" value, the message will be reversed when displayed. So we get "dlroW olleH" displayed instead!

6.6.3 Source Discussion

Now that you've got the knowledge to execute the task in a buildfile it's time to discuss how everything works.

6.6.4 Task Structure

All files containing the definition of a task class follow a common well formed structure:

  • Include/require statements to import all required classes

  • The class declaration and definition

  • The class's properties

  • The class's constructor

  • Setter methods for each XML attribute

  • The init() method

  • The main() method

  • Arbitrary private (or protected) class methods

6.6.5 Includes

Always include/require all the classes needed for this task in full written notation. Furthermore you should always include phing/Task.php at the very top of your include block. Then include all other required system or proprietary classes.

6.6.6 Class Declaration

If you look at line 5 in [the source code of the task] you will find the class declaration. This will be familiar to you if you are experienced with OOP in PHP (we assume here that you are). Furthermore there are some fine-grained rules you must obey when creating the classes (see also,[naming and coding standards]):

  • Your classname must be exactly like the taskname you are going to implement plus the suffix "Task". In our example case the classname is MyEchoTask (constructed by the taskname "myecho" plus the suffix "task"). The upper/lower case casing is currently only for better reading. However, it is encouraged that you use it this way.

  • The task class you are creating must at least extend "Task" to inherit all task specific methods.

6.6.7 Class Properties

The next lines you are coding are class properties. Most of them are inherited from the Task superclass, so there's not need to redeclare them. Nevertheless you should declare the following ones yourself:

  • Taskname. Always hard code the taskname property that equals the name of the XML element that your task claims. Currently this information is not used - but it will be in the future.

  • Your arbitrary properties that reflect the XML attributes/elements which your task accepts.

In the MyEchoTask example the coded properties can be found in lines 7 to 11. Give you properties meaningful descriptive names that clearly state their function within the context. A couple of properties are inherited from the superclass that must not be declared in the properties part of the code.

For a list of inherited properties (most of them are reserved, so be sure not to overwrite them with your own) can be found in the "Phing API Reference" in the docs/api/ directory.

6.6.8 The Constructor

The next block that follows is the class's constructor. It must be present and call at least the constructor or the parent class. Of course, you can add some initialization data here. It is recommended that you define your prior declared properties here.

6.6.9 Setter Methods

As you can see in the XML definition of our task ([see buildfile above] , line 9) there is an attribute defined with the task itself, namely "message" with a value of the text string that our task should echo. The task must somehow become aware of the attribute name and the value. Therefore the setter methods exist.

For each attribute you want to import to the task's namespace you have to define a method named exactly after the very attribute plus the string "set" prepended. This method accepts exactly one parameter that holds the value of the attribute. Now you can set the a class internal property to the value that is passed via the setter method.

In the setter method you should also perform any casting operations and/or check if the attribute value is a valid value. If this is not the case, throw a BuildException. In some cases, such as when you have three attributes and at least one of them should be set, you may want to check the attribute values inside the init() or main() method.

In our example the setter is named setMessage , because the XML attribute the echo task accepts is "message". setMessage now takes the string "Hello World" provided by the parser and sets the value of the internal class property $strMessage to "Hello World". It is now available to the task for further disposal.

There is also another setter named setReverse.This uses the StringHelper::toBoolean static function to convert truthy values to a true/false value. This helps keep our own code nice and simple.

6.6.10 Creator Methods

Creator methods allow you to manage nested XML tags in your new Phing Task.

For example, you might be developing a task that would contain a nested "color" XML tag. In this instance a creator method named createcolor would be required.

  <color red="..." green="..." blue="...">

If the XML for the task and the subtag look like the above, the PHP code for it could look something like the following:

class TagTask extends Task
    protected $colors = array();

    public function createColor()
        $colorObj = new TagColor();
        $this->colors[] = $colorObj;
        return $colorObj;

class TagColor
    public function setRed($value)

    public function setGreen($value)

    public function setBlue($value)

6.6.11 init() Method

The init method gets called when the <taskname> xml element closes. It must be implemented even if it does nothing like in the example above. You can do init steps here required to setup your task object properly. After calling the Init-Method the task object remains untouched by the parser. Init should not perform operations related somehow to the action the task performs. An example of using init may be cleaning up the $strMessage variable in our example (i.e. trim($strMessage)) or importing additional workers needed for this task.

The init method should return true or an error object evaluated by the governing logic. If you don't implement init method, phing will shout down with a fatal error.

6.6.12 main() Method

There is exactly one entry point to execute the task. It is called after the complete buildfile has been parsed and all targets and tasks have been scheduled for execution. From this point forward the very implementation of the tasks action starts. In case of our example a message (imported by the proper setter method) is Logged to the screen through the system's "Logger" service (the very action this task is written for). The Log() method-call in this case accepts two parameters: a event constant and the message to log.

6.6.13 Arbitrary Methods

For the more or less simple cases (as our example) all the logic of the task is coded in the Main() method. However for more complex tasks common sense dictates that particular action should be swapped to smaller, logically contained units of code. The most common way to do this is separating logic into private class methods - and in even more complex tasks in separate libraries.

private function myPrivateMethod() {
    // definition

6.7 Writing Types

You should only create a standalone Type if the Type needs to be shared by more than one Task. If the Type is only needed for a specific Task -- for example to handle a special parameter or other tag needed for that Task -- then the Type class should just be defined within the same file as the Task. (For example, phing/filters/XSLTFilter.php also includes an XSLTParam class that is not used anywhere else.)

For cases where you do need a more generic Type defined, you can create your own Type class -- similar to the way a Task is created.

6.7.1 Creating a DataType

Type classes need to extend the abstract DataType class. Besides providing a means of categorizing types, the DataType class provides the methods necessary to support the "refid" attribute. (All types can be given an id, and can be referred to later using that id.)

In this example we are creating a DSN type because we have written a number of DB-related Tasks, each of which need to know how to connect to the database; instead of having database parameters for each task, we've created a DSN type so that we can identify the connection parameters once and then use it in all our db Tasks.

require_once "phing/types/DataType.php";

 * This Type represents a DB Connection.
class DSN extends DataType {

  private $url;
  private $username;
  private $password;
  private $persistent = false;

   * Sets the URL part: mysql://localhost/mydatabase
  public function setUrl($url) {
    $this->url = $url;

   * Sets username to use in connection.
  public function setUsername($username) {
    $this->username = $username;

   * Sets password to use in connection.
  public function setPassword($password) {
    $this->password = $password;

   * Set whether to use persistent connection.
   * @param boolean $persist
  public function setPersistent($persist) {
    $this->persistent = (boolean) $persist;

  public function getUrl(Project $p) {
    if ($this->isReference()) {
      return $this->getRef($p)->getUrl($p);
    return $this->url;

  public function getUsername(Project $p) {
    if ($this->isReference()) {
      return $this->getRef($p)->getUsername($p);
    return $this->username;

  public function getPassword(Project $p) {
    if ($this->isReference()) {
      return $this->getRef($p)->getPassword($p);
    return $this->password;

  public function getPersistent(Project $p) {
    if ($this->isReference()) {
      return $this->getRef($p)->getPersistent($p);
    return $this->persistent;

   * Gets a combined hash/array for DSN as used by PEAR.
   * @return array
  public function getPEARDSN(Project $p) {
    if ($this->isReference()) {
      return $this->getRef($p)->getPEARDSN($p);

    include_once 'DB.php';
    $dsninfo = DB::parseDSN($this->url);
    $dsninfo['username'] = $this->username;
    $dsninfo['password'] = $this->password;
    $dsninfo['persistent'] = $this->persistent;

    return $dsninfo;

   * Your datatype must implement this function, which ensures that there
   * are no circular references and that the reference is of the correct
   * type (DSN in this example).
   * @return DSN
  public function getRef(Project $p) {
    if ( !$this->checked ) {
      $stk = array();
      array_push($stk, $this);
      $this->dieOnCircularReference($stk, $p);
    $o = $this->ref->getReferencedObject($p);
    if ( !($o instanceof DSN) ) {
      throw new BuildException($this->ref->getRefId()." doesn't denote a DSN");
    } else {
      return $o;


6.7.2 Using the DataType

The TypedefTask provides a way to "declare" your type so that you can use it in your build file. Here is how you would use this type in order to define a single DSN and use it for multiple tasks. (Of course you could specify the DSN connection parameters each time, but the premise behind needing a DSN datatype was to avoid specifying the connection parameters for each task.)

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<project name="test" basedir=".">

  <typedef name="dsn" classname="myapp.types.DSN" />

      persistent="false" />

  <target name="main">

         <dsn refid="maindsn"/>

      <dsn refid="maindsn"/>



6.7.3 Source Discussion

Getters & Setters

You must provide a setter method for every attribute you want to set from the XML build file. It is good practice to also provide a getter method, but in practice you can decide how your tasks will use your task. In the example above, we've provided a getter method for each attribute and we've also provided an additional method:DSN::getPEARDSN() which returns the DSN hash array used by PEAR::DB, PEAR::MDB, and Creole. Depending on the needs of the Tasks using this DataType, we may only wish to provide the getPEARDSN() method rather than a getter for each attribute.

Also important to note is that the getter method needs to check to see whether the current DataType is a reference to a previously defined DataType -- the DataType::isReference() exists for this purpose. For this reason, the getter methods need to be called with the current project, because References are stored relative to a project.

The getRef() Method

The getRef() task needs to be implemented in your Type. This method is responsible for returning a referenced object; it needs to check to make sure the referenced object is of the correct type (i.e. you can't try to refer to a RegularExpresson from a DSN DataType) and that the reference is not circular.

You can probably just copy this method from an existing Type and make the few changes that customize it to your Type.

6.8 Writing Mappers

Writing your own filename mapper classes will allow you to control how names are transformed in tasks like CopyTask, MoveTask, XSLTTask, etc. In some cases you may want to extend existing mappers (e.g. creating a GlobMapper that also transforms to uppercase); in other cases, you may simply want to create a very specific name transformation that isn't easily accomplished with other mappers like GlobMapper or RegexpMapper.

6.8.1 Creating a Mapper

Writing filename mappers is simplified by interface support in PHP5. Essentially, your custom filename mapper must implement Phing\Mapper\FileNameMapper. Here's an example of a filename mapper that creates DOS-style file names. For this example, the "to" and "from" attributes are not needed because all files will be transformed. To see the "to" and "from" attributes in action, look at Phing\Mapper\GlobMapper or Phing\Mapper\RegexpMapper.

use Phing\Mapper\FileNameMapper;

 * A mapper that makes those ugly DOS filenames.
class DOSMapper implements FileNameMapper {

   * The main() method actually performs the mapping.
   * In this case we transform the $sourceFilename into
   * a DOS-compatible name.  E.g.
   * ExtendingPhing.html -> EXTENDI~.DOC
   * @param string $sourceFilename The name to be converted.
   * @return array The matched filenames.
  public function main($sourceFilename) {

    $info = pathinfo($sourceFilename);
    $ext = $info['extension'];
    // get basename w/o extension
    $bname = preg_replace('/\.\w+\$/', '', $info['basename']);

    if (strlen($bname) > 8) {
      $bname = substr($bname,0,7) . '~';

    if (strlen($ext) > 3) {
      $ext = substr($bname,0,3);

    if (!empty($ext)) {
      $res = $bname . '.' . $ext;
    } else {
      $res = $bname;

    return (array) strtoupper($res);

   * The "from" attribute is not needed here, but method must exist.
  public function setFrom($from) {}

   * The "from" attribute is not needed here, but method must exist.
  public function setTo($to) {}


6.8.2 Using the Mapper

Assuming that this mapper is saved to myapp/mappers/DOSMapper.php (relative to a path on PHP's include_path, then you would refer to it like this in your build file:

<mapper classname="myapp.mappers.DOSMapper"/>

6.9 Writing Selectors

Custom selectors are datatypes that implement Phing\Type\Selector\FileSelector.

There is only one method required, public function isSelected(PhingFile $basedir, string $filename, PhingFile $file): bool. It returns true or false depending on whether the given file should be selected or not.

An example of a custom selection that selects filenames ending in .php would be:

class PhpSelector implements FileSelector
    public function isSelected(PhingFile $b, string $filename, PhingFile $f)
        return StringHelper::endsWith('.php', strtolower($filename));

Adding the selector to the system is achieved as follows:


This selector can now be used wherever a Core Phing selector is used, for example:

<copy todir="to">
    <fileset dir="src">

6.10 Writing Conditions

Custom conditions are datatypes that implement Phing\Task\System\Condition\Condition. For example a custom condition that returns true if a string is all upper case could be written as:

class AllUpperCaseCondition implements Condition
    private $value;

    // The setter for the "value" attribute
    public function setValue(string $value)
        $this->value = $value;

    // This method evaluates the condition
    public function evaluate()
        if ($this->value === null) {
            throw new BuildException("value attribute is not set");
        return strtoupper($this->value) === $this->value;

Adding the condition to the system is achieved as follows:


This condition can now be used wherever a Core Phing condition is used.

<condition property="allupper">
    <alluppercase value="THIS IS ALL UPPER CASE"/>

Appendix A. Fact Sheet

A.1 Built-In Properties

Table A.1: Phing Built-In Properties

application.startdirCurrent work directory
env.*Environment variables, extracted from $_SERVER.
host.archSystem architecture, i.e. i586. Not available on Windows machines.
host.domainDNS domain name, i.e. Not available on Windows machines.
host.fstypeThe type of the files ystem. Possible values are UNIX and WINDOWS.
host.nameOperating System hostname as returned by posix_uname(). Not available on Windows machines.
host.osOperating System description as set in PHP_OS variable (see PHP Manual).
host.os.releaseOperating version release, i.e. 2.2.10. Not available on Windows machines.
host.os.versionOperating system version, i.e. #4 Tue Jul 20 17:01:36 MEST 1999. Not available on Windows machines.
line.separatorCharacter(s) that signal the end of a line, "\n" for Linux, "\r\n" for Windows system, "\r" for Macintosh.
os.nameOperating System description as set in PHP_OS variable.
phing.fileFull path to current buildfile.
phing.dirPath that contains the current buildfile.
phing.homePhing installation directory, not set in PEAR installations.
phing.startTimeThe time that Phing started to run.
phing.versionCurrent Phing version.
phing.project.nameName of the currently processed project.
php.classpathThe value of the PHP_CLASSPATH. Same as the include path returned by get_include_path().
php.versionVersion of the PHP interpreter. Same as PHP constant PHP_VERSION (see PHP Manual).
project.basedirThe current project basedir.
user.homeValue of the environment variable HOME.

A.2 Command Line Arguments

The following table lists the command line arguments currently available.

Table A.2: Phing Command Line Arguments

-h -helpDisplay the help screen
-l -listList all available targets in buildfile (excluding targets that have their hidden attribute set to true)
-i -init [file]Generates an initial buildfile at Phing's start directory. Optionally you can specify buildfile's location and name.
-v -versionPrint version information and exit
-q -quietQuiet operation, no output at all
-S -silentPrint nothing but task outputs and build failures
-verboseVerbose, give some more output
-debugOutput debug information
-emacs -eProduce logging information without adornments
-diagnosticsPrint diagnostics information
-longtargetsShow target descriptions during build
-logfile <file>Use given file for log
-logger an alternate logger. Default is Phing\Listener\AnsiColorLogger. Other options include Phing\Listener\NoBannerLogger, Phing\Listener\DefaultLogger, Phing\Listener\XmlLogger, Phing\Listener\TargetLogger and Phing\Listener\HtmlColorLogger.
-f -buildfile <file>Specify an alternate buildfile name. Default is build.xml
-D<property>=<value>Set the property to the specified value to be used in the buildfile
-keep-going -kExecute all targets that to not depend on failed target(s)
-propertyfile <file>Load properties from the specified file
-find <file>Search for a buildfile towards the root of the filesystem and use that
-inputhandler <file>The class to use to handle user input. Default is \Phing\Input\ConsoleInputHandler. Other options are \Phing\Input\NoInteractionInputHandler or an own implementation of InputHandler.

A.3 Distribution File Layout

  |-- bin
  |-- classes
  |    `-- phing
  |         |-- filters
  |         |    `-- util
  |         |-- mappers
  |         |-- parser
  |         |-- tasks
  |         |    |-- ext
  |         |    |-- system
  |         |    |    `-- condition
  |         |    `-- user
  |         `-- types
  |-- docs
  |    `-- phing_guide
  `-- test
       |-- classes
       `-- etc

A.4 Program Exit Codes

Phing is script-safe - means that you can execute Phing and Configure within a automated script context. To check back the success of a Phing call it returns an exit code that can be captured by your calling script. The following list gives you details on the used exit codes and their meaning.

Table A.3: Program Exit Codes

-2Environment not properly defined
-1Parameter or configuration error occurred
0Successful execution (build succeeded), no errors (there may be warnings)
1Unsuccessful execution (build failed), errors occurred

A.5 The LGPL License


		       Version 2.1, February 1999

 Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
 as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
 the version number 2.1.]


  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.

  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.

  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
these things.

  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.

  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.

  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.

  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
introduced by others.

  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.

  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
libraries into non-free programs.

  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
the library.

  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
special circumstances.

  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.

  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating

  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
that program using a modified version of the Library.

  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
be combined with the library in order to run.


  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
Each licensee is addressed as "you".

  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.

  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
included without limitation in the term "modification".)

  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
and installation of the library.

  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
and what the program that uses the Library does.

  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the

  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a

  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.

    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.

    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.

    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
    in the event an application does not supply such function or
    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
    its purpose remains meaningful.

    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
    root function must still compute square roots.)

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote

Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Library.

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.

  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
these notices.

  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.

  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
the Library into a program that is not a library.

  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
medium customarily used for software interchange.

  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
therefore falls outside the scope of this License.

  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.

  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.

  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
Library will still fall under Section 6.)

  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.

  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications.

  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
of these things:

    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
    to use the modified definitions.)

    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.

    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
    least three years, to give the same user the materials
    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
    than the cost of performing this distribution.

    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
    specified materials from the same place.

    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.

  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
the executable.

  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
use both them and the Library together in an executable that you

  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
permitted, and provided that you do these two things:

    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
    Sections above.

    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.

  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.

  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Library or works based on it.

  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
this License.

  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.

If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.

It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system which is
implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.

  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
written in the body of this License.

  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
the Free Software Foundation.

  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
and reuse of software generally.





           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries

  If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
everyone can redistribute and change.  You can do so by permitting
redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
ordinary General Public License).

  To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.  It is
safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

    &lt;one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
    Copyright (C) &lt;year>  &lt;name of author>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:

  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
  library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.

  &lt;signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
  Ty Coon, President of Vice

That's all there is to it!

A.6 The GFDL License


                GNU Free Documentation License
                 Version 1.3, 3 November 2008

 Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.
Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way
to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible
for modifications made by others.

This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.  It
complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
license designed for free software.

We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
software does.  But this License is not limited to software manuals;
it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
whether it is published as a printed book.  We recommend this License
principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that
contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be
distributed under the terms of this License.  Such a notice grants a
world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that
work under the conditions stated herein.  The "Document", below,
refers to any such manual or work.  Any member of the public is a
licensee, and is addressed as "you".  You accept the license if you
copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission
under copyright law.

A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
modifications and/or translated into another language.

A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of
the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall
subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall
directly within that overall subject.  (Thus, if the Document is in
part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain
any mathematics.)  The relationship could be a matter of historical
connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal,
commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding

The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles
are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice
that says that the Document is released under this License.  If a
section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not
allowed to be designated as Invariant.  The Document may contain zero
Invariant Sections.  If the Document does not identify any Invariant
Sections then there are none.

The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed,
as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that
the Document is released under this License.  A Front-Cover Text may
be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.

A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
represented in a format whose specification is available to the
general public, that is suitable for revising the document
straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or
for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input
to text formatters.  A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file
format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart
or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent.
An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount
of text.  A copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".

Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML
or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple
HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification.  Examples of
transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG.  Opaque formats
include proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by
proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or
processing tools are not generally available, and the
machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word
processors for output purposes only.

The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
this License requires to appear in the title page.  For works in
formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means
the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title,
preceding the beginning of the body of the text.

The "publisher" means any person or entity that distributes copies of
the Document to the public.

A section "Entitled XYZ" means a named subunit of the Document whose
title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following
text that translates XYZ in another language.  (Here XYZ stands for a
specific section name mentioned below, such as "Acknowledgements",
"Dedications", "Endorsements", or "History".)  To "Preserve the Title"
of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a
section "Entitled XYZ" according to this definition.

The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which
states that this License applies to the Document.  These Warranty
Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this
License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other
implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has
no effect on the meaning of this License.


You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies
to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no
other conditions whatsoever to those of this License.  You may not use
technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further
copying of the copies you make or distribute.  However, you may accept
compensation in exchange for copies.  If you distribute a large enough
number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.

You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
you may publicly display copies.


If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have
printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the
Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the
copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover
Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on
the back cover.  Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify
you as the publisher of these copies.  The front cover must present
the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and
visible.  You may add other material on the covers in addition.
Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve
the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated
as verbatim copying in other respects.

If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent

If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
a computer-network location from which the general network-using
public has access to download using public-standard network protocols
a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material.
If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps,
when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure
that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an
Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that
edition to the public.

It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to
give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the


You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution
and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy
of it.  In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct
   from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions
   (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section
   of the Document).  You may use the same title as a previous version
   if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities
   responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified
   Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the
   Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five),
   unless they release you from this requirement.
C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
   Modified Version, as the publisher.
D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
   adjacent to the other copyright notices.
F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice
   giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the
   terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections
   and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add
   to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
   publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page.  If
   there is no section Entitled "History" in the Document, create one
   stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
   given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
   Version as stated in the previous sentence.
J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for
   public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
   the network locations given in the Document for previous versions
   it was based on.  These may be placed in the "History" section.
   You may omit a network location for a work that was published at
   least four years before the Document itself, or if the original
   publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
   Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all
   the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements
   and/or dedications given therein.
L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
   unaltered in their text and in their titles.  Section numbers
   or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements".  Such a section
   may not be included in the Modified Version.
N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled "Endorsements"
   or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all
of these sections as invariant.  To do this, add their titles to the
list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a

You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list
of Cover Texts in the Modified Version.  Only one passage of
Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
through arrangements made by) any one entity.  If the Document already
includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or
by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of,
you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License
give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or
imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and
list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its
license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
copy.  If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but
different contents, make the title of each such section unique by
adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.
Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of
Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History"
in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled
"History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements",
and any sections Entitled "Dedications".  You must delete all sections
Entitled "Endorsements".


You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
documents released under this License, and replace the individual
copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy
that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules
of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all
other respects.

You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a
copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this
License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that


A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate
and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyright
resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights
of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit.
When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not
apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves
derivative works of the Document.

If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of
the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on
covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form.
Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole


Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
original versions of these Invariant Sections.  You may include a
translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include
the original English version of this License and the original versions
of those notices and disclaimers.  In case of a disagreement between
the translation and the original version of this License or a notice
or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements",
"Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve
its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual


You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and
will automatically terminate your rights under this License.

However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license
from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally,
unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally
terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder
fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to
60 days after the cessation.

Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.

Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does
not give you any rights to use it.


The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the
GNU Free Documentation License from time to time.  Such new versions
will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in
detail to address new problems or concerns.  See

Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.
If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this
License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or
of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the
Free Software Foundation.  If the Document does not specify a version
number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.  If the Document
specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this
License can be used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a
version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the


"Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site" (or "MMC Site") means any
World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also
provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works.  A
public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server.  A
"Massive Multiauthor Collaboration" (or "MMC") contained in the site
means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.

"CC-BY-SA" means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 
license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit 
corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco, 
California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license 
published by that same organization.

"Incorporate" means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in 
part, as part of another Document.

An MMC is "eligible for relicensing" if it is licensed under this 
License, and if all works that were first published under this License 
somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or 
in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and 
(2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.

The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site
under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009,
provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.

ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
the License in the document and put the following copyright and
license notices just after the title page:

    Copyright (c)  YEAR  YOUR NAME.
    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
    under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
    or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
    with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
    A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
    Free Documentation License".

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts,
replace the "with...Texts." line with this:

    with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
    Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other
combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
free software license, such as the GNU General Public License,
to permit their use in free software.

Appendix B. Core tasks

This appendix contains a reference of all core tasks, i.e. all tasks that are needed to build a basic project.

This reference lists the tasks alphabetically by the name of the classes that implement the tasks. So if you are searching for the reference to the<copy>tag, for example, you will want to look at the reference ofCopyTask.

B.1 AdhocTaskdefTask

The AdhocTaskdefTask allows you to define a task within your build file.

Note that you should use <![CDATA[ ... ]]> so that you don't have to quote entities within your <adhoc-task></adhoc-task> tags.

Table B.1: Attributes

nameStringName of XML tag that will represent this task.n/aYes

B.1.1 Examples

<target name="main"
    description="==>test AdhocTask ">

    <adhoc-task name="foo"><![CDATA[
        class FooTest extends Task {
            private $bar;

            function setBar($bar) {
                $this->bar = $bar;

            function main() {
                $this->log("In FooTest: " . $this->bar);

    <foo bar="B.L.I.N.G"/>

B.2 AdhocTypedefTask

The AdhocTypedefTask allows you to define a datatype within your build file.

Note that you should use <![CDATA[ ... ]]> so that you don't have to quote entities within your <adhoc-type></adhoc-type> tags.

Table B.2: Attributes

name String Name of XML tag that will represent this datatype..n/aYes

B.2.1 Example

<target name="main"
            description="==>test AdhocType">

            <adhoc-type name="dsn"><![CDATA[
            class CreoleDSN extends DataType {
            private $url;

            function setUrl($url) {
            $this->url = $url;

            function getUrl() {
            return $this->url;

            <!-- creole-sql task doesn't exist; just an example -->
            <creole-sql file="test.sql">
            <dsn url="mysql://root@localhost/test"/>


B.3 AppendTask

The Append Task appends text or contents of files to a specified file.

In the example above, AppendTask is reading a filename from book/, processing the file contents with XSLT, and then appending the result to the file located at ${process.outputfile}. This is a real example from the build file used to generate this book!


By default, whitespace is stripped from text that is appended to a file (matching the way the Concat task works in Ant). This is because adding a nested text element may introduce additional (ignorable) whitespace. If you want to override this behavior, set the skipsanitize attribute to true.

Table B.3: Attributes

destFile File Path of file to which text should be appended. If not specified the console will be used instead. n/aNo
append String Specifies whether or not the file specified by 'destfile' should be appended. Defaults to "yes". yesNo
overwrite Boolean Specifies whether or not the file specified by 'destfile' should be written to even if it is newer than all source files. yesNo
fixlastline Boolean Specifies whether or not to check if each file concatenated is terminated by a new line. If this attribute is "yes" a new line will be appended to the stream if the file did not end in a new line. This attribute does not apply to embedded text. noNo
eol String Specifies what the end of line character are for use by the fixlastline attribute. Valid values for this property are:
  • cr: a single CR

  • lf: a single LF

  • crlf: the pair CRLF

  • mac: a single CR

  • unix: a single LF

  • dos: the pair CRLF

The default is platform dependent. For Unix platforms, the default is "lf". For DOS based systems (including Windows), the default is "crlf". For Mac OS, the default is "cr".
skipsanitize Boolean Specifies whether to skip sanitizing text (i.e., stripping spaces and newlines). n/aNo
file File Path to file that should be appended to destFile.n/aNo
text String Some literal text to append to file.n/aNo

B.3.1 Examples

<append destFile="${process.outputfile}">
            <xsltfilter style="${process.stylesheet}">
                <param name="mode" expression="${process.xslt.mode}"/>
    <filelist dir="book/" listfile="book/"/>

B.3.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • filelist

  • fileset

  • filterchain

  • path

  • header, footer Used to prepend or postpend text into the concatenated stream. The text may be in-line or be in a file.

    Table B.4: Attributes

    filtering Boolean Whether to filter the text provided by this sub element.yesNo
    file String A file to place at the head or tail of the concatenated text.n/aNo
    trim Boolean Whether to trim the value.noNo
    trimleading Boolean Whether to trim leading white space on each line.noNo

B.4 ApplyTask

Applies a system command on each resource of the specified resource collection.

When the os attribute is specified, then the command is only executed when run on one of the specified operating systems.

The files of a number of Resource Collections – including but not restricted to FileSets, FileLists or DirSets – are passed as arguments to the system command.

Table B.5: Attributes

executable String The command to execute without any command line arguments.n/aYes 
dir String The directory the command is to be executed in.n/aNo 
output String Where to direct stdout.n/aNo 
error String Where to direct stderr.n/aNo 
os String Only execute if the Appendix A, Fact Sheet property contains specified text. n/aNo 
escape Boolean Escape shell metacharacters before execution. Setting this to true will enable the escape precaution. false No 
passthru Boolean Whether to use PHP's passthru() function instead of exec(). false No 
spawn Boolean Whether to spawn unix programs to the background, redirecting stdout (output will not be logged by Phing). false No 
returnProperty String Property name to set return value to from the execution.n/aNo 
outputProperty String Property name to set output value to from the execution.n/aNo 
checkreturn Boolean Whether to check the return code of the execution, throws a BuildException when returncode != 0. false Nofailonerror
append Boolean Whether output (and error) should be appended to or overwrite an existing file. If you set parallel to false, you will probably want to set this one to true. false No 
parallel Boolean Run the command only once, appending all files as arguments. If false, command will be executed once for every file. false No 
addsourcefile Boolean Whether source file name(s) should be added to the end of command-line automatically. If you need to place it somewhere different, use a nested <srcfile> element between your <arg> elements to mark the insertion point. true No 
relative Boolean Whether the filenames should be passed on the command line as relative pathnames (relative to the base directory of the corresponding fileset/list for source files). false No 
forwardslash Boolean Whether the file names should be passed with forward slashes even if the operating system requires other file separator. false No 
maxparallel Integer Limit the amount of parallelism by passing at most this many sourcefiles at once. Set it to <= 0 for unlimited. 0 No 
skipemptyfilesets Boolean Don't run the command, if no source files have been found or are newer than their corresponding target files. Despite its name, this attribute applies to filelists as well. false No 
type String One of file, dir or both. If set to file, only the names of plain files will be sent to the command. If set to dir, only the names of directories are considered. Note: The type attribute does not apply to nested dirsets - dirsets always implicitly assume type to be dir. file No 
force Boolean Whether to bypass timestamp comparisons for target files. false No 

B.4.1 Examples

<!-- Invokes somecommand arg1 SOURCEFILENAME arg2 for each file in /tmp -->
<apply executable="somecommand" parallel="false">
    <arg value="arg1"/>
    <arg value="arg2"/>
    <fileset dir="/tmp"/>

<!-- List all the .conf files of "/etc" to the "out.log" file. -->
<apply executable="ls" output="/tmp/out.log" append="true" >
    <arg value="-alh" />
    <fileset dir="/etc" >
        <include name="*.conf" />

B.4.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • arg

    Table B.6: Attributes

    value String A single command-line argument; can contain space characters. n/aOne of these
    file String The name of a file as a single command-line argument; will be replaced with the absolute filename of the file. n/a
    path String A string that will be treated as a path-like string as a single command-line argument; you can use ; or : as path separators and Phing will convert it to the platform's local conventions. n/a
    line String A space-delimited list of command-line arguments. n/a

  • fileset

  • filelist

  • dirset

  • mapper

  • srcfile

  • targetfile

B.5 AttribTask

Changes the attributes of a file or all files inside specified directories. Right now it has effect only under Windows. Each of the 4 possible permissions has its own attribute, matching the arguments for the attrib command.

FileSets or FileLists can be specified using nested fileset and filelist elements.

By default this task won't do anything unless it detects it is running on a Windows system. If you know for sure that you have a "attrib" executable on your PATH that is command line compatible with the Windows command, you can use the task's os attribute and set its value to your current os.

Table B.7: Attributes

file String The file or directory of which the permissions must be changed.n/aYes
readonly Boolean The readonly permission.n/aat least one of the four.
archive Boolean The archive permission.n/a
system Boolean The system permission.n/a
hidden Boolean The hidden permission.n/a
verbose Boolean Whether to print a summary after execution or not. Defaults to false.falseNo
os String List of Operating Systems on which the command may be executed.n/aNo

B.5.1 Example

<attrib file="${dist}/run.bat" readonly="true" hidden="true"/>

makes the "run.bat" file read-only and hidden.

<attrib readonly="false">
    <fileset dir="${meta.inf}" includes="**/*.xml"/>

makes all ".xml" files below ${meta.inf} readable.

B.5.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.6 Augment

Modify an existing reference by adding nested elements or (re-)assigning properties mapped as XML attributes. This is an unusual task that makes use of Phing's internal processing mechanisms to reload a previously declared reference by means of the id attribute, then treats the declared augment element as though it were the original element.

Table B.8: Attributes

id String The id of the reference to augment. If no such reference has been declared a BuildException is thrown. n/aYes

B.6.1 Examples


<fileset id="input-fs" dir="${project.basedir}"/>


<augment id="input-fs" excludes="foo"/>

modifies the excludes attribute of input-fs, whereas

<augment id="input-fs">
    <filename name="bar"/>

adds a filename selector to input-fs.

B.7 AutoloaderTask

The AutoloaderTask includes autoload file to bootstrap all necessary components in Phing execution context. It could be useful if build tools (e.g. phpunit, phploc etc.) are installed as Composer dependencies.

Table B.9: Attributes

autoloaderpath String Path to autoloader filevendor/autoload.phpYes

B.7.1 Example

<autoloader autoloaderpath="foo/autoload.php"/>

B.8 AvailableTask

Available Task tests if a resource/file is set and sets a certain property to a certain value if it exists.

Here, AvailableTask first checks for the existence of either file or directory named test.txt in /tmp. Then, it checks for the directory foo in /home and then for the file or directory bar in /home/foo. If /tmp/test.txt is found, the property test_txt_exists is set to "Yes", if /home/foo is found and a directory, properties.yetanother is set to "true" (default). If /home/foo/bar exists, AvailableTask will set to "Well, yes". And last it checks if extension foo is loaded, so the property foo.ext.loaded is set to "true" (default).

NB: the Available task can also be used as a condition, see conditions.

Table B.10: Attributes

property String Name of the property that is to be set.n/aYes
value String The value the property is to be set to. "true" No
file String File/directory to check existence.n/aYes (or resource or extension)
resource String Path of the resource to look for.n/aYes (or file or extension)
extension String Name of the extension to look for.n/aYes (or file or resource)
type String (file|dir) Determines if AvailableTask should look for a file or a directory at the position set by file. If empty, it checks for either file or directory. n/aNo
filepath String The path to use when looking up file. n/aNo
followSymlinks Boolean Whether to dereference symbolic links when looking up file. false No

B.8.1 Examples

<available file="/tmp/test.txt" property="test_txt_exists" value="Yes"/>

<available file="/home/foo" type="dir" property="properties.yetanother" />

<available file="/home/foo/bar" property="" value="Well, yes" />

B.9 Basename

Task to determine the basename of a specified file, optionally minus a specified suffix.

When this task executes, it will set the specified property to the value of the last path element of the specified file. If file is a directory, the basename will be the last directory element. If file is a full-path, relative-path, or simple filename, the basename will be the simple file name, without any directory elements.

Table B.11: Attributes

property String Name of the property that is to be set.n/aYes
file String The path to take the basename of.n/aYes
suffix String The suffix to remove from the resulting basename (specified either with or without the "."). n/aNo

B.9.1 Examples

<basename property="cmdname" file="./foo.exe" suffix=".exe"/>

B.10 Bindtargets

Make some target the extension of some defined extension point. It will make the list of targets dependencies of the extension point.

This target is useful when you want to have a target to participate in another build workflow which explicitly exposes an extension point for that kind of insertion. Thus the target to bind and the extension point to bind to are both declared in some imported build files. But directly modifying the target dependency graph of these external build files may have a side effect on some other project which imports them. This task helps to modify the target dependencies but only in your context.

Table B.12: Attributes

targets String a comma separated list of target names to bind.n/aYes
extensionPoint String the name of the extension point to bind the targets to.n/aYes
onMissingExtensionPoint String What to do if this target tries to extend a missing extension-point: "fail", "warn", "ignore". fail No

B.10.1 Examples

<bindtargets targets="build-phar,build-src-phar" extensionPoint="dist"/>

B.11 ChmodTask

Sets the mode of a file or directory.

For more informations, see chmod in the PHP Manual.

Table B.13: Attributes

file String The name of the file or directory. You either have to specify this attribute, or use a fileset. n/aYes
mode String The new mode (octal) for the file. Specified in octal, even if the first digit is not a '0'. n/aYes
quiet Boolean Set quiet mode, which suppresses warnings if chmod() fails false No
failonerror Boolean This flag means 'note errors to the output, but keep going' true No
verbose Boolean Give more information in error message in case of a failure true No

B.11.1 Examples

<chmod file="test.txt" mode="0755" />
<chmod file="/home/test" mode="0775" />
<chmod file="/home/test/mine.txt" mode="0500" verbose="true" />

B.11.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.12 ChownTask

Changes the owner of a file or directory.

Table B.14: Attributes

file String The name of the file or directory. You either have to specify this attribute, or use a fileset. n/aYes
user String The new owner of the file. Can contain a username and a groupname, separated by a dot. n/aNo
group String The new group owner of the file.n/aNo
quiet Boolean Set quiet mode, which suppresses warnings if chmod() fails false No
failonerror Boolean This flag means 'note errors to the output, but keep going' true No
verbose Boolean Give more information in error message in case of a failure true No

B.12.1 Examples

<chown file="my-file.txt" user="foo" />
<chown file="my-file.txt" user="username.groupname" />
<chown file="/home/test/my-directory" user="bar" />
<chown file="/home/test/my-file.txt" user="foo"
       verbose="true" failonerror="false" />

B.12.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.13 ConditionTask

Sets a property if a certain condition holds true - this is a generalization of Section B.8, “AvailableTask ” andSection B.69, “UpToDateTask”.

If the condition holds true, the property value is set to true by default; otherwise, the property is not set. You can set the value to something other than the default by specifying the value attribute.

Conditions are specified as nested elements, you must specify exactly one condition - see conditions for a complete list of nested elements.

Table B.15: Attributes

property String The name of the property to set.n/aYes
value String The value to set the property to. Defaults to "true". true No
else String The value to set the property to if the condition evaluates to false. By default the property will remain unset. n/aNo

B.13.1 Examples

<condition property="isMacOrWindows">
        <os family="mac"/>
        <os family="windows"/>

B.13.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.14 CopyTask

Copies files or directories. Files are only copied if the source file is newer than the destination file, or when the destination file does not exist. It is possible to explicitly overwrite existing files.

CopyTask does not allow self copying, i.e. copying a file to the same name for security reasons.

Table B.16: Attributes

file String The source file.Yes 
tofile String

The destination the file is to be written to. tofile specifies a full filename. If you only want to specify a directory to copy to, use todir.

Either this or the todir attribute is required.

n/aYes (or todir)
todir String The directory the file is to be copied to. The file will have the same name of the source file. If you want to specify a different name, use tofile. The directory must exist. n/aYes (or tofile)
overwrite Boolean Overwrite existing files even if the destination files are newer. false No
tstamp or preservelastmodified Boolean If set to true, the new file will have the same mtime as the old one. false No
preservemode or preservepermissions Boolean If set to true, the new file (and directory) will have the same permissions as the old one. The mode specified for directory creation will be ignored. true No
includeemptydirs Boolean If set to true, also empty directories are copied. true No
mode Integer Mode (octal) to create directories with.From umaskNo
haltonerror Boolean If set to true, halts the build when errors are encountered. true No
flatten Boolean Ignore the directory structure of the source files, and copy all files into the directory specified by the todir attribute. Note that you can achieve the same effect by using a flatten mapper. false No
verbose Boolean Whether to print the list of the copied file. Defaults to false. false No
granularity Integer The number of seconds leeway to give before deciding a file is out of date. This can also be useful if source and target files live on separate machines with clocks being out of sync. 0 No


No automatic expansion of symbolic links

By default, CopyTask does not expand / dereference symbolic links, and will simply copy the link itself. To enable dereferencing, set expandsymboliclinks to true in the <fileset> tag.

B.14.1 Examples

On the one hand, CopyTask can be used to copy file by file:

<copy file="somefile.txt" tofile="/tmp/anotherfile.bak"

Additionally, CopyTask supports Filesets, i.e. you can easily include/exclude one or more files. For more information, see Appendix D, Core Types -- pay particular attention to the defaultexcludes attribute. Appendix F, Core mappers and Appendix E, Core filters are also supported by CopyTask, so you can do almost everything that needs processing the content of the files or the filename.

<copy todir="/tmp/backup" >
    <fileset dir=".">
        <include name="**/*.txt" />
        <include name="**/*.doc" />
        <include name="**/*.swx" />
<filelist dir="." files="test.html"/>
<copy todir="build" >
    <fileset defaultexcludes="false" expandsymboliclinks="true" dir=".">
        <include name="**/*.php" />

B.14.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.15 DefaultExcludes

Alters the default excludes for all subsequent processing in the build, and prints out the current default excludes if desired.

Table B.17: Attributes

echo Boolean whether or not to print out the default excludes. false attribute "true" required if no other attribute specified
default Boolean go back to hard wired default excludesn/aattribute "true" required if no other attribute specified
add String the pattern to add to the default excludesn/aif no other attribute is specified
remove String remove the specified pattern from the default excludesn/aif no other attribute is specified

B.15.1 Examples

Print out the default excludes

<defaultexcludes echo="true"/>

Print out the default excludes and exclude all *.bak files in all further processing

<defaultexcludes echo="true" add="**/*.bak"/>

Silently allow several fileset based tasks to operate on emacs backup files and then restore normal behavior

<defaultexcludes remove="**/*~"/>

(do several fileset based tasks here)

<defaultexcludes default="true"/>

B.16 DeleteTask

Deletes a file or directory, or set of files defined by a fileset. See Appendix D, Core Types for information on Filesets.

Table B.18: Attributes

file String The file that is to be deleted. You either have to specify this attribute, dir, or use a fileset. n/aYes (or dir)
dir String The directory that is to be deleted. You either have to specify this attribute, file, or use a fileset. n/aYes (or file)
verbose Boolean Used to force listing of all names of deleted files.n/aNo
quiet Boolean

If the file does not exist, do not display a diagnostic message or modify the exit status to reflect an error. This means that if a file or directory cannot be deleted, then no error is reported.

This setting emulates the -f option to the Unixrmcommand. Default is false meaning things are verbose

failonerror Boolean If this attribute is set to true, DeleteTask will verbose on errors but the build process will not be stopped. false No
includeemptydirs Boolean Determines if empty directories are also to be deleted. false No

B.16.1 Examples

<!-- Delete a specific file -->
<delete file="/tmp/" />

<!-- Delete a directory -->
<delete dir="/tmp/darl" includeemptydirs="true" verbose="true" failonerror="true" />

<!-- Delete using a fileset -->
    <fileset dir="/tmp">
        <include name="*.bar" />

B.16.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.17 DependSet

The dependset task compares a set of sources with a set of target files. If any of the sources has been modified more recently than any of the target files, all of the target files are removed.

B.17.1 Examples

        dir   = "${dtd.dir}"
        files = "paper.dtd,common.dtd"/>
        dir   = "${xsl.dir}"
        files = "common.xsl"/>
        dir   = "${basedir}"
        files = "build.xml"/>
        dir      = "${output.dir}"
        includes = "**/*.html"/>

In this example derived HTML files in the ${output.dir} directory will be removed if any are out-of-date with respect to:

  • the DTD of their source XML files

  • a common DTD (imported by the main DTD)

  • a subordinate XSLT stylesheet (imported by the main stylesheet), or

  • the buildfile

If any of the sources in the above example does not exist, all target files will also be removed. To ignore missing sources instead, use filesets instead of filelists for the sources.

B.17.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.18 Diagnostics

Runs phing's -diagnostics code inside phing itself. This is good for debugging phing's configuration under an IDE.

B.18.1 Example

<target name="diagnostics" description="diagnostics">

B.19 Dirname

Task to determine the directory path of a specified file.

When this task executes, it will set the specified property to the value of the specified file (or directory) up to, but not including, the last path element. If the specified file is a path that ends in a filename, the filename will be dropped. If the specified file is just a filename, the directory will be the current directory.

Note: This is not the same as the UNIX dirname command, which is defined as "strip non-directory suffix from filename". <dirname> determines the full directory path of the specified file.

Table B.19: Attributes

file String The path to take the dirname of.n/ayes
property String The name of the property to set.n/ayes

B.19.1 Example

<dirname property="foo.dirname" file="foo.txt"/>

will set foo.dirname to the project's basedir.

B.20 EchoPropertiesTask

Displays all the current properties in the project. The output can be sent to a file if desired. This task can be used as a somewhat contrived means of returning data from an <phing> invocation, but is really for debugging build files.

Table B.20: Attributes

destfile String If specified, the value indicates the name of the file to send the output of the statement to. If not specified, then the output will go to the Phing log. n/ano
srcfile String If specified, the value indicates the name of the property file to read from. If not specified, then the system properties will be taken. n/ano
prefix String a prefix which is used to filter the properties only those properties starting with this prefix will be echoed. n/ano
regex String a regular expression which is used to filter the properties only those properties whose names match it will be echoed. n/ano
failonerror Boolean By default, the "failonerror" attribute is enabled. If an error occurs while writing the properties to a file, and this attribute is enabled, then a BuildException will be thrown, causing the build to fail. If disabled, then IO errors will be reported as a log statement, and the build will continue without failure from this task. n/ano
format String One of text or xml. Determines the output format. Defaults to text.n/ano

B.20.1 Example

<echoproperties />

Report the current properties to the log.

<echoproperties destfile=""/>

Report the current properties to the file "", and will fail the build if the file could not be created or written to.

<echoproperties destfile="" failonerror="false"/>

Report the current properties to the file "", and will log a message if the file could not be created or written to, but will still allow the build to continue.

<echoproperties prefix="phing."/>

List all properties beginning with "phing."

<echoproperties regex="/.*phing.*/"/>

Lists all properties that contain "phing" in their names.

B.21 EchoTask

Echoes a message to the current loggers and listeners which means standard out unless overridden. A level can be specified, which controls at what logging level the message is filtered at.

The task can also echo to a file, in which case the option to append rather than overwrite the file is available, and the level option is ignored

Additionally, the task can echo the contents of a nested fileset element.

Table B.21: Attributes

msg String The string that is to be send to the output.n/aYes
message String Alias for msg. n/aYes
file String The file to write the message to.n/aNo
append Boolean Append to an existing file? false No
level String Control the level at which this message is reported. One of error, warning, info, verbose, debug. info No

B.21.1 Examples

<echo msg="Phing rocks!" />

<echo message="Binarycloud, too." />

<echo>And don't forget Propel.</echo>

<echo file="test.txt" append="false">This is a test message</echo>

Echo a previously defined fileset element.

<fileset dir="./tests" id="test.files">
    <include name="**/*Test.php"/>

    <fileset refid="test.files"/>

B.21.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.22 EchoXML

Echo nested XML to the console or a file.

Table B.22: Attributes

file String The file to receive the default nested XML is echoed to the logNo
append Boolean Whether to append file, if specified. falseNo

B.22.1 Parameters specified as nested elements

Nested XML content is required.

B.22.2 Examples

<echoxml file="subbuild.xml">
    <project default="foo">
        <target name="foo">

Create a Phing buildfile, subbuild.xml.

B.23 ExecTask

Executes a shell command. You can use this to quickly add a new command to Phing. However, if you want to use this regularly, you should think about writing a Task for it.

The command attribute is no longer supported. You should now use a combination of the executable attribute and arg nested elements:

<exec command="echo foo"/>
<!-- should become -->
<exec executable="/bin/echo">
    <arg value="foo"/>

Where it was once possible to pipe the output of one program to be the input of another using the command attribute: <exec command="echo FLUSHALL | redis-cli"> This must now be done using a combination of the executable and line attributes, thus: <exec executable="bash" line="echo FLUSHALL | redis-cli">

Table B.23: Attributes

executable String The command to execute without any command line arguments.n/a 
dir String The directory the command is to be executed in.n/aNo
output String Where to direct stdout.n/aNo
error String Where to direct stderr.Redirected to stdout, unless passthru is set to true. No
os String Only execute if the Appendix A, Fact Sheet property contains specified text. n/aNo
osfamily String OS family as used in the <os> condition.n/aNo
escape Boolean By default, we escape shell metacharacters before executing. Setting this to false will disable this precaution. false No
passthru Boolean Whether to use PHP's passthru() function instead of exec(). false No
logoutput Boolean Whether to log returned output as MSG_INFO instead of MSG_VERBOSE. false No
spawn Boolean Whether to spawn unix programs to the background, redirecting stdout. false No
returnProperty String Property name to set return value to from exec() call.n/aNo
outputProperty String Property name to set output value to from exec() call.n/aNo
checkreturn Boolean Whether to check the return code of the program, throws a BuildException when returncode != 0. false No
level String Control the level at which status messages are reported. One of error, warning, info, verbose, debug. verbose No
resolveexecutable Boolean When this attribute is true, the name of the executable is resolved firstly against the project basedir and if that does not exist, against the execution directory if specified. On Unix systems, if you only want to allow execution of commands in the user's path, set this to false. false No
searchpath Boolean When this attribute is true, then system path environment variables will be searched when resolving the location of the executable. false No

B.23.1 Examples

<!-- List the contents of "/home" using the executable attribute -->
<exec executable="ls" passthru="yes">
  <arg value="-l"/>
  <arg path="/home"/>

<!-- List the contents of "/home", but only if on Linux -->
<exec executable="ls" passthru="yes" os="Linux">
  <arg value="-l"/>
  <arg path="/home"/>

<!-- Demonstrate executable attribute and environment variables. -->
<exec executable="php" outputProperty="outputProperty">
    <env key="HELLO" value="hello"/>
    <env key="WORLD" value="world"/>
      <arg value="-r"/>
    <arg value="print getEnv('HELLO') . ' ' . getEnv('WORLD');"/>

<!-- Demonstrate piping outputs from one command to another using the executable attribute. -->
<exec executable="bash">
    <arg value="-c"/>
    <arg line='"java -jar test.jar page.xml | mysql -u user -p base"'/>

<!-- Restart some docker service -->
<exec executable="docker">
    <arg line="--debug restart ${}"/>

<!-- List the contents of "/tmp" out to a file. -->
<exec executable="ls" escape="false">
    <arg line="-l /tmp > foo.out"/>

B.23.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • arg

    Table B.24: Attributes

    value String A single command-line argument; can contain space characters. To pass an empty argument, enclose two double quotes in single quotes ('""'). n/aOne of these
    file String The name of a file as a single command-line argument; will be replaced with the absolute filename of the file. n/a
    path String A string that will be treated as a path-like string as a single command-line argument; you can use ; or : as path separators and Phing will convert it to the platform's local conventions. n/a
    line String A space-delimited list of command-line arguments. n/a
    escape Boolean Force escape for this attribute. false  


    It is possible to specify environment variables to pass to the system command via nested <env> elements.

    Table B.25: Attributes

    key String The name of the environment variable.n/aYes
    value String The literal value for the environment variable.n/aOne of these
    file String The value for the environment variable. Will be replaced by the absolute filename of the file by Phing. n/a
    path String The value for a PATH like environment variable. You can use ; or : as path separators and Phing will convert it to the platform's local conventions. n/a

B.24 FailTask

Causes the current build script execution to fail and the script to exit with an (optional) error message.

Table B.26: Attributes

message String The message to display (reason for script abort)."No Message"No
msg String Alias for message"No Message"No
if String Name of property that must be set for script to exit.n/aNo
unless String Name of property that must not be set in order for script to exit. n/aNo
status Integer Exit using the specified status code; assuming the generated Exception is not caught, PHP will exit with this status. n/aNo

B.24.1 Examples

<!-- Exit w/ message -->
<fail message="Failed for some reason!" />

<!--  Exit if ${errorprop} is defined -->
<fail if="errorprop" message="Detected error!" />

<!-- Exit unless ${dontfail} prop is defined. -->
<fail unless="dontfail" message="Detected error!" />

<!-- Using a condition to achieve the same effect:
<fail message="Detected error!">
            <isset property="dontfail"/>

B.24.2 Parameters specified as nested elements.

As an alternative to the if/unless attributes, conditional failure can be achieved using a single nested <condition> element, which should contain exactly one core or custom condition.

B.25 FileHashTask

Calculates either MD5 or SHA1 hash value of a file and stores the value as a hex string in a property and generates a checksum file.

Other popular algorithms like "crc32" or "sha512" may be used with help of the algorithm attribute.

Table B.27: Attributes

file String Filenamen/aYes
hashtype Integer Specifies what hash algorithm to use. 0=MD5, 1=SHA10No
algorithm String Specifies what hash algorithm to use. Supported algorithms. n/aNo
propertyname String Name of property where the hash value is stored.filehashvalueNo

B.25.1 Example

<filehash file="${builddir}/${tarball}.tar.${compression}" />
<echo msg="Hashvalue is; ${filehashvalue}" />

B.26 FileSizeTask

Stores the size of a specified file in a property. The file size can be returned in different units.

Table B.28: Attributes

file String Filename.n/aYes
propertyname String Name of property where the file size is stored.filesizeNo
unit String

File size unit. Examples: M, G, T.



File size can be written using IEC and SI suffixes, bytes are assumed when suffix is not specified. The following suffixes (case-insensitive) are supported:

Table B.29: Supported file size suffixes

IECB. 1 byte
K, Ki, KiB, kibi, kibibyte. 1024 bytes
M, Mi, MiB, mebi, mebibyte. 1024 kibibytes
G, Gi, GiB, gibi, gibibyte. 1024 mebibytes
T, Ti, TiB, tebi, tebibyte. 1024 gibibytes
SI kB, kilo, kilobyte. 1000 bytes
MB, mega, megabyte. 1000 kilobytes
GB, giga, gigabyte. 1000 megabytes
TB, tera, terabyte. 1000 gigabytes

B.26.1 Examples

<filesize file="./"/>
<echo>Your backup size is ${filesize} Bytes</echo>
<filesize file="./" propertyname="backup.size"/>
<echo>Your backup size is ${backup.size} Bytes</echo>
<filesize file="./" unit="M"/>
<echo>Your backup size is ${filesize} Megabytes</echo>

B.27 ForeachTask

The foreach task iterates over a list, a list of filesets, or both. If both, list and filesets, are specified, the list will be evaluated first. Nested filesets are evaluated in the order they appear in the task.

Table B.30: Attributes

inheritallBooleanIf true, pass all properties to the called target.falseNo
inheritrefsBooleanIf true, pass all references to the the called target.falseNo
trimBooleanIf true, any leading or trailing whitespace will be removed from the list item before it is passed to the requested target.falseNo
listStringThe list of values to process, with the delimiter character, indicated by the "delimiter" attribute, separating each value.n/aNo
targetStringThe target to call for each token, passing the token as the parameter with the name indicated by the "param" attribute.n/aYes
paramStringThe name of the parameter to pass the tokens in as to the target.n/aYes
absparamStringThe name of the absolute pathparameter to pass the tokens in as to the target (used while processing nested filesets).n/aNo
delimiterStringThe delimiter string that separates the values in the "list" parameter. The default is ",".,No
indexStringThe name of the property containing the iteration count.indexNo

B.27.1 Examples

<!-- loop through languages, and call buildlang task with setted param -->
<property name="languages" value="en,fr,de" />
<foreach list="${languages}" param="lang" target="buildlang" />

<!-- loop through files, and call subtask task with set param and absparam -->
<foreach param="filename" absparam="absfilename" target="subtask">
  <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="*.php"/>

B.27.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.28 IfTask

Perform some tasks based on whether a given condition holds true or not.

This task doesn't have any attributes, the condition to test is specified by a nested element - see the conditions for a complete list of nested elements.

Just like the <condition> task, only a single condition can be specified - you combine them using <and> or <or> conditions.

In addition to the condition, you can specify three different child elements, <elseif> , <then> and <else> . All three subelements are optional. Both <then> and <else> must not be used more than once inside the if task. Both are containers for Phing tasks.

The <elseif> behaves exactly like an <if> except that it cannot contain the <else> element inside of it. You may specify as may of these as you like, and the order they are specified is the order they are evaluated in. If the condition on the <if> is false, then the first <elseif> who's conditional evaluates to true will be executed. The <else> will be executed only if the <if> and all <elseif> conditions are false.

B.28.1 Examples

    <equals arg1="${foo}" arg2="bar" />
        <echo message="The value of property foo is bar" />
        <echo message="The value of property foo is not bar" />
    <equals arg1="${foo}" arg2="bar" />
        <echo message="The value of property foo is 'bar'" />

        <equals arg1="${foo}" arg2="foo" />
            <echo message="The value of property foo is 'foo'" />

        <echo message="The value of property foo is not 'foo' or 'bar'" />

B.29 ImportTask

Imports another build file into the current project.

On execution it will read another Phing file into the same Project. Functionally it is nearly the same as copy and pasting the imported file onto the end of the importing file.

The import task may only be used as a top-level task. This means that it may not be used in a target.

Table B.31: Attributes

file String The file to import.n/aYes
optional Boolean If true, do not stop the build if the file does not exist. false No

B.29.1 Target Overriding

If a target in the main file is also present in at least one of the imported files, the one from the main file takes precedence.

So if I import for example a docs/build.xml file named builddocs, that contains a "docs" target, I can redefine it in my main buildfile and that is the one that will be called. This makes it easy to keep the same target name, so that the overriding target is still called by any other targets--in either the main or imported buildfile(s)--for which it is a dependency, with a different implementation. The target from docs/build.xml is made available by the name "". This enables the new implementation to call the old target, thus enhancing it with tasks called before or after it.

B.29.2 Special Properties

Imported files are treated as they are present in the main buildfile. This makes it easy to understand, but it makes it impossible for them to reference files and resources relative to their path. Because of this, for every imported file, Phing adds a property that contains the path to the imported buildfile. With this path, the imported buildfile can keep resources and be able to reference them relative to its position.

So if I import for example a docs/build.xml file named builddocs, I can get its path as phing.file.builddocs, similarly to the phing.file property of the main buildfile. Additionally, the directory will be stored in phing.dir.builddocs.

Note that "builddocs" is not the filename, but the name attribute present in the imported project tag.

If import file does not have a name attribute, the phing.file.projectname and phing.dir.projectname properties will not be set.

B.29.3 Resolving Files Against the Imported File

Suppose your main build file called importing.xml imports a build file imported.xml , located anywhere on the file system, and imported.xml reads a set of properties from

<!-- importing.xml -->
<project name="importing" basedir="." default="...">
<import file="${path_to_imported}/imported.xml"/>

<!-- imported.xml -->
<project name="imported" basedir="." default="...">
<property file=""/>

This snippet however will resolve against the basedir of importing.xml , because the basedir of imported.xmlis ignored by Phing. The right way to use is:

<!-- imported.xml -->
<project name="imported" basedir="." default="...">
<dirname property="imported.basedir" file="${phing.file.imported}"/>
<property file="${imported.basedir}/"/>

or even shorter:

<!-- imported.xml -->
<project name="imported" basedir="." default="...">
<property file="${phing.dir.imported}/"/>

As explained above ${phing.file.imported} stores the full path of the build script, that defines the project called imported, (in short it stores the path to imported.xml) and ${phing.dir.imported} stores its directory. This technique also allows imported.xml to be used as a standalone file (without being imported in other project).

B.29.4 Examples

<import file="path/to/build.xml"/>
<import file="path/to/build.xml" optional="true"/>

Additionally, ImportTask supports Filesets, i.e. you can easily include/exclude one or more files. For more information, seeAppendix D, Core Types.

    <fileset dir=".">
        <include name="path/to/build.xml" />
    <filelist dir="." files="path/to/build.xml"/>

B.30 IncludePathTask

Modifies the PHP include_path configuration option for the duration of this phing run.

The given path can be prepended (default) or appended to the current include path, or it can replace the include path.

Table B.32: Attributes

classpath String the new include path[s]n/aYes
classPathRef String Reference to a previously defined Path typen/aNo
mode String Whether to prepend, append or replace the include path with the given path. prependNo

B.30.1 Examples

<includepath classpath="new/path/here" />
<includepath classpath="path1:path2" />
<path id="project.class.path">
    <pathelement dir="lib/"/>
    <pathelement dir="ext/"/>
<includepath classpathref="project.class.path"/>

B.31 InputTask

The InputTask can be used to interactively set property values based on input from the console (or other Reader).

Table B.33: Attributes

propertyName String The name of the property to set.n/aNo
defaultValue String The default value to be set if no new value is provided.n/aYes
message String Prompt text (same as CDATA).n/aYes
promptChar String The prompt character to follow prompt text.n/aNo
validArgs String Comma-separated list of valid choices the user must supply. If used, one of these options must be chosen. n/aNo
hidden Boolean Whether to hide user input.n/aNo

B.31.1 Examples

<!-- Getting string input -->
<echo>HTML pages installing to: ${documentRoot}</echo>
<echo>PHP classes installing to: ${servletDirectory}</echo>

<input propertyname="documentRoot">Web application document root</input>
<input propertyname="servletDirectory"
       defaultValue="/usr/servlets" promptChar="?">PHP classes install dir</input>

<echo>HTML pages installed to ${documentRoot}</echo>
<echo>PHP classes installed to ${servletDirectory}</echo>

<!-- Having the user choose from a set of valid choices -->
<echo>Choose a valid option:</echo>

<input propertyname="optionsChoice" validargs="foo,bar,bob">
    Which item would you like to use

B.32 JsonValidateTask

The JsonValidateTask checks if a given file contains valid JSON data and fails if not.

Table B.34: Attributes

file String Location of the file to be checked.noneYes

B.32.1 Example

<jsonvalidate file="config/default.json"/>

B.33 LoadFileTask

The LoadFileTask loads the contents of a (text) file into a single property.

Table B.35: Attributes

property String The name of the property to set.n/aYes
file (or srcFile) String The file to load.n/aYes
failonerror Boolean Whether to halt the build on failure.trueNo
quiet Boolean Do not display a diagnostic message (unless Phing has been invoked with the -verbose or -debug switches) or modify the exit status to reflect an error. Setting this to true implies setting failonerror to false. falseNo

B.33.1 Examples

<loadfile property="version" file="version.txt"/>

B.33.2 Supported Nested Tags:

B.34 ManifestTask

This task generates a simple manifest file with optional checksums.

Table B.36: Attributes

salt String Salt to use when generating checksums.n/aNo
checksum String Comma separated list of checksums (hashing algorithms) to run, or false to disable checksum generation. Possible values are md5, crc32 or any of the algorithms returned by hash_algos(). falseNo
file String The path to the manifest file.n/aYes.

B.34.1 Supported Nested Tags

B.35 MkdirTask

Creates a directory, including any necessary but non-existent parent directories. Does nothing if the directory already exists.

Table B.37: Attributes

dir String The directory that is to be created.n/aYes
mode Integer The mode to create the directory with.From umaskNo

B.35.1 Examples

<!-- Create a temp directory -->
<mkdir dir="/tmp/foo" />

<!-- Using mkdir with a property -->
<mkdir dir="${dirs.install}/tmp" />

B.36 MoveTask

Moves a file or directory to a new file or directory. By default, the destination file is overwritten if it already exists. When overwrite is turned off, then files are only moved if the source file is newer than the destination file, or when the destination file does not exist.

Source files and directories are only deleted if the file or directory has been copied to the destination successfully.

B.36.1 Examples

<!-- The following will move the file "somefile.txt" to "/tmp" and
change its filename to "anotherfile.bak". It will overwrite
an existing file. -->
<move file="somefile.txt" tofile="/tmp/anotherfile.bak" overwrite="true"/>

<!-- This will move the "/tmp" directory to "/home/default/tmp",
preserving the directory name. So the final name is
"/home/default/tmp/tmp". Empty directories are also copied -->
<move file="/tmp" todir="/home/default/tmp" includeemptydirs="true"/>

B.36.2 Attributes and Nested Elements

For further documentation, seeSection B.14, “CopyTask”, since MoveTask only is a child of CopyTask and inherits all attributes.

B.37 PathConvert

Converts a path form for a particular platform, optionally storing the result into a given property. It can also be used when you need to convert FileList, FileSet, DirSet into a list, separated by a given character, such as a comma or space, or, conversely, e.g. to convert a list of files in a FileList into a path.

Nested map elements can be specified to map Windows drive letters to Unix paths, and vice-versa.

A single nested mapper element can be specified to perform any of various filename transformations.

Table B.38: Attributes

targetos String The target architecture. This is a shorthand mechanism for specifying both pathsep and dirsep according to the specified target architecture. N/ANo
dirsep String The character(s) to use as the directory separator in the generated paths. PhingFile::$separator No
pathsep String The character(s) to use as the path-element separator in the generated paths. PhingFile::$pathSeparator No
property String The name of the property in which to place the converted path.result will be logged if unsetNo
refid String What to convert, given as a reference to a path, fileset or dirset defined elsewhereif omitted, a nested path element must be supplied.No
setonempty Boolean Should the property be set, even if the result is the empty string?trueNo
preserveduplicates Boolean Whether to preserve duplicate resources.falseNo

B.38 PathToFileSetTask

Coverts a path to a fileset. This is useful if you have a path but need to use a fileset as input in a phing task.

Table B.39: Attributes

dir String The root of the directory tree of this FileSet. n/a Yes
pathrefid String The reference to the path to convert from. n/a Yes
ignorenonrelative Boolean This boolean controls what will happen if any of the files in the path are not in the directory for the fileset. If this is "true" the files are ignored, if this is "false" a build exception is thrown. (Note: if files are not present no check is made). falseNo
name String This is the identifier of the fileset to create. This fileset will contain the files that are relative to the directory root. Any files that are not present will not be placed in the set. n/aYes

B.38.1 Examples

<path id="modified.sources.path" dir="C:\Path\to\phing\classes\phing\" />
<pathtofileset name="modified.sources.fileset"
dir="." />

<copy todir="C:\Path\to\phing\docs\api">
    <mapper type="glob" from="*.php" to="*.php.bak" />
    <fileset refid="modified.sources.fileset" />

B.39 PhingCallTask

The PhingCallTask calls a target within the same Phing project.

A <phingcall> tag may contain <property> tags that define new properties. These properties are only set if properties of the same name have not been set outside the "phingcall" tag.

When a target is invoked by phingcall, all of its dependent targets will also be called within the context of any new parameters. For example. if the target "doSomethingElse" depended on the target "init", then using phingcall to execute "doSomethingElse" will also execute "init". Note: the top level tasks of a project will always be executed!

Table B.40: Attributes

target String The name of the target in the same project that is to be called.n/aYes
inheritAll Boolean If true, all true No
inheritRefs Boolean false No


Local scope.

Every <phingcall> tag creates a new local scope. Thus, any properties or other variables set inside that scope will cease to exist (or revert to their previous value) once the <phingcall> tag completes.

B.39.1 Examples

<target name="foo">
    <phingcall target="bar">
        <property name="property1" value="aaaaa" />
        <property name="foo" value="baz" />

In the example above, the properties property1 and foo are defined and only accessible inside the called target.

<target name="bar" depends="init">
    <echo message="prop is ${property1} ${foo}" />

B.39.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • property

  • param (alias for property)

B.40 PhingTask

This task calls another build file. You may specify the target that is to be called within the build file. Additionally, the <phing> Tag may contain <property> Tags (see Section B.47, “PropertyTask”), <fileset> Tags (seeSection D.4, “FileSet”) or <reference> Tags.

Table B.41: Attributes

inheritAll Boolean If true, pass all properties to the new phing project. true No
inheritRefs Boolean If true, pass all references to the new phing project. false No
dir String The directory to use as a base directory for the new phing project. Default is the current project's basedir, unless inheritall has been set to false, in which case it doesn't have a default value. This will override the basedir setting of the called project. n/aNo
phingFile String The build file to use. Defaults to "build.xml". This file is expected to be a filename relative to the dir attribute given. n/aYes
target String The target of the new Phing project to execute. Default is the new project's default target. n/aNo
haltonfailure Boolean If true, fail the build process when the called build fails false No
output String Filename to write the Phing output to. This is relative to the value of the dir attribute if it has been set or to the basedir of the current project otherwise. n/aNo
usenativebasedir Boolean If set to "true", the child build will use the same basedir as it would have used when run from the command line (i.e. the basedir one would expect when looking at the child build's buildfile). false No

B.40.1 Examples

<!-- Call target "xslttest" from buildfile "alternativebuildfile.xml" -->
<phing phingfile="alternativebuild.xml" inheritRefs="true" target="xslttest" />

<!-- Do a more complex call -->
<phing phingfile="somebuild.xml" target="sometarget">
    <property name="foo" value="bar" />
    <property name="anotherone" value="32" />

B.40.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.40.3 Base directory of the new project

The base directory of the new project is set dependent on the dir and the inheritAll attribute. This is important to keep in mind or else you might run into bugs in your build.xml's. The following table shows when which value is used:

Table B.42: How attributes are used

dir inheritAll new project's basedir
value provided true value of dir attribute
value provided false value of dir attribute
omitted true basedir of calling task (the build file containing the <phing> call.
omitted false basedir attribute of the <project> element of the new project.

B.41 Phingversion

Stores the Phing version (when used as task) or checks for a specific Phing version (when used as condition).

Table B.43: Attributes

NameTypeDescriptionRequired (Task)Required (Condition)
atleast String The version that this at least. The format is major.minor.point. No

One of these.

exactly String The version that this phing is exactly. The format is major.minor.point. No
property String The name of the property to set.YesNo (ignored)

B.41.1 Example

<phingversion property="phingversion"/>

Stores the current Phing version in the property phingversion.

<phingversion property="phingversion" atleast="2.9"/>

Stores the Phing version in the property phingversion if the current Phing version is 2.9.0 or higher. Otherwise the property remains unset.

<phingversion property="phing-is-exact-292" exactly="2.9.2"/>

Sets the property phing-is-exact-292 if Phing 2.9.2 is running. Neither 2.8.2 nor 2.9.1 would match.

B.42 PhpEvalTask

With the PhpEvalTask, you can set a property to the results of evaluating a PHP expression or the result returned by a function/method call.

Table B.44: Attributes

function String The name of the Property.n/aOne of these is required.
expression String The expression to evaluate.n/a
class String The static class which contains function.n/aNo
returnProperty String The name of the property to set with result of expression or function call. Note: if this attribute is set, the expression must return a value. n/aNo
level String Control the level at which php reports status messages. One of error, warning, info, verbose, debug. info No

B.42.1 Examples

<php function="crypt" returnProperty="enc_passwd">
    <param value="${auth.root_passwd}"/>
<php expression="3 + 4" returnProperty="sum"/>
<php expression="echo 'test';">
<php class="phing.Phing" function="start">
    <param value="-projecthelp"/>
    <param value="-buildfile"/>
    <param value="${phing.file}"/>

B.42.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • param

B.43 PhpLintTask

The PhpLintTask checks syntax (lint) on one or more PHP source code files.

Table B.45: Attributes

file String Path to source filen/aNo
haltonfailure Boolean Stop the build process if the linting process encounters an error. false No
errorproperty String The name of a property that will be set to contain the error string (if any).n/aNo
interpreter String Path to alternative PHP interpreterDefaults to the ${php.interpreter} property which is the interpreter used to execute phing itself. No
cachefile String If set, enables writing of last-modified times to cachefile, to speed up processing of files that rarely change noneNo
level String Control the level at which phplint reports status messages. One of error, warning, info, verbose, debug. debug No
tofile String File to write list of 'bad files' to.n/aNo
deprecatedAsError Boolean Whether to treat deprecated warnings (introduced in PHP 5.3) as errors. false No

B.43.1 Example

<phplint file="path/to/source.php"/>

Checking syntax of one particular source file.

    <fileset dir="src">
        <include name="**/*.php"/>

Check syntax of a fileset of source files.

B.43.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.44 PropertyCopy

Copies the value of a named property to another property. This is useful when you need to plug in the value of another property in order to get a property name and then want to get the value of that property name.

Table B.46: Attributes

property String The name of the property to set.n/aYes
override Boolean If the property is already set, should we change it's value.falseNo
from String The name of the property you wish to copy the value from.n/aYes
silent Boolean Do you want to suppress the error if the "from" property does not exist, and just not set the property "name". falseNo

B.44.1 Example

<property name="org" value="MyOrg" />
<property name="org.MyOrg.DisplayName" value="My Organiziation" />
<propertycopy property="displayName" from="org.${org}.DisplayName" />

Sets displayName to "My Organiziation".

B.45 PropertyRegexTask

Performs regular expression operations on an subject string, and sets the results to a property. There are two different operations that can be performed:

  • Replace - The matched regular expression is replaced with a substitution pattern

  • Match - Groupings within the regular expression are matched via a selection expression.

Table B.47: Attributes

property String The name of the property to set.n/aYes
override Boolean If the property is already set, should we change it's value. Can be true or false falseNo
subject String The subject to be processedn/aYes
pattern String The regular expression pattern which is matched in the subject.n/aYes
match String A pattern which indicates what match pattern you want in the returned value. This uses the substitution pattern syntax to indicate where to insert groupings created as a result of the regular expression match. n/aYes (unless a replace is specified)
replace String A regular expression substitition pattern, which will be used to replace the given regular expression in the subject. n/aYes (unless a match is specified)
casesensitive Boolean Should the match be case sensitivetrueNo
limit Integer The maximum possible replacements for each pattern in each subject string. Defaults to -1 (no limit). -1No
defaultValue Integer The value to set the output property to, if the subject string does not match the specific regular expression. n/aNo

B.45.1 Match expressions

Expressions are matched in a the same syntax as a regular expression substitution pattern.

  • $0 indicates the entire property name (default).

  • $1 indicates the first grouping

  • $2 indicates the second grouping

  • etc...

B.45.2 Replace

It is important to note that when doing a "replace" operation, if the subject string does not match the regular expression, then the property is not set. You can change this behavior by supplying the "defaultValue" attribute. This attribute should contain the value to set the property to in this case.

  • $0 indicates the entire property name (default).

  • $1 indicates the first grouping

  • $2 indicates the second grouping

  • etc...

B.45.3 Example

<propertyregex property=""

<echo message="${}"/>

<propertyregex property=""

<echo message="${}"/>

B.46 PropertySelector

Selects property names that match a given regular expression and returns them in a delimited list.

Table B.48: Attributes

property String The name of the property to set.n/aYes
override Boolean If the property is already set, should we change it's value. Can be true or false falseNo
match String The regular expression which is used to select property names for inclusion in the list. This follows the standard regular expression syntax accepted by phing's regular expression tasks. n/aYes
select String A pattern which indicates what selection pattern you want in the returned list. This used the substitution pattern syntax to indicate where to insert groupings created as a result of the regular expression match. \0No
casesensitive String Should the match be case sensitive.trueNo
replace String A regular expression substitition pattern, which will be used to replace the given regular expression in the subject. n/aYes (unless a match is specified)
casesensitive Boolean Should the match be case sensitivetrueNo
delimiter String The delimiter used to separate entries in the resulting property,No
distinct Boolean Should the returned entries be a distinct set (no duplicate entries).falseNo

B.46.1 Select expressions

Expressions are matched in a the same syntax as a regular expression substitution pattern.

  • $0 indicates the entire property name (default).

  • $1 indicates the first grouping

  • $2 indicates the second grouping

  • etc...

B.46.2 Example

<property name="" value="abc pack name" />
<property name="" value="def pack name" />
<property name="" value="ghi pack name" />
<property name="" value="jkl pack name" />

<propertyselector property="pack.list"
    casesensitive="false" />

B.47 PropertyTask

With PropertyTask, you can define user properties in your build file.

Table B.49: Attributes

name String The name of the Property.n/aYes (unless using file or environment)
value String The value of the Property.n/aYes (unless using file or environment)
environment String Loads properties from the environment with the specified value as prefix. Thus if you specify environment="myenv" you will be able to access OS-specific environment variables via property names "myenv.PATH" or "myenv.TERM". n/aNo
file String Path to properties file.n/aNo
override Boolean Whether to force override of existing value. false No
prefix String Used when properites are loaded from file. Prefix is applied to properties loaded from specified file. A "." is appended to the prefix if not specified. n/aNo
refid String A reference to a previously defined propertyn/aNo
logoutput Boolean Whether to log returned output as MSG_INFO instead of MSG_VERBOSE. true No
quiet Boolean Whether to display a warning if the property file does not exist. true No
required Boolean Whether to halt with an error if the property file does not exist. false No


Important note about scope: when the <property> tag is called inside a <phingcall> tag, any properties are set in a new local scope. Thus, any properties or other variables set inside that scope will cease to exist (or revert to their previous value) once the parent <phingcall> tag completes.

B.47.1 Examples

<property name="strings.test" value="Harr harr, more power!" />
<echo message="${strings.test}" />

<property name="" value="Yet another property..." />
<echo message="${}" />

<property file="" />

<property environment="env" />

<property name="newproperty" value="Hello">
            <regexp pattern="Hello" replace="World" ignoreCase="true"/>

B.47.2 Supported Nested Tags:

B.48 Record

A recorder is a listener to the current build process that records the output to a file.

Several recorders can exist at the same time. Each recorder is associated with a file. The filename is used as a unique identifier for the recorders. The first call to the recorder task with an unused filename will create a recorder (using the parameters provided) and add it to the listeners of the build. All subsequent calls to the recorder task using this filename will modify that recorders state (recording or not) or other properties (like logging level).

Some technical issues: the file's output stream is flushed for "finished" events (buildFinished, targetFinished and taskFinished), and is closed on a buildFinished event.

Table B.50: Attributes

name String The name of the file this logger is associated with.n/ayes
action String This tells the logger what to do: should it start recording or stop? The first time that the recorder task is called for this logfile, and if this attribute is not provided, then the default for this attribute is "start". If this attribute is not provided on subsequent calls, then the state remains as previous. [Values = {start|stop}, Default = no state change] n/ano
append Boolean Should the recorder append to a file, or create a new one? This is only applicable the first time this task is called for this file. [Values = {yes|no}, Default=no] no no
emacsmode Boolean Removes [task] banners like Phings's -emacs command line switch if set to true. false no
loglevel String At what logging level should this recorder instance record to? This is not a once only parameter (like append is) -- you can increase or decrease the logging level as the build process continues. [Values= {error|warn|info|verbose|debug}, Default = no change] false no

B.48.1 Example

The following build.xml snippet is an example of how to use the recorder to record just the <echo> task:

<record name="log.txt" action="start"/>
<echo ...
<record name="log.txt" action="stop"/>

The following two calls to <record> set up two recorders: one to file "records-simple.log" at logging level info (the default) and one to file "ISO.log" using logging level of verbose.

<record name="records-simple.log"/>
<record name="ISO.log" loglevel="verbose"/>

B.49 ReflexiveTask

The ReflexiveTask performs operations on files. It is essentially a convenient way to transform (using filter chains) files without copying them.

Table B.51: Attributes

file String A single file to be processed.n/aYes (unless <fileset> provided)

B.49.1 Examples

    <fileset dir=".">
        <include pattern="*.html">
            <regexp pattern="\r(\n)" replace="\1"/>

B.49.2 Supported Nested Tags:

B.50 Relentless

The <relentless> task will execute all of the nested tasks, regardless of whether one or more of the nested tasks fails.

When <relentless> has completed executing the nested tasks, it will either

  • fail, if any one or more of the nested tasks failed; or

  • succeed, if all of the nested tasks succeeded.

An appropriate message will be written to the log.

Tasks are executed in the order that they appear within the <relentless> task. It is up to the user to ensure that relentless execution of the nested tasks is safe.

Table B.52: Attributes

description String A string that will be included in the log output. This can be useful for helping to identify sections of large phing builds. N/ANo
terse Boolean Setting this to true will eliminate some of the progress output generated by <relentless>. This can reduce clutter in some cases. falseNo

The only nested element supported by <relentless> is a list of tasks to be executed. At least one task must be specified.

It is important to note that <relentless> only proceeds relentlessly from one task to the next - it does not apply recursively to any tasks that might be invoked by these nested tasks. If a nested task invokes some other list of tasks (perhaps by <phingcall> for example), and one of those other tasks fails, then the nested task will stop at that point.

B.50.1 Example

A relentless task to print out the first five canonical variable names:

<relentless description="The first five canonical variable names.">

which should produce output looking more or less like

[relentless] Relentlessly executing: The first five canonical variable names.
[relentless] Executing: task 1
[echo] foo
[relentless] Executing: task 2
[echo] bar
[relentless] Executing: task 3
[echo] baz
[relentless] Executing: task 4
[echo] bat
[relentless] Executing: task 5
[echo] blah
[relentless] All tasks completed successfully.

If you change the first line to set the terse parameter,

<relentless terse="true" description="The first five canonical variable names."/>

the output will look more like this:

[relentless] Relentlessly executing: The first five canonical variable names.
[echo] foo
[echo] bar
[echo] baz
[echo] bat
[echo] blah
[relentless] All tasks completed successfully.

If we change the third task to deliberately fail

<relentless terse="true"
    description="The first five canonical variable names.">

then the output should look something like this.

[relentless] Relentlessly executing: The first five canonical variable names.
[echo] foo
[echo] bar
[relentless] Task task 3 failed: baz
[echo] bat
[echo] blah

/path/build.xml:1177: Relentless execution: 1 of 5 tasks failed.

B.51 ReplaceRegexpTask

Replaces the occurrences of a given regular expression with a substitution pattern in a selected file or set of files.

Table B.53: 

file String File to apply regular expression onn/aYes (or fileset)
match String Regular expression match patternn/aYes (or pattern)
pattern String Regular expression match patternn/aYes
replace String The replacement stringn/aYes
flags String Regular expression flagsn/ano
failonerror Boolean If set to true, the task will fail on errorfalseNo

B.51.1 Supported Nested Tags

B.52 ResolvePathTask

The ResolvePathTask turns a relative path into an absolute path, with respect to specified directory or the project basedir (if no dir attribute specified).

This task is useful for turning a user-defined relative path into an absolute path in cases where buildfiles will be called in different directories. Without this task, buildfiles lower in the directory tree would mis-interpret the user-defined relative paths.

Table B.54: Attributes

file String The file or directory path to resolve.n/aYes
dir File The base directory to use when resolving "file".project.basedirNo
propertyName String The name of the property to set with resolved (absolute) path.n/aYes
level String Control the level at which status messages are reported. One of error, warning, info, verbose, debug. verbose No

B.52.1 Examples

<property name="relative_path" value="./dirname"/>

<resolvepath propertyName="absolute_path" file="${relative_path}"/>

<echo>Resolved [absolute] path: ${absolute_path}</echo>

B.53 Retry

Retry is a container which executes a single nested task until either: there is no failure; or: its retrycount has been exceeded. If this happens a BuildException is thrown..

Table B.55: Attributes

retrycount Integer number of times to attempt to execute the nested task 1Yes
retrydelay Integer number of seconds to wait between retry attempts task. 0No, defaults to no delay

Any valid Phing task may be embedded within the retry task.

B.53.1 Example

<retry retrycount="3">
    <httpget url="" dir="/home/retry"/>

This example shows how to use <retry> to wrap a task which must interact with an unreliable network resource.

B.54 RunTargetTask

Phing task that runs a target without creating a new project.

Difference to <phingcall>

The main difference of <runtarget> and <phingcall> is that <phingcall> will start the phing target in a new project and will not affect the main project. <runtarget> calls a target in the same project, which could be have an effect on any existing properties. Dependency management would only be given by <phingcall>.

Table B.56: Attributes

target String The name of the target to run.n/aYes

B.54.1 Example

<runtarget target="test" />

B.55 SleepTask

A task for sleeping a short period of time, useful when a build or deployment process requires an interval between tasks.

Table B.57: Attributes

hours Integer hours to to add to the sleep time0no
minutes Integer minutes to add to the sleep time0no
seconds Integer seconds to add to the sleep time0no
milliseconds Integer milliseconds to add to the sleep time0no
failonerror Boolean flag controlling whether to break the build on an error.trueNo

B.55.1 Example

<sleep seconds="2"/>

B.56 SortList

Sort a delimited list of items in their natural string order. Note that the value and refid attributes are mutually exclusive, and the value attribute takes precedence if both are specified.

Table B.58: Attributes

property String The name of the property to set.n/aYes
overwrite Boolean If the property is already set, should we change it's value.falseNo
value String The list of values to process, with the delimiter character, indicated by the "delimiter" attribute, separating each value. n/aYes, unless "refid" is specified.
refid String The id of where the list of values to sort is stored.n/aYes, unless "value" is specified.
delimiter String The delimiter string that separates the values in the "list" attribute. ,No
flags String Sort flags depending on the php version and one of: SORT_REGULAR, SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_STRING, SORT_LOCALE_STRING, SORT_NATURAL, SORT_FLAG_CASE n/aNo

B.56.1 Example

<property id="test" name="my.list" value="z;y;X;w;v;U;t" />
<sortlist property="my.sorted.list" refid="test"

B.57 Subphing Task

Calls a given target for all defined sub-builds. This is an extension of Phing for bulk project execution. This task must not be used outside of a target if it invokes the same build file it is part of.

subphing uses phing task internally so many things said in phing's manual page apply here as well.

Table B.59: Attributes

genericphingfile PhingFile Build file path, to use in conjunction with directories. Use genericphingfile, in order to run the same build file with different basedirs. If this attribute is set, phingfile is ignored. n/aNo
inheritAll Boolean Corresponds to <phing>'s inheritall attribute but defaults to "false" in this task. false No
inheritRefs Boolean Corresponds to <phing>'s inheritrefs attribute. false No
buildpath Path Set the buildpath to be used to find sub-projects.n/aNo
phingFile String Build file name, to use in conjunction with, ignored if genericphingfile is set.No
target String The target to execute. Default is the new sub-project's default target.n/aNo
failonerror Boolean Sets whether to fail with a build exception on error, or go on. true No
verbose Boolean Enable/disable log messages showing when each sub-build path is entered/exited. false No

B.57.1 Supported Nested Tags

B.58 SwitchTask

Task definition for the phing task to switch on a particular value.

Table B.60: Attributes

value String The value to switch on.n/aYes
caseinsensitive Boolean Should we do case insensitive comparisons?falseNo

B.58.1 Supported Nested Tags

At least one <case> or <default> is required.


An individual case to consider, if the value that is being switched on matches to value attribute of the case, then the nested tasks will be executed.

Table B.61: Attributes

value String The value to match against the tasks value attribute.n/aYes


The default case for when no match is found. Must not appear more than once per task.

B.58.2 Examples

<switch value="${foo}">
    <case value="bar">
        <echo message="The value of property foo is bar" />
    <case value="baz">
        <echo message="The value of property foo is baz" />
        <echo message="The value of property foo is not sensible" />

B.59 SymlinkTask

Creates symlink(s) to a specified file / directory or a collection of files / directories.

Table B.62: Attributes

target String What you're trying to symlink fromn/aYes (or nested FileSet)
link String Where you'd like the symlink(s)n/aYes
overwrite Boolean Whether to override the symlink if it exists but points to a different location false No
relative Boolean Whether to create relative symlinks false No

B.59.1 Example

Single symlink

<symlink target="/path/to/original/file" link="/where/to/symlink" />

Using filesets

<symlink link="/where/to/symlink">
    <fileset dir="/some/directory">
        <include name="*" />

In the fileset example, assuming the contents of "/some/directory" were:

  • Somedir

  • somefile

Then the contents of "/where/to/symlink" would be:

  • Somedir -> /some/directory/Somedir

  • somefile -> /some/directory/somefile

B.59.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.60 TaskdefTask

With the TaskdefTask you can import a user task into your buildfile.

Table B.63: Attributes

classname String The path to the class that defines the TaskClass.n/aYes, unless the file attribute has been specified.
name String The name the task is available as after importing. If you specify "validate", for example, you can access the task imported here with <validate>. n/aYes, unless the file attribute has been specified.
file String Name of the file to load definitions from.n/aNo
classpath String The classpath to use when including classes. This is added to PHP's include_path.n/aNo
classpathref String Reference to classpath to use when including classes. This is added to PHP's include_path. n/aNo

B.60.1 Examples

<!-- Includes the Task named "ValidateHTMLTask" and makes it available by
    <validatehtml> -->
<taskdef classname="user.tasks.ValidateHTMLTask" name="validatehtml" />

<!-- Includes the Task "RebootTask" from "user/sometasks" somewhere inside
    the $PHP_CLASSPATH -->
<taskdef classname="user.sometasks.RebootTask" name="reboot" />

<!-- Includes all tasks from the property file. Each line in the property
    file defines a task in the format: -->
<taskdef file="/path/to/" />

NB: Taskdef now supports the PEAR-style naming convention to define and load tasks:

<taskdef name="sampletask" classname="Dir_Subdir_SampleTask"/>

will load class Dir_Subdir_SampleTask from file Dir/Subdir/SampleTask.php.

B.60.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.61 Tempfile Task

This task sets a property to the name of a temporary file. Unlike PhingFile::createTempFile(), this task does not actually create the temporary file, but it does guarantee that the file did not exist when the task was executed.

Table B.64: Attributes

property String Sets the property you wish to assign the temporary file to.n/ayes
destdir String Sets the destination directory. If not set, the basedir directory is used instead.basedirno
prefix String Sets the optional prefix string for the temp file.n/ano
suffix String Sets the optional suffix string for the temp file.n/ano
deleteonexit Boolean Whether the temp file will be marked for deletion on normal exit (even though the file may never be created). falseno
createfile Boolean Whether the temp file should be created by this task.falseno

B.61.1 Example

<tempfile property="temp.file"/>

create a temporary file

<tempfile property="temp.file" suffix=".xml"/>

create a temporary file with the .xml suffix

<tempfile property="temp.file" destDir="build"/>

create a temporary file in the build subdirectory

B.62 ThrowTask

Extension of build in FailTask that can throw an exception that is given by a reference. This may be useful if you want to rethrow the exception that has been caught by a TryCatchTask in the <catch> block.

Table B.65: Attributes

refid String Id of the referenced exception.n/aNo


In addition, all attributes of the FailTask are supported.

B.62.1 Example

<target name="tryCatchThrow">
    <trycatch property="foo" reference="bar">

            <echo>In <catch>.</echo>

            <echo>In <finally>.</echo>

    <echo>As property: ${foo}</echo>
    <property name="baz" refid="bar" />
    <echo>From reference: ${baz}</echo>

    <echo>Throw ...</echo>
    <throw refid="bar" />


B.63 TouchTask

The TouchTask works like the Unix touch command: It sets the modtime of a file to a specific time. Default is the current time.

Table B.66: Attributes

file String The file which time is to be changed.n/aYes, or nested <fileset> tag
datetime DateTime The date and time the mtime of the file is to be set to. The format is "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM or PM" now No
seconds Integer The number of seconds since Midnight Jan 1 1970 (Unix epoch). now No
millis Integer The number of milliseconds since Midnight Jan 1 1970 (Unix epoch). Note: milliseconds are converted to seconds internally. When using this option the value must be greater than 1000. now No
seconds Integer The number of seconds since Midnight Jan 1 1970 (Unix epoch). now No
mkdirs Boolean Whether to create nonexistent parent directories when touching new files. false No
verbose Boolean Whether to log the creation of new files. true No

B.63.1 Examples

<touch file="README.txt" millis="102134111" />

<touch file="COPYING.lib" datetime="10/10/1999 09:31 AM" />
<target name="map">
    <touch file="${tmp.dir}/touchtest"/>
        <fileset file="${tmp.dir}/touchtest" />
        <mapper type="composite">
            <mapper type="glob" from="*" to="*foo" />
            <mapper type="glob" from="*" to="*bar" />

B.63.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.64 TruncateTask

Modify the length of a file, as the intermittently available truncate Unix utility/function.

When length and adjust are not set an empty file is created.

Table B.67: Attributes

file String The name of the file.n/aYes
length String Specifies the file size. Examples: 5000B, 250K, 1M. n/aNo
adjust String The value to increase or decrease (if you specify a negative value) the size of a file. Examples: -100, 250B, 4K. n/aNo
create Boolean Whether to create nonexistent files. true No
mkdirs Boolean Whether to create nonexistent parent directories when creating new files. false No


File size can be written using IEC and SI suffixes, bytes are assumed when suffix is not specified. The following suffixes (case-insensitive) are supported:

Table B.68: Supported file size suffixes

IECB. 1 byte
K, Ki, KiB, kibi, kibibyte. 1024 bytes
M, Mi, MiB, mebi, mebibyte. 1024 kibibytes
G, Gi, GiB, gibi, gibibyte. 1024 mebibytes
T, Ti, TiB, tebi, tebibyte. 1024 gibibytes
SI kB, kilo, kilobyte. 1000 bytes
MB, mega, megabyte. 1000 kilobytes
GB, giga, gigabyte. 1000 megabytes
TB, tera, terabyte. 1000 gigabytes

B.64.1 Examples

<truncate file="foo" />

B.65 TryCatchTask

This task is a wrapper task that lets you run tasks(s) when another set of tasks fails, mirroring PHP's try/catch functionality (with the addition of finally block)

The tasks inside of the try block will always be run. If one of them throws a BuildException, the following things can happen:

  • If there is no catch block, the exception will be passed to Phing.

  • If the property attribute has been set a property of that name will contain the message of the exception.

  • If there is a catch block, the nested tasks will be run.

If a finally block is present, the nested tasks will be run regardless of whether the tasks in the try block have thrown an exception or not.

This task was inspired by

Table B.69: Attributes

property String Name of a property that will receive the message of the exception that has been caught (if any) n/aNo

B.65.1 Examples

<trycatch property="foo">

        <echo>In catch.</echo>

        <echo>In finally.</echo>

<echo>As property: ${foo}</echo>

B.66 TstampTask

Sets the DSTAMP, TSTAMP, and TODAY properties in the current project. By default, the DSTAMP property is in the format "yyyyMMdd", TSTAMP is in the format "HHmm", finally TODAY contains locale-sensitive date, for example "March 13, 2023". Use the nested <format> element to specify a different format.

These properties can be used in the build-file, for instance, to create time-stamped filenames, or used to replace placeholder tags inside documents to indicate, for example, the release date. The best place for this task is probably in an initialization target.

The magic property can be used to specify a fixed date value in order to create reproducible builds. Its value must be a number and is interpreted as seconds since the epoch (midnight 1970-01-01). With you could also specify that value in DateTime compatible format. If you specify a value in an invalid format an INFO message will be logged and the value will be ignored.

Table B.70: Attributes

prefix String Prefix used for all properties set.n/aNo

B.66.1 Examples


sets the standard DSTAMP, TSTAMP, and TODAY properties according to the default formats.

    <format property="DAY" pattern="EEEE" locale="nl_NL"/>

sets the standard properties as well as the property DAY with the pattern "EEEE" (day of week) using the Dutch locale.

<tstamp prefix="start"/>

sets three properties with the standard formats, prefixed with "start.": start.DSTAMP, start.TSTAMP, and start.TODAY.

B.66.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • format

    The Tstamp task supports a <format> nested element that allows a property to be set to the current date and time in a given format.

Table B.71: Attributes

property String The property to receive the date/time string in the given pattern.n/aYes
pattern String The date/time pattern to be used, pattern must follow ICU syntax.n/aYes
locale String The locale used to create date/time string. n/aNo
timezone String The timezone to use for displaying time.n/aNo

B.66.3 ICU syntax

ICU syntax replaces string of characters with proper date and time data. Please refer to official ICU documentation to see the complete Date/Time Format Syntax reference.

Table B.72: ICU syntax

SymbolMeaningPatternExample Output
y year yy
y or yyyy
M month in year M
d day in month d
E day of week E, EE, or EEE
a AM or PM a, aa, or aaa
PM [abbrev]
PM [wide]
h hour in am/pm (1~12) h
H hour in day (0~23) H
m minute in hour m
s seconds in minute s
Z Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hms? / RFC 822
Time Zone: long localized GMT (=OOOO)
Time Zone: ISO8601 extended hms? (=XXXXX)
Z, ZZ, or ZZZ
-08:00, -07:52:58, Z
' escape for text ' (nothing)
' ' two single quotes produce one ' ' '


ICU syntax was introduced in Phing 3, if you are using an older version then you must use strftime format syntax.

B.67 TypedefTask

With the TypedefTask you can import a user type into your buildfile.

Table B.73: Attributes

classname String The path to the class that defines the type class.n/aYes
name String The name the type is available as after importing. If you specify "cproject", for example, you can access the type imported here with <cproject>. n/aYes
classpath String The classpath to use when including classes. This is added to PHP's include_path.n/aNo
classpathref String Reference to classpath to use when including classes. This is added to PHP's include_path. n/aNo

B.67.1 Examples

Includes the Type named "CustomProject" and makes it available by
<typedef classname="user.types.CustomProject" name="cproject" />

B.67.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.68 URLEncodeTask

The URLEncode task will encode a given property for use within a a URL string. This value which is actually set will be encoded via the urlencode() function. Typically, you must do this for all parameter values within a URL.

Table B.74: Attributes

property String The name of the property to set.n/aYes
override Boolean If the property is already set, should we change it's value. Can be true or false falseNo
value String The value of the property.n/aNo, if refid is specified
refid String The id of a saved reference whose value will be the value of the property.n/aNo, if value is specified

B.68.1 Example

<urlencode name="file.location" value="C:\\wwwhome\\my reports\\report.xml" />

B.69 UpToDateTask

UpToDateTask tests if a file is newer than another file or files and sets a property if it is. This is a common way to avoid, possibly time consuming, creation of a target if none of the files/resources it depends on have changed.

Table B.75: Attributes

property String Name of the property that is to be setn/aYes
value String The value the property is to be set to true No
srcfile String The file to check against target file(s)n/aYes (or nested fileset)
targetfile String The file for which we want to determine the statusn/aYes (or nested mapper)

B.69.1 Examples

<uptodate property="propelBuild.notRequired"
            <fileset dir="${src}/propel">

The above example sets the property propelBuild.notRequired to true if the ${deploy}/propelClasses.tgz file is more up-to-date than any of the PHP class files in the ${src}/propeldirectory.

<target name="CompileTarget">
    <uptodate property="target.uptodate" targetfile="main">
        <fileset refid="sources"/>
        <not><isset property="target.uptodate"/></not>
            <!-- Some commands to update the target ... -->

The above example shows a common use when doing a "compile" type target where a single target depends on other source files. In this case the commands to update the target (whatever they are) are only run if any of the source files are more up to date than the target.

B.69.2 Supported Nested Tags

B.70 Variable

The Variable task provides a mutable property to Phing and works much like variable assignment in PHP. This task is similar to the standard Phing Property task, except that THESE PROPERTIES ARE MUTABLE. While this goes against the standard Phing use of properties, occasionally it is useful to be able to change a property value within the build. In general, use of this task is DISCOURAGED, and the standard Phing Property should be used if possible. Having said that, in real life I use this a lot.

Variables can be set individually or loaded from a standard properties file. A 'feature' of variables is that they can override properties, but properties cannot override variables. So if an already established property exists, its value can be reassigned by use of this task.

Table B.76: Attributes

name String The name of the property to set.NoneYes, unless 'file' is used.
value String The value of the property.""No
unset Boolean Removes the property from the project as if it had never been set.falseNo
file String The name of a standard properties file to load variables from.NoneNo

B.70.1 Example

<var name="x" value="6"/>
<echo>x = ${x}</echo> <!-- print: 6 -->

<var name="x" value="12"/>
<echo>x = ${x}</echo> <!-- print: 12 -->

<var name="x" value="6 + ${x}"/>
<echo>x = ${x}</echo> <!-- print: 6 + 12 -->

<var name="str" value="I "/>
<var name="str" value="${str} am "/>
<var name="str" value="${str} a "/>
<var name="str" value="${str} string."/>
<echo>${str}</echo> <!-- print: I am a string. -->

<var name="x" value="6"/>
<echo>x = ${x}</echo> <!-- print: 6 -->

<property name="x" value="12"/>
<echo>x = ${x}</echo> <!-- print: 6 (property can't override) -->

<var name="x" value="blue"/>
    <format property="x" pattern="%A"/>
<echo>Today is ${x}.</echo> <!-- print: Today is blue. -->

<var name="x" value="" unset="true"/>
    <format property="x" pattern="%A"/>
<echo>Today is ${x}.</echo> <!-- print: Today is Friday. -->

B.71 VersionTask

The VersionTask increments a three-part version number from a given file and writes it back to the file. The resulting version number is also published under supplied property.

The version number in the text file is expected in the format of Major.Minor.Bugfix (e.g. 1.3.2). Alternatively you can use 'v' as prefix (e.g. v1.3.2).

Table B.77: Attributes

releasetype String Specifies desired version release (Major, Minor or Bugfix)n/aYes
file String File containing three-part version number to increment build.version No
property String Property which contains the resulting version number build.version No
propFile Boolean If true, version will be saved using property file format (i.e. key=value). false No
startingVersion String Starting version string, if version file does not exist. 0.0.0 No

B.71.1 Example

<version releasetype="Major" file="version.txt" property="version.number"/>
<version releasetype="Minor" startingVersion="v5.7" propFile="true"/>

B.72 WaitForTask

Wait for a condition to become true or a timeout, whichever comes first.

Table B.78: Attributes

MaxWait Integer Set the maximum length of time to wait in units3minYes
MaxWaitUnit String Set the max wait time unit. Must be one of "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "millisecond" millisecondNo
CheckEvery Integer Set the time between each check500msYes
CheckEveryUnit String Set the check every time unit. Must be one of "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "millisecond" millisecondsNo
TimeoutProperty String Name of the property to set after a timeout.nullNo

B.72.1 Examples

Wait for a maximum of ten seconds for the file "ready" to appear.

<waitfor maxwaitunit="second" maxwait="10">
    <available file="ready"/>

B.72.2 Supported Nested Tags

All conditionals including and, or, not etc.

B.73 XsltTask

With XsltTask, you can run a XSLT transformation on an XML file. Actually, XsltTask extends CopyTask, so you can use all the elements allowed there.

XsltTask is implemented by means of the XsltFlter and hence relies on PHP5 XSLT support via (libxslt) which must be available in php5. The XsltTask is equivalent to running command line xsltproc since that is a frontend for libxslt.

Table B.79: Attributes

style String The path where the Xslt file is locatedn/aYes
resolvedocumentexternals Boolean Whether to resolve entities in the XML document. (see this link for details) false No
resolvestylesheetexternals Boolean Whether to resolve entities in the stylesheet. false No
html Boolean Whether to work on HTML or XML. false No

Note: You can also use all the attributes available forSection B.14, “CopyTask”.

B.73.1 Examples

<!-- Transform docbook with an imaginary XSLT file -->
<xslt todir="/srv/docs/phing" style="dbk2html.xslt" >
    <fileset dir=".">
        <include name="**/*.xml" />

B.73.2 Supported Nested Tags

Note: You can use all the elements also available forSection B.14, “CopyTask”.

Additionally, you can use <param> tags with a name and a expression (or value alias) attribute. These parameters are then available from within the xsl style sheet.

Appendix C. Optional tasks

This appendix contains a reference of all optional tasks, i.e. tasks that are not directly needed for building projects, but can assist in various aspects of development and deployment.

This reference lists the tasks alphabetically by the name of the classes that implement the tasks. So if you are searching for the reference to the <phplint> tag, for example, you will want to look at the reference of PhpLintTask.

C.1 ApiGenTask

This task runs ApiGen, a tool for creating professional API documentation from PHP source code, similar to discontinued phpDocumentor/phpDoc.

Table C.1: Attributes

executableStringApiGen executable name.apigenNo
actionStringApiGen action to be executed.generateNo
configStringConfig file name.n/aSource and destination are required - either set explicitly or using a config file. Attribute values set explicitly have precedence over values from a config file.
sourceStringList of source files or directories.n/a
destinationStringDestination directory.n/a
excludeStringList of masks (case sensitive) to exclude files or directories from processing.n/aNo
skipdocpathStringList of masks (case sensitive) to exclude elements from documentation generating.n/aNo
charsetStringCharacter set of source files.UTF-8No
mainStringMain project name prefix.n/aNo
titleStringTitle of generated documentation.n/aNo
baseurlStringDocumentation base URL.n/aNo
googlecseidStringGoogle Custom Search ID.n/aNo
googlecselabelStringGoogle Custom Search label.n/aNo
googleanalyticsStringGoogle Analytics tracking code.n/aNo
templateconfigStringTemplate config file name.n/aIf not set the default template is used.
templatethemeStringTemplate theme file name.n/aIf not set the default template is used.
accesslevelsStringElement access levels. Documentation only for methods and properties with the given access level will be generated.public, protectedNo
internalBooleanWhether to generate documentation for elements marked as internal and internal documentation parts or not.NoNo
phpBooleanWhether to generate documentation for PHP internal classes or not.YesNo
treeBooleanWhether to generate tree view of classes, interfaces, traits and exceptions or not.YesNo
deprecatedBooleanWhether to generate documentation for deprecated elements or not.NoNo
todoBooleanWhether to generate documentation of tasks or not.NoNo
sourcecodeBooleanWhether to generate highlighted source code files or not.YesNo
downloadBooleanWhether to generate a link to download documentation as a ZIP archive or not.NoNo
debugBooleanWhether to enable the debug mode or not.NoNo

C.1.1 Example

  title="My Project API Documentation"

C.2 ComposerTask

The ComposerTask runs the Composer tool ( directly from Phing.

Table C.2: Attributes

commandStringThe Composer command to execute.n/aYes
composerStringPath to Composer.composer.phar, if not found it tries to use composer executable from your system. No
phpStringPath to the PHP interpreterDefaults to the ${php.interpreter} property which is the interpreter used to execute phing itself. No

C.2.1 Supported Nested Tags

  • arg

    Table C.3: Attributes

    valueStringA single command-line argument; can contain space characters.n/aOne of these
    fileStringThe name of a file as a single command-line argument; will be replaced with the absolute filename of the file.n/a
    pathStringA string that will be treated as a path-like string as a single command-line argument; you can use ; or : as path separators and Phing will convert it to the platform's local conventions.n/a
    lineStringA space-delimited list of command-line arguments.n/a

C.2.2 Example

<composer command="install">
  <arg value="--no-dev"/>
  <arg value="--no-interaction"/>

C.3 CoverageMergerTask

The CoverageMergerTask merges code coverage information from external sources with an existing code coverage database.

The format of the code coverage files is expected to be identical to:

        '/www/live/testcases/', serialize(xdebug_get_code_coverage)

C.3.1 Example

  <fileset dir="/www/live/testcases">
    <include name="**/*.data"/>

C.3.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.4 CoverageReportTask

The CoverageReportTask formats a coverage database into a framed HTML report using XSLT. The report can optionally make use of the Generic Syntax Highlighting library, GeSHi (See GeSHi Homepage) library to mark up source code. The path to the library (if not in the default path) can be specified as an attribute.

Table C.4: Attributes

outfileStringThe location for the intermediate XML file.coverage.dbYes
classpathStringAdditional classpath to locate source referenced in the report.n/aNo
geshipathStringPath to GeSHi highlighting library.n/aNo/Yes* If syntax highlighting is to be enabled
geshilanguagespathStringLanguage to use with GeSHi.n/aNo

C.4.1 Example

<coverage-report outfile="reports/coverage.xml">
  <report todir="reports/coverage" styledir="/home/phing/etc"/>

C.4.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • report

    Table C.5: Attributes

    styledirStringThe directory where the stylesheets are located.The etc directory in the Phing installation.No
    todirStringThe directory where the files resulting from the transformation should be written to. Yes
    titleStringTitle of the project (used in the generated document(s)). No
    usesorttableBooleanWhether to use the sorttable JavaScript library (see

C.5 CoverageSetupTask

The CoverageSetupTask prepares a database which can be used to gather code coverage information for unit tests.

Table C.6: Attributes

databaseStringThe location for the coverage database.coverage.dbYes

C.5.1 Example

<coverage-setup database="./reports/coverage.db">
  <fileset dir="classes">
    <include name="**/*.php"/>
<phpunit codecoverage="true">
    <fileset dir="src">
      <include name="*Test.php"/>

C.5.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.6 CoverageThresholdTask

This task validates the code coverage database and will stop the build cycle if any class or method or entire project's coverage is lower than the specified threshold.

Table C.7: Attributes

databaseStringThe location of the coverage database. (This is optional if CoverageSetupTask has run before.)n/aNo
perProjectIntegerThe minimum code coverage for the entire project.25No
perClassIntegerThe minimum code coverage for any class.25No
perMethodIntegerThe minimum code coverage for any method.25No
verboseBooleanWhether to enable detailed logging or not.falseNo

C.6.1 Example

<coverage-threshold database="./reports/coverage.db"/>

C.6.2 Supported Nested Tags

Validates an optional code coverage database against the default thresholds.


Validates the code coverage database (from CoverageSetupTask) against the specified thresholds.


Validates the code coverage database (from CoverageSetupTask) against the specified thresholds and excludes the given file, class and method from threshold validation. The filename is relative to the project basedir. A Method can be named either "Model_System::execute()" or "Model_System::execute". The method name is considered only for the given class "Model_System".

C.7 DbDeployTask

The DbDeployTask creates .sql files for making revisions to a database, based on dbdeploy conventions centering around a changelog table in the database. See rules for using dbdeploy for more information. You will need a changelog table like so:

Table C.8: Attributes

urlStringPDO connection urln/aYes
useridStringDB userid to use for accessing the changelog table.noneAs required by db
passwordStringDB password to use for accessing the changelog table.noneAs required by db
dirStringDirectory containing dbdeploy delta scripts.noneYes
outputfileStringFilename in which deployment SQL will be generated.dbdeploy_deploy.sqlNo
undooutputfileStringFilename in which undo SQL will be generated.dbdeploy_undo.sqlNo
deltasetStringdeltaset to check within db.MainNo
lastchangetoapplyIntegerHighest-numbered delta script to apply to db.999No
appliedByStringValue of the 'applied_by' column for each entry in the changelog table.dbdeployNo
checkallBooleanFalse means dbdeploy will only apply patches that have a higher number than the last patchnumber that was applied True means dbdeploy will apply all changes that aren't applied already (in ascending order).falseNo

C.7.1 Example

CREATE TABLE changelog (
  change_number BIGINT NOT NULL,
  delta_set VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
  complete_dt TIMESTAMP NULL,
  applied_by VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
  description VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL

The above example uses a sqlite database and delta scripts located in dbdeploy/deltas in the project base dir.

C.8 FileSyncTask

Syncs files or directories using the rsync command. Syncing can be done on the same server or from/to a remote server.

Table C.9: Attributes

rsyncPathStringPath to rsync command./usr/bin/rsyncYes
sourceDirStringSource directory (use [user@]host:path for remote sources).n/aYes
destinationDirStringDestination directory (use [user@]host:path for remote destinations). Note: sub directories are created by default if they do not exist in the destination directory.n/aYes
excludeStringExcluded file matching pattern. Use comma separated values to exclude multiple files/directories, e.g.: a,bn/aNo
excludeFileStringExcluded patterns file.n/aNo
backupDirStringCreates a backup so users can rollback to an existing restore point.n/aNo
optionsStringAny options that rsync supports, removes the default options. Should you wish to change the port ssh uses for remote transfers, set this attribute to -e 'ssh -p XXXXX' -rpKzl-rpKzNo
verboseBooleanThis option increases the amount of information you are given during the transfer.TrueNo
dryRunBooleanThis option makes rsync perform a trial run that doesn't make any changes.FalseNo
itemizeChangesBooleanThis option requests a simple itemized list of the changes that are being made to each file, including attribute changes.FalseNo
checksumBooleanThis option will cause rsync to skip files based on checksum, not mod-time & size.FalseNo
deleteBooleanThis option deletes files that don't exist on sender after transfer including force and ignore-errors.FalseNo
identityFileStringIdentity file for ssh authentication of a remote transfer.n/aNo
portIntegerPort for ssh authentication used by identityFile.22No

C.8.1 Examples

<filesync sourcedir="/var/www/development/project1"
  destinationdir="/var/www/project1" />

<filesync sourcedir="host::module" destinationdir="/var/www/project1/" />

  checksum="true" />

In the sourcedir and destinationdir properties user name for remote connections is optional.

C.9 FtpDeployTask

Deploys a set of files to a remote FTP server.

Table C.10: Attributes

hostStringThe hostname of the remote server.noneYes
portIntegerThe port of the remote server.21No
usernameStringThe username to use when logging in to the remote server.noneYes
passwordStringThe password to use when logging in to the remote server.noneYes
sslbooleanWhether to connect via SSL. This requires Net/FTP to be installed.falseNo
dirStringDirectory on the remote server.noneNo
modeStringThe transfer mode to use, either ascii or binary.binaryNo
clearfirstBooleanDelete all files in the remote directory before uploading.falseNo
passiveBooleanOpen connection in passive modefalseNo
dirmodemixed Permissions of the uploaded files, can either be 'inherit' or it can be a octal value without the leading zero. Settings the dirmode to 'inherit' will cause the uploaded files to have the same permissions as on the filesystem. falseNo
filemodemixedThis option does the same as dirmode, except it only affects regular files.falseNo
dependsboolean If depends is set to true, the task will only update files with a local modification timestamp that is newer than the corresponding timestamp on the server. falseNo
levelStringControl the level at which the task reports status messages. One of error, warning, info, verbose, debug.verboseNo
rawdatafallbackboolean If Net_FTP is not able to parse the raw ftp data, the depends option does not work at all. Setting rawdatafallback will cause phing trying to parse the ftp data on its own, so the depends option might work again. If depends is set to false, rawdatafallback is ignored. No 
skiponsamesizeBooleanSkip upload, if file of same size exists.falseNo

C.9.1 Example

  <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="**"/>
    <exclude name="phing"/>
    <exclude name="build.xml"/>
    <exclude name="images/**.png"/>
    <exclude name="images/**.gif"/>
    <exclude name="images/**.jpg"/>

C.9.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.10 GitArchiveTask

Create an archive of files from a named tree.

Table C.11: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary/usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringThe repository.n/aOne of these attributes is required.
remoterepoStringThe remote repository.n/a
treeishStringThe tree or commit to produce an archive for.n/aYes
outputStringWrite the archive to file.n/aNo
prefixStringPrepend prefix to each filename in the archive.n/aNo
formatStringFormat of the resulting archive: tar or zip. If this option is not given, and the output file is specified, the format is inferred from the filename if possible (e.g. writing to "" makes the output to be in the zip format). Otherwise the output format is tarn/aNo

C.10.1 Example

<gitclone gitPath="${git-path}"
          targetPath="${tmp.dir.resolved}/test" />

C.11 GitBranchTask

Create, move or delete repository branches. See official documentation (branch listing functionality is omitted in current implementation).

Table C.12: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary./usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringPath to Git repository.n/aYes
branchnameStringThe name of the branch to create or delete.n/aYes
newbranchStringThe new name for an existing branch.n/aYes, if branch move invoked
startpointStringThe new branch head will point to this commit. It may be given as a branch name, a commit-id, or a tag. If this option is omitted, the current HEAD will be used instead. See <start-point> argument of git-branch. No
setupstreamStringIf specified branch does not exist yet or if --force has been given, acts exactly like --track. Otherwise sets up configuration like --track would when creating the branch, except that where branch points to is not changed. See --set-upstream option of git-branch. No
trackBooleanSee --track option of git-branch.falseNo
notrackBooleanSee --no-track option of git-branch.falseNo
forceBooleanReset <branchname> to <startpoint> if <branchname> exists already. Without -f git branch refuses to change an existing branch.falseNo
moveBooleanMove/rename a branch and the corresponding reflog.falseNo
forcemoveBooleanMove/rename a branch even if the new branch name already exists.falseNo
deleteBooleanDelete a branch. The branch must be fully merged in its upstream branch, or in HEAD if no upstream was set with --track or --set-upstream.falseNo
forcedeleteBooleanDelete a branch irrespective of its merged status.falseNo

C.11.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./relative/path/to/repo" />
<resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />

<!-- Initialize normal repository -->
<gitinit repository="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

<!-- Create branch "sample-branch" tracking current HEAD -->
    branchname="sample-branch" />

Create branch "sample-branch" tracking origin/master
Note that you can omit both startpoint and track attributes in this case
    track="true" />

<!-- Delete fully merged branch "sample-branch" -->
    delete="true" />

<!-- Force delete even unmerged branch "sample-branch" -->
    forcedelete="true" />

<!-- Renabe "branch1" to "branch2" -->
    move="true" />

C.12 GitCheckoutTask

Checkout a branch or paths to the working tree. See official documentation.

Table C.13: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary/usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringPath to Git repositoryn/aYes
branchnameStringBranch to checkout. See <branch> in git-checkout.originNo
startpointStringThe name of a commit at which to start the new branch; Defaults to HEAD. See <start_point> in git-checkout. No
createBooleanCreate a new branch named <branchname> and start it at <startpoint>falseNo
forcecreateBooleanCreates the branch <branchname> and start it at <startpoint>; if it already exists, then reset it to <startpoint>. This is equivalent to running "git branch" with "-f".falseNo
mergeBooleanSee --merge in git-checkout.falseNo
trackBooleanSee --track in git-checkout.falseNo
notrackBooleanSee --no-track in git-checkout.falseNo
quietBooleanQuiet, suppress feedback messages. See --quiet in git-checkout.falseNo
forceBooleanWhen switching branches, proceed even if the index or the working tree differs from HEAD. This is used to throw away local changes. See --force in git-checkout.falseNo

C.12.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./relative/path/to/repo" />
                <resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />

                <!-- clone repository -->
                targetPath="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

                <!-- create and switch to "mybranch" branch -->
                branchname="mybranch" quiet="true" create="true" />

                <!-- get back to "master" branch -->
                branchname="master" quiet="true" />

                <!-- create (force) already created branch -->
                branchname="mybranch" quiet="true"
                forceCreate="true" />

C.13 GitCloneTask

Clone a repository into a new directory.

Table C.14: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary/usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringThe (possibly remote) repository to clone from.n/aYes
targetPathStringThe name of a new directory to clone into. Cloning into an existing directory is only allowed if the directory is empty.n/aYes
bareBooleanCreate bare repository. See --bare option of git-clone.falseNo
depthIntegerCreate a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of revisions. See --depth option of git-clone.0No
singleBranchBooleanClone only one branch. See --single-branch option of git-clone.falseNo
branchStringCheckout branch instead of the remote's HEAD.n/aYes

C.13.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./relative/path/to/repo" />
                <resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />

                <!-- Clone repository -->
                targetPath="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

                <!-- Clone bare repository -->
                bare="true" />

C.14 GitCommitTask

Record changes to the repository. See official documentation.

Table C.15: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary/usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringPath to Git repositoryn/aYes
messageStringCommit messagen/aNo
allFilesBooleanWhether to automatically stage files that have been modified and deleted (see --all in git-commit)n/aNo

C.14.1 Example

<!-- commit all modified / deleted files -->;
                message="Commit message" allFiles="true" />;

C.14.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.15 GitDescribeTask

This task finds the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit. If the tag points to the commit, then only the tag is shown. Otherwise, it suffixes the tag name with the number of additional commits on top of the tagged object and the abbreviated object name of the most recent commit.

Table C.16: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary/usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringPath to Git repositoryn/aYes
outputPropertyStringProperty name to set with output value from git-describe.n/aNo
allBooleanInstead of using only the annotated tags, use any ref found in refs/ namespace. This option enables matching any known branch, remote-tracking branch, or lightweight tag.falseNo
tagsStringInstead of using only the annotated tags, use any tag found in refs/tags namespace. This option enables matching a lightweight (non-annotated) tag.falseNo
containsBooleanInstead of finding the tag that predates the commit, find the tag that comes after the commit, and thus contains it. Automatically implies --tags.falseNo
longBooleanAlways output the long format (the tag, the number of commits and the abbreviated commit name) even when it matches a tag.falseNo
alwaysBooleanShow uniquely abbreviated commit object as fallback.falseNo
abbrevIntegerInstead of using the default 7 hexadecimal digits as the abbreviated object name, use n digits, or as many digits as needed to form a unique object name. An n of 0 will suppress long format, only showing the closest tag.n/aNo
matchStringOnly consider tags matching the given glob(7) pattern, excluding the "refs/tags/" prefix. This can be used to avoid leaking private tags from the repository.n/aNo
committishStringCommit-ish object names to describe. Defaults to HEAD if omitted.HEADNo
canditatesIntegerInstead of considering only the 10 most recent tags as candidates to describe the input commit-ish consider up to n candidates. Increasing n above 10 will take slightly longer but may produce a more accurate result. An n of 0 will cause only exact matches to be output.n/aNo

C.15.1 Example

<gitdescribe repository="${repo.dir}"
    outputProperty="mostRecentTag" />

C.16 GitFetchTask

Download objects and refs from another repository. See official documentation.

Table C.17: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary./usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringPath to Git repository.n/aYes
sourceStringThe "remote" repository that is the source of a fetch or pull operation. See <repository> in git-fetch.originNo
refspecStringSee <refspec> in git-fetch. No
groupStringA name referring to a list of repositories as the value of remotes.<group> in the configuration file. See <group> in git-fetch. No
quietBooleanSilence any internally used git commands. Progress is not reported to the standard error stream. See --quiet in git-fetch.falseNo
allBooleanFetch all remotes. See --all in git-fetch.falseNo
keepBooleanKeep downloaded pack. See --keep in git-fetch.falseNo
pruneBooleanAfter fetching, remove any remote tracking branches which no longer exist on the remote. See --prune in git-fetch.falseNo
tagsBooleanSee --tags in git-fetch.falseNo
notagsBooleanSee --no-tags in git-fetch.falseNo
forceBooleanWhen git fetch is used with <rbranch>:<lbranch> refspec, it refuses to update the local branch <lbranch> unless the remote branch <rbranch> it fetches is a descendant of <lbranch>. This option overrides that check. See --force in git-fetch.falseNo

C.16.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./relative/path/to/repo" />
<resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />

<!-- Initialize normal repository -->
<gitinit repository="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

<!-- Fetch objects from all remotes -->
    repository="${repo.dir.resolved}" all="true" />

<!-- Fetch from origin/master to "refspec-branch" local branch -->
    quiet="true" />

C.17 GitGcTask

Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository.

Table C.18: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary./usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringThe repository to cleanup.n/aYes
aggressiveBooleanThis option will cause git gc to more aggressively optimize the repository at the expense of taking much more time. See --aggressive option of git-gc.falseNo
autoBooleanWith this option, git gc checks whether any housekeeping is required; if not, it exits without performing any work. See --auto option of git-gc.falseNo
nopruneBooleanDo not prune any loose objects. See --no-prune option of git-gc.falseNo
pruneStringPrune loose objects older than date. See --prune option of git-gc.2.weeks.agoNo

C.17.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./relative/path/to/repo" />
                <resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />

                <!-- Clone repository -->
                targetPath="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

                <!-- Cleanup repository-->
                prune="1.week.ago" />

C.18 GitInitTask

Create an empty git repository or reinitialize an existing one.

Table C.19: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary/usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringPath to Git repositoryn/aYes
bareBooleanCreate bare repository. See --bare option of git-init.falseNo

C.18.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./relative/path/to/repo" />
                <resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />

                <!-- Initialize normal repository -->
                <gitinit repository="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

                <!-- Initialize bare repository -->
                <gitinit bare="true" repository="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

C.19 GitLogTask

Show commit logs. See official documentation.

Table C.20: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary/usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringPath to Git repositoryn/aYes
pathsString<paentry> arguments to git-log. Accepts one or more paths delimited by PATH_SEPARATORn/aNo
outputPropertyStringProperty name to set with output value from git-logn/aNo
formatStringCommit format. See --format of git-log. Can be one of oneline, short, medium, full, fuller, email, raw and format:<string>mediumNo
dateStringDate format. See --date of git-log.n/aNo
sinceString<since> argument to git-log.n/aNo
untilString<until> argument to git-log.n/aNo
statStringGenerate a diffstat. See --stat of git-logn/aNo
nameStatusBooleanNames + status of changed files. See --name-status of git-log.falseNo
maxCountIntegerNumber of commits to show. See -<n>|-n|--max-count of git-log.n/aNo
noMergesBooleanDon't show commits with more than one parent. See --no-merges of git-log.falseNo

C.19.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./relative/path/to/repo" />
                <resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />

                <!-- clone repository -->
                targetPath="${repo.dir.resolved}" />
                since="Sun Jan 23 23:55:42 2011 +0300"
                until="Mon Jan 24 09:59:33 2011 +0300"
                repository="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

C.20 GitMergeTask

Join two or more development histories together. See official documentation.

Table C.21: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary/usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringPath to Git repositoryn/aYes
remoteStringSpace separated list of branches to merge into current HEAD. See <commit> in git-merge.n/aNo
messageStringCommit message to be used for the merge commit (in case one is created). See <msg> in git-merge.n/aNo
fastForwardCommitBooleanIf set false (default), will not generate a merge commit if the merge resolved as a fast-forward, only update the branch pointer. If set true, will generate a merge commit even if the merge resolved as a fast-forward. See --ff/--no-ff options in git-merge.falseNo
strategyStringMerge strategy. One of "resolve", "recursive", "octopus", "ours", or "subtree". See <strategy> in git-merge.n/aNo
strategyOptionStringPass merge strategy specific option through to the merge strategy. See <strategy-option> in git-merge.n/aNo
commitBooleanSee --commit in git-merge.falseNo
nocommitBooleanSee --no-commit in git-merge.falseNo
quietBooleanQuiet, suppress feedback messages. See --quiet in git-merge.falseNo

C.20.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./relative/path/to/repo" />
<resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />

<!-- clone repository -->
    targetPath="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

<!-- create couple of test branches -->
    branchname="merge-test-1" startpoint="origin/master" />
    branchname="merge-test-2" startpoint="origin/master" />

<!-- Merge those branches back into master -->
    remote="merge-test-1 merge-test-2"
    message="merging repos" commit="true" />

C.21 GitPullTask

Fetch from and merge with another repository or a local branch. See official documentation.

Table C.22: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary/usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringPath to Git repositoryn/aYes
allBooleanFetch all remotesfalseNo
sourceStringThe "remote" repository that is the source of a fetch or pull operation. See <repository> in git-pull.originYes, if allRemotes set to false
refspecStringSee <refspec> in git-pull.n/aNo
strategyStringMerge strategy. One of "resolve", "recursive", "octopus", "ours", or "subtree". See <strategy> in git-pull.n/aNo
strategyOptionStringPass merge strategy specific option through to the merge strategy. See <strategy-option> in git-pull.n/aNo
rebaseBooleanSee --rebase in git-pull.falseNo
norebaseBooleanSee --no-rebase in git-pull.falseNo
tagsBooleanEnable tag references following. See --tags in git-pull.falseNo
notagsBooleanDisable tag references following. See --no-tags in git-pull.falseNo
keepFilesBooleanSee --keep in git-pull.falseNo
appendBooleanSee --append in git-pull.falseNo
quietBooleanQuiet, suppress feedback messages. See --quiet in git-pull.falseNo
forceBooleanForce update. See --force in git-pull.falseNo

C.21.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./relative/path/to/repo" />
<resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />

<!-- clone repository -->
    targetPath="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

<!-- pull from all remotes -->
    repository="${repo.dir.resolved}" all="true" />

<!-- pull remote origin/foobranch and rebase when merging -->
    source="origin" refspec="foobranch"
    strategy="recursive" keep="true"
    force="true" quiet="true" rebase="true" />

C.22 GitPushTask

Update remote refs along with associated objects. See official documentation.

Table C.23: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary/usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringPath to Git repositoryn/aYes
allBooleanPush all referencesfalseNo
destinationStringThe "remote" repository that is destination of a push operation. See <repository> in git-push.originYes, if allRemotes set to false
refspecStringSee <refspec> in git-push.n/aNo
mirrorBooleanSee --mirror in git-push.falseNo
deleteBooleanDelete "remote" reference. Same as prefixing the refspec with colon. See --delete in git-push.falseNo
tagsBooleanPush all references under refs/tags. See --tags in git-push.falseNo
quietBooleanQuiet, suppress feedback messages. See --quiet in git-push.falseNo
forceBooleanForce update. See --force in git-push.falseNo

C.22.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./relative/path/to/repo" />
<resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />

<!-- clone repository -->
    targetPath="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

<!-- push branch "master" into "foobranch" on "origin" remote -->
    refspec="master:foobranch" tags="true" />

<!-- create new branch "newbranch" on "origin" remote -->
    refspec="master:newbranch" quiet="true" />

<!-- delete "newbranch" branch from "origin" remote -->
    refspec="newbranch" quiet="true" />

C.23 GitTagTask

Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG. See official documentation.

Table C.24: Attributes

gitPathStringPath to Git binary/usr/bin/gitNo
repositoryStringPath to Git repositoryn/aYes
messageStringUse given tag message. See -m of git-tag n/aNo
nameStringTag namen/aYes
commitString<commit> argument to git-tagn/aNo
objectString<object> argument to git-tagn/aNo
patternString<pattern> argument to git-tagn/aNo
outputPropertyStringProperty name to set with output value from git-tagn/aNo
fileStringTake tag message from given file. See -F of git-tag n/aNo
annotateBooleanMake unsigned, annotated tag object. See -a of git-tag falseNo
forceBooleanReplace existing tag with given name. See -f of git-tag falseNo
deleteBooleanDelete existing tags with given names. See -d of git-tag falseNo
listBooleanList tags with names matching given pattern. See -l of git-tag falseNo
numIntegerSpecifies how many lines from the annotation, if any, are printed when using -l. See -n of git-tag n/aNo
containsStringOnly list tags containing specified commit. See --contains of git-tag n/aNo
signBooleanMake GPG-signed tag. See -s of git-tag falseNo
keySignStringMake GPG-signed tag, using given key. See -u of git-tag of git-tag n/aNo
verifyBooleanVerify GPG signature of given tag names. See -v of git-tag falseNo

C.23.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./relative/path/to/repo" />
<resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />

<!-- clone repository -->
    targetPath="${repo.dir.resolved}" />

<gittag repository="${repo.dir.resolved}" name="ver1.0" />
<!-- Force duplicate tag creation -->
    name="ver1.0" force="true"/>
<!-- Create tag with annotation and message -->
    annotate="true" message="Version 1.0 tag"/>
<!-- Delete tag -->
        name="ver2.0" delete="true" />
<!-- List tags matching to pattern "marked" into "tags" variable -->
<gittag repository="${repo.dir.resolved}"
    pattern="marked" />

C.24 GrowlNotifyTask

When you have a long process and want to be notified when it is finished, without to stay focused on the console windows. Then use the GrowlNotify task.

This task requires the PEAR Net_Growl package installed (version 2.6.0).


  • Compatible Windows and Mac/OSX

  • Do not forget notification with sticky option

  • Define priority of messages

  • Send notification on private or public network

Table C.25: Attributes

nameStringName of application to be registerGrowl for PhingNo
stickyBooleanIndicates if the notification should be sticky on desktopfalseNo
messageStringText of notification. Use \n to specify a line breakn/aYes
titleStringTitle of notificationGrowlNotifyNo
notificationStringThe notification name/typeGeneral NotificationNo
  • absolute url (http://domain/image.png)

  • absolute file path (c:\temp\image.png)

  • relative file path (.\folder\image.png)

hostStringThe host address where to send the notification127.0.0.1No
passwordStringThe password required to send notifications over networkn/aNo

The notification priority. Valid values are :

  • low

  • moderate

  • normal

  • high

  • emergency

protocolStringThe protocol used to send the notification. May be either gntp or udp.gntpNo

The icon to show for the notification.

Must be a valid file type (png, jpg, gif, ico). Can be any of the following:

  • absolute url (http://domain/image.png)

  • absolute file path (c:\temp\image.png)

  • relative file path (.\folder\image.png)

embedded growl icon v2No

C.24.1 Examples

Send a single notification on a remote host

Both sender and Growl client (Mac or Windows) should share the same password.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="phing-GrowlNotifyTask" basedir="." default="notification">

    <target name="notification"
        description="display a single message with growl gntp over network"
        <growlnotify message="Deployment of project LAMBDA is finished."


Send a single notification with UDP protocol

When you don't have a Macintosh, OS compatible with Growl GNTP, you should use the basic UDP protocol.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="phing-GrowlNotifyTask" basedir="." default="notification">

    <target name="notification"
        description="display a single message with growl udp over network"
        <growlnotify message="Notify my MAC that does not accept GNTP."


Send an important notification

If you want to send a notification that is so important that you don't want to missed it, even if you are away from your computer. Use the sticky attribute.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="phing-GrowlNotifyTask" basedir="." default="notification">

    <target name="notification"
        description="display a sticky message on desktop"
        <growlnotify message="Project LAMDBA, unit tests FAILED."


Use your icons to identify an application

You may customize the Growl notification system, with different icons and more.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="phing-GrowlNotifyTask" basedir="." default="notification">

    <target name="notification"
        description="display a custom icon message"
        <growlnotify message="Have a look on my beautiful message!"
            name="phing Notifier"
            title="phing notification"


C.25 HgAddTask

Add files to Mercurial repository on the next commit. This is available for PHP 5.4 and higher.

Table C.26: Attributes

repositoryStringPath to Mercurial repository.n/aYes

C.25.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./" />
<resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />
<hgadd repository="${repo.dir.resolved}">
    <fileset dir="."/>

C.25.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.26 HgArchiveTask

Create an unversioned archive of a Mercurial repository revision. This is available for PHP 5.4 and higher.

Table C.27: Attributes

destinationStringName of archive to create.n/aYes
revisionStringRevision to distribute in the archive.n/aNo

C.26.1 Example

<property name="version" value="v0_1_2"/>
<hgarchive destination="${version}.zip" />
<hgarchive destination="${version}.tgz" />

C.27 HgCloneTask

Make a copy of an existing Mercurial repository. This is available for PHP 5.4 and higher.

Table C.28: Attributes

insecureBooleanDo not verify server certificate.falseNo
repositoryStringPath to Mercurial repository.n/aYes
targetPathStringDirectory to clone into.n/aYes
quietBooleanWork silently unless an error occurs.falseNo

C.27.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./" />
<property name="repo.url" value="" />
<resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />
<hgclone repository="${repo.url}" quiet="false" insecure="true" targetPath="${repo.dir.resolved}"/> 

C.28 HgCommitTask

Commit changes to a Mercurial repository. This is available for PHP 5.4 and higher.

Table C.29: Attributes

messageStringCommit message.n/aYes
quietBooleanWork silently unless an error occurs.falseNo
repositoryStringPath to Mercurial repository.n/aNo
userStringUser to record as the committer.n/aNo

C.28.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./" />
<resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />
<hgcommit message="[ci skip] Compress .js files." user="phingbot" repository="${repo.dir.resolved}"/> 

C.29 HgInitTask

Create a new Mercurial repository. This is available for PHP 5.4 and higher.

Table C.30: Attributes

insecureBooleanDo not verify server certificate.falseNo
quietBooleanWork silently unless an error occurs.falseNo
repositoryStringPath to Mercurial repository.n/aNo

C.29.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./" />
<resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />
<hginit repository="${repo.dir.resolved}"/> 

C.30 HgLogTask

Show revision history of entire Mercurial repository or files, or limit to a number of revisions. Optionally store the history to a phing property. This is available for PHP 5.4 and higher.

Table C.31: Attributes

formatStringDisplay with template, e.g. "{rev}\n", "{branch}" etc.n/aNo
maxCountIntegerNumber of commits to show/limit.n/aNo
outputPropertyStringProperty name to set output value to from the execution.n/aNo
repositoryStringPath to Mercurial repository.n/aYes
revisionStringShow the specified revision or range.n/aYes

C.30.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./" />
<resolvepath propertyName="repo.dir.resolved" file="${repo.dir}" />
<hglog maxCount="1" format="{files}\n" outputproperty="hgfiles" repository="${repo.dir.resolved}"/> 

C.31 HgPullTask

Pull changes from a specified Mercurial repository to a local one. This is available for PHP 5.4 and higher.

Table C.32: Attributes

insecureBooleanDo not verify server certificate.falseNo
quietBooleanWork silently unless an error occurs.falseNo
repositoryStringPath to Mercurial repository.n/aNo

C.31.1 Example

<hgpull quiet="false" insecure="true" repository="${repo.dir}"/> 

C.32 HgPushTask

Push changes from the local Mercurial repository to the specified destination. This is available for PHP 5.4 and higher.

Table C.33: Attributes

insecureBooleanDo not verify server certificate.falseNo
quietBooleanWork silently unless an error occurs.falseNo
repositoryStringPath to Mercurial repository.n/aNo

C.32.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./" />
<hgpush haltonerror="true" repository="{repo.dir.resolved}"/> 

C.33 HgRevertTask

Revert files to their checkout state from the Mercurial repository. This is available for PHP 5.4 and higher.

Table C.34: Attributes

allBooleanRevert all Changes when no other details are given.falseNo
nameStringName of file to revert.n/aNo
quietBooleanWork silently unless an error occurs.falseNo
revisionStringRevision to revert to.n/aNo

C.33.1 Example

<hgrevert all="true"/> 

C.34 HgTagTask

Add a tag for the current or specified revision of the local Mercurial repository. This is available for PHP 5.4 and higher.

Table C.35: Attributes

messageStringMessage to add/edit tag with.n/aNo
nameStringName of tag.n/aYes
repositoryStringPath to Mercurial repository.n/aNo
revisionStringRevision to tag.n/aNo
userStringUser to record as the committer.n/aNo

C.34.1 Example

<hgtag user="phingbot" message="tagging new release" name="v0.1.2"/> 

C.35 HgUpdateTask

Update the Mercurial repository's working directory or switch revisions. This is available for PHP 5.4 and higher.

Table C.36: Attributes

branchStringA specific branch to pull.n/aNo
cleanBooleanDiscard uncommitted changes.falseNo
quietBooleanWork silently unless an error occurs.falseNo
repositoryStringPath to Mercurial repository.n/aYes

C.35.1 Example

<property name="repo.dir" value="./" />
<hgupdate repository="${repo.dir.resolved}" branch="dev"/> 

C.36 HipchatTask

Send a simple HipChat notification.

Table C.37: Attributes

authTokenStringAuthentication Tokenn/aYes
colorStringValid colors at this time are: yellow, green, red, purple, gray, randomyellowNo
notifyBooleanWhether this message should trigger a user notification or just add a note to the room.falseNo
formatStringhtml or texttextNo
domainStringDomain name of your HipChat server.api.hipchat.comNo

C.36.1 Example

<hipchat room="3366876" authToken="**************">

<hipchat room="3366876" authToken="**************" color="red" notify="true" domain="">

C.37 HttpGetTask

This task will download a file through HTTP GET and save it to a specified directory. You need an installed version of Guzzle to use this task.

Table C.38: Attributes

urlStringThe request URLn/aYes
dirStringThe directory to save the filen/aYes
filenameStringThe filename for the downloaded fileThe filename part of the URLNo
followRedirectsBooleanWhether to follow HTTP redirectsfalseNo
sslVerifyPeerBooleanWhether to verify SSL certificatestrueNo
authUserStringThe authentication user namen/aNo
authPasswordStringThe authentication passwordn/aNo
authSchemeStringThe authentication schemebasicNo
quietBooleanIf true, set default log level to Project.MSG_ERRfalseNo

C.37.1 Example

<httpget url="" dir="/usr/local/lib"/>

C.37.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • config

    Holds additional config data. See Guzzle documentation for supported values.

    Table C.39: Attributes

    nameStringConfig parameter namen/aYes
    valueMixedConfig valuen/aYes

  • header

    Holds additional header name and value.

    Table C.40: Attributes

    nameStringHeader namen/aYes
    valueStringHeader valuen/aYes

C.37.3 Global configuration

In addition to configuring a particular instance of Guzzle via nested <config> tags it is also possible to set default configuration values for HttpGetTask / HttpRequestTask / VisualizerTask by setting phing.http.* properties.

<property name="phing.http.proxy" value="socks5://localhost:1080/"/>
<!-- This request will go through the default proxy -->
<httpget url="" dir="./"/>
<httpget url="" dir="./">
    <!-- This proxy will be used instead of the default one -->
    <config name="proxy" value="http://foo:[email protected]:3128/"/>

C.38 HttpRequestTask

This task will make an HTTP request to the provided URL and match the response against the provided regular expression. If an regular expression is provided and doesn't match the build will fail. You need an installed version of Guzzle to use this task.

Table C.41: Attributes

urlStringThe request URLn/aYes
responseRegexStringThe regular expression for matching the responsen/aNo
responseCodeRegexStringThe regular expression for matching the response coden/aNo
authUserStringThe authentication user namen/aNo
authPasswordStringThe authentication passwordn/aNo
authSchemeStringThe authentication schemebasicNo
verboseBooleanWhether to enable detailed loggingfalseNo
methodStringThe HTTP method of the request, currently only GET or POST supportedGETNo

C.38.1 Example

<http-request url=""/>

Just perform a HTTP request to the given URL.

   observerEvents="connect, disconnect"/>

Perform a HTTP request to the given URL and matching the response against the given regex pattern. Enable detailed logging and log only the specified events.

<http-request url="">
   <header name="user-agent" value="Phing HttpRequestTask"/>

Perform a HTTP request to the given URL. Setting request adapter to curl instead of socket. Setting an additional header.

              <postparameter name="param1" value="value1" />
              <postparameter name="param2" value="value2" />

Perform an HTTP POST request to the given URL. Setting POST request parameters to emulate form submission.

C.38.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • config

    Holds additional config data. See Guzzle documentation for supported values.

    Table C.42: Attributes

    nameStringConfig parameter namen/aYes
    valueMixedConfig valuen/aYes

  • header

    Holds additional header name and value.

    Table C.43: Attributes

    nameStringHeader namen/aYes
    valueStringHeader valuen/aYes

  • postparameter

    Used when performing a POST request. Contains name and value of a form field.

    Table C.44: Attributes

    nameStringField namen/aYes
    valueStringField valuen/aYes

C.38.3 Global configuration

In addition to configuring a particular instance of Guzzle via nested <config> tags it is also possible to set default configuration values for HttpGetTask / HttpRequestTask / VisualizerTask by setting phing.http.* properties.

<property name="phing.http.proxy" value="socks5://localhost:1080/"/>
<!-- This request will go through the default proxy -->
<http-request url=""/>
<http-request url="" dir="./">
    <!-- This proxy will be used instead of the default one -->
    <config name="proxy" value="http://foo:[email protected]:3128/"/>

C.39 IniFileTask

The IniFileTask is inspired by the Ant-Contrib IniFile and can be used to build and edit .ini files. Unlike the Ant equivalent, it can also read values from different sections of an .ini file and set the retrieved values to specified properties.

Table C.45: Attributes

deststringThe name of the .ini file to write to. If not specified, the source file will be modified instead.noneNo
haltOnErrorbooleanShould the build fail when problems occur?falseNo
sourcestringThe name of the .ini file to read from. If not specified, the dest file will be used instead.noneNo

C.39.1 Supported Nested Tags

  • get

    Use to read a value from a specific key and section of an .ini file

    Table C.46: Attributes

    defaultStringValue to return if section, property or value are not setn/aNo
    sectionStringName of the section.n/aYes
    propertyStringName of the key, in the specified section, to readn/aYes
    outputpropertyStringName of the property to set the value ton/aYes

  • remove

    Use to remove either a specific key or section from an .ini file

    Table C.47: Attributes

    sectionStringName of the section.n/aYes
    propertyStringName of the key to remove. If not specified the entire section is removed.n/aNo

  • set

    Use to set a key in a section to a specific value

    Table C.48: Attributes

    sectionStringName of the section.n/aYes
    propertyStringName of the key/property.n/aYes
    operationStringThe operation to perform on the existing value, which must be numeric. Possible values are "+" and "-", which add and subtract 1, respectively from the existing value. If the value doesn't already exist, the set is not performed, triggering an error.n/aNo
    valueStringThe new value for the property.n/aNo, if operation is specified.

C.39.2 Example

    <set section="production" property="buildTimestamp" value="${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}" />
    <set section="production" property="buildNumber" operation="+" />
    <remove section="development : staging" />

C.40 IoncubeEncoderTask

The IoncubeEncoderTask executes the ionCube encoder (for either PHP4 or PHP5 projects).

For more information on the meaning of the various options please consult the ionCube user guide.

Table C.49: Attributes

allowedserverStringRestricts the encoded files to particular servers and/or domains. Consult the IonCude documentation for more information.noneNo
binaryBooleanWhether to save encoded files in binary format (default is ASCII format)falseNo
copyStringSpecifies files or directories to exclude from being encoded or encrypted and copy them to the target directory (separated by space).noneNo
encodeStringSpecifies additional file patterns, files or directories to encode, or to reverse the effect of copynoneNo
encryptStringSpecify files or directories (space separated list) that are to be encrypted.noneNo
expireinStringSets a period in seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h) or days (d) after which the files expire. Accepts: 500s or 55m or 24h or 7dnoneNo
expireonStringSets a YYYY-MM-DD date to expire the files.noneNo
fromdirStringPath containing source filesnoneYes
ignoreStringSet files and directories to ignore entirely and exclude from the target directory (separated by space).noneYes
ioncubepathStringPath to the ionCube binaries/usr/local/ioncubeNo
keepStringSet files and directories not to be ignored (separated by space).noneNo
licensepathStringPath to the license file that will be used by the encoded filesnoneNo
nodoccommentsStringOmits documents comments ( /** ... */ ) from the encoded files.noneNo
obfuscationkeyStringThe obfuscation key must be supplied when using the obfuscate optionnoneNo
obfuscateStringThe Encoder can obfuscate the names of global functions, the names of local variables in global functions, and line numbers. Use either all or any of functions, locals or linenos separated by a space.noneNo
optimizeStringControls the optimization of the encoded files, accepts either more or maxnoneNo
passphraseStringThe passphrase to use when encoding with a license filenoneNo
phpversionStringDefines which php encoder version will be used (suffix of the encoder file)5No
targetoptionStringOption to use when target directory exists, accepts replace, merge, update and renamenoneNo
todirStringPath to save encoded files tononeYes
withoutruntimeloadersupportBooleanWhether to disable support for runtime initialization of the ionCube LoaderfalseNo
noshortopentagsBooleanWhether to disable support for short PHP tagsfalseNo
callbackfileStringPath to callback file (.php)n/aNo
obfuscationexclusionsfileStringPath to obfuscation exclusions filen/aNo
ignoredeprecatedwarningsBooleanWhether to ignore deprecated warningsfalseNo
ignorestrictwarningsBooleanWhether to ignore strict warningsfalseNo
allowencodingintosourceBooleanWhether to allow encoding into the source treefalseNo
messageifnoloaderStringA valid PHP expression to customize the "no loader installed" messagen/aNo
actionifnoloaderStringA valid PHP expression to replace the "no loader installed" actionn/aNo
showcommandlineBooleanwhether to show command line before it is executedfalseNo

C.40.1 Example

   copy="*.ini config/*"
   encode="*.inc licenses/license.key"
   encrypt="*.tpl *.xml"
   ignore="*.bak RCS/ *~ docs/"
  <comment>A project encoded with the ionCube encoder.</comment>

C.40.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • comment

    Custom text that is added to the start of each encoded file.

C.41 IoncubeLicenseTask

The IoncubeLicenseTask executes the ionCube make_license program.

For more information on the meaning of the various options please consult the ionCube user guide.

Table C.50: Attributes

ioncubepathStringPath to the ionCube binaries/usr/local/ioncubeNo
licensepathStringPath to the license file that will be generatednoneNo
passphraseStringThe passphrase to use when generating the license filenoneNo
allowedserverStringRestricts the license to particular servers and/or domains. Consult the IonCude documentation for more information.noneNo
expireinStringSets a period in seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h) or days (d) after which the license expires. Accepts: 500s or 55m or 24h or 7d.noneNo
expireonStringSets a YYYY-MM-DD date to expire the license.noneNo

C.41.1 Example

  <comment>A license file made with the ionCube encoder.</comment>

C.41.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • comment

    Custom text that is added to the start of each encoded file.

C.42 JsHintTask

This task runs JSHint, a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code. JSHint 2.5.6+ is supported, although latest JSHint is recommended.

Table C.51: Attributes

fileStringSingle file to perform check on.n/aNo, unless no fileset elements are present
haltOnErrorbooleanShould the build fail when there are errors in the JS code?falseNo
haltOnWarningbooleanShould the build fail when there are warnings in the JS code?falseNo
reporterStringJSHint reporter.checkstyleNo
checkstyleReportPathStringPath where the the report in Checkstyle format should be saved.n/aNo
configStringJSHint config path.n/aNo

C.42.1 Example

            <fileset dir="${project.basedir}/public_html/www/js">
                <include name="**/**.js"/>
                <exclude name="js-cache/**"/>

C.42.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.43 JsMinTask

The JsMinTask minifies JavaScript files using JShrink, which can be installed using composer (Phing will try to use the composer autoloader)

Table C.52: Attributes

targetDirStringPath where to store minified JavaScript filesnoneYes
suffixStringSuffix to append to the filenames.-minNo
failonerrorBooleanWhether an error while minifying a JavaScript file should stop the build or notfalseNo

C.43.1 Example

<jsMin targetDir="docroot/script/minified" failOnError="false">
  <fileset dir="docroot/script">
    <include name="**/*.js"/>

C.43.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • fileset

    JavaScript files to be minified.

C.44 JslLintTask

The JslLintTask uses the Javascript Lint program to check the sytax on one or more JavaScript source code files.

NB: the Javascript lint program must be in the system path!

Table C.53: Attributes

executableStringPath to JSL executablejslNo
fileStringPath to source filen/aNo, unless no fileset elements are present
haltonfailureBooleanStop the build process if the linting process encounters an error.falseNo
haltonwarningBooleanStop the build process if the linting process encounters a warning.falseNo
showwarningsBooleanSets the flag if warnings should be shown.trueNo
cachefileStringIf set, enables writing of last-modified times to cachefile, to speed up processing of files that rarely changenoneNo
conffileStringPath to JSL config filenoneNo
tofileStringFile to write list of 'bad files' to.n/aNo

C.44.1 Example


Checking syntax of one particular source file.

  <fileset dir="src">
    <include name="**/*.js"/>

Check syntax of a fileset of source files.

C.44.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.45 LiquibaseChangeLogTask

The LiquibaseChangeLogTask writes the Change Log XML to copy the current state of the database to the given changeLogFile.

Table C.54: Attributes

jarStringLocation of the Liquibase jar file.n/aYes
classpathStringAdditional classpath entries.n/aYes
changeLogFileStringLocation of the changelog file in which the changes get written or read from.n/aYes
usernameStringThe username needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
passwordStringThe password needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
urlStringThe JDBC Url representing the database datasource, e.g jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydatabasen/aYes
displayBooleanWhether to display the output of the command. Only used if passthru isn't true.falseNo
passthruBooleanWhether to use PHP's passthru() function instead of exec(). True by default for backwards compatibility. When true, the attributes display, outputProperty and checkReturnare ignored.trueNo
checkreturnBooleanWhether to check the return code of the execution, throws a BuildException when returncode != 0.falseNo
outputPropertyStringProperty name to set output value to from the execution. Ignored if passthru attribute is true.n/aNo

C.45.1 Example


C.45.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.46 LiquibaseDbDocTask

The LiquibaseDbDocTask generates a Javadoc-like documentation based on current database and the given changelog file.

Table C.55: Attributes

jarStringLocation of the Liquibase jar file.n/aYes
classpathStringAdditional classpath entries.n/aYes
changeLogFileStringLocation of the changelog file in which the changes get written or read from.n/aYes
usernameStringThe username needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
passwordStringThe password needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
urlStringThe JDBC URL representing the database data source, e.g jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydatabasen/aYes
outputDirStringAbsolute path where the documentation gets written to. If the given directory does not exist, it get`s created automatically.n/aYes
displayBooleanWhether to display the output of the command. Only used if passthru isn't true.falseNo
passthruBooleanWhether to use PHP's passthru() function instead of exec(). True by default for backwards compatibility. When true, the attributes display, outputProperty and checkReturnare ignored.trueNo
checkreturnBooleanWhether to check the return code of the execution, throws a BuildException when returncode != 0.falseNo
outputPropertyStringProperty name to set output value to from the execution. Ignored if passthru attribute is true.n/aNo

C.46.1 Example


C.46.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.47 LiquibaseDiffTask

The LiquibaseDiffTask creates a diff between two databases. Will output the changes needed to convert the reference database to the state of the database.

Table C.56: Attributes

jarStringLocation of the Liquibase jar file.n/aYes
classpathStringAdditional classpath entries.n/aYes
changeLogFileStringLocation of the changelog file in which the changes get written or read from.n/aYes
usernameStringThe username needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
passwordStringThe password needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
urlStringThe JDBC Url representing the database datasource, e.g jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydatabasen/aYes
referenceUsernameStringThe username needed to connect to the reference database.n/aYes
referencePasswordStringThe password needed to connect to the reference database.n/aYes
referenceUrlStringThe JDBC Url representing the database reference datasource, e.g jdbc:mysql://localhost/refdatabasen/aYes
displayBooleanWhether to display the output of the command. Only used if passthru isn't true.falseNo
passthruBooleanWhether to use PHP's passthru() function instead of exec(). True by default for backwards compatibility. When true, the attributes display, outputProperty and checkReturnare ignored.trueNo
checkreturnBooleanWhether to check the return code of the execution, throws a BuildException when returncode != 0.falseNo
outputPropertyStringProperty name to set output value to from the execution. Ignored if passthru attribute is true.n/aNo

C.47.1 Example


C.47.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.48 LiquibaseRollbackTask

The LiquibaseRollbackTask rolls back the database to the state is was when the tag was applied.

Table C.57: Attributes

jarStringLocation of the Liquibase jar file.n/aYes
classpathStringAdditional classpath entries.n/aYes
changeLogFileStringLocation of the changelog file in which the changes get written or read from.n/aYes
usernameStringThe username needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
passwordStringThe password needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
urlStringThe JDBC Url representing the database datasource, e.g jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydatabasen/aYes
rollbackTagStringThe name of the tag to roll the database back to.n/aYes
displayBooleanWhether to display the output of the command. Only used if passthru isn't true.falseNo
passthruBooleanWhether to use PHP's passthru() function instead of exec(). True by default for backwards compatibility. When true, the attributes display, outputProperty and checkReturnare ignored.trueNo
checkreturnBooleanWhether to check the return code of the execution, throws a BuildException when returncode != 0.falseNo
outputPropertyStringProperty name to set output value to from the execution. Ignored if passthru attribute is true.n/aNo

C.48.1 Example


C.48.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.49 LiquibaseTagTask

The LiquibaseTagTask tags the current database state for future rollback.

Table C.58: Attributes

jarStringLocation of the Liquibase jar file.n/aYes
classpathStringAdditional classpath entries.n/aYes
changeLogFileStringLocation of the changelog file in which the changes get written or read from.n/aYes
usernameStringThe username needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
passwordStringThe password needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
urlStringThe JDBC Url representing the database datasource, e.g jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydatabasen/aYes
tagStringThe name of the tag to apply.n/aYes
displayBooleanWhether to display the output of the command. Only used if passthru isn't true.falseNo
passthruBooleanWhether to use PHP's passthru() function instead of exec(). True by default for backwards compatibility. When true, the attributes display, outputProperty and checkReturnare ignored.trueNo
checkreturnBooleanWhether to check the return code of the execution, throws a BuildException when returncode != 0.falseNo
outputPropertyStringProperty name to set output value to from the execution. Ignored if passthru attribute is true.n/aNo

C.49.1 Example


C.49.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.50 LiquibaseTask

The LiquibaseTask is a generic task for liquibase commands that don't require extra command parameters. You can run commands like updateSQL, validate or updateTestingRollback with this task but not rollbackToDateSQL since it requires a date parameter after the command.

Table C.59: Attributes

jarStringLocation of the Liquibase jar file.n/aYes
classpathStringAdditional classpath entries.n/aYes
changeLogFileStringLocation of the changelog file in which the changes get written or read from.n/aYes
usernameStringThe username needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
passwordStringThe password needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
urlStringThe JDBC Url representing the database datasource, e.g jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydatabasen/aYes
commandStringWhat liquibase command to run. Currently only supports commands that doesn't require command parameters, such as validate and updateSQL.n/aYes
displayBooleanWhether to display the output of the command. Only used if passthru isn't true.falseNo
passthruBooleanWhether to use PHP's passthru() function instead of exec(). True by default for backwards compatibility. When true, the attributes display, outputProperty and checkReturnare ignored.trueNo
checkreturnBooleanWhether to check the return code of the execution, throws a BuildException when returncode != 0.falseNo
outputPropertyStringProperty name to set output value to from the execution. Ignored if passthru attribute is true.n/aNo

C.50.1 Example

                    <parameter name="logLevel" value="info" />
                    <property name="tablename" value="Person" />

The nested parameters in the example above will result in the command:

        --logLevel='info' updateSQL -Dtablename='Person'

C.50.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • parameter

    Use these nested parameter tags to set optional liquibase commands like --logLevel or --defaultsFile.

    Table C.60: Attributes

    nameStringName of the liquibase parameter. Do not include the '--'.n/aYes
    valueStringValue of the liquibase parameter.n/aYes

  • property

    These tags are used to set what Liquibase calls "Change Log Properties" which are used for substitution in the change log(s). Note that they are not the same thing as regular Phing properties.

    Table C.61: Attributes

    nameStringName of the property. Do not include the '-D'.n/aYes
    valueStringValue of the property.n/aYes

C.51 LiquibaseUpdateTask

The LiquibaseUpdateTask applies the latest changes from the changelog file to the definied database.

Table C.62: Attributes

jarStringLocation of the Liquibase jar file.n/aYes
classpathStringAdditional classpath entries.n/aYes
changeLogFileStringLocation of the changelog file in which the changes get written or read from.n/aYes
usernameStringThe username needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
passwordStringThe password needed to connect to the database.n/aYes
urlStringThe JDBC Url representing the database datasource, e.g jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydatabasen/aYes
displayBooleanWhether to display the output of the command. Only used if passthru isn't true.falseNo
passthruBooleanWhether to use PHP's passthru() function instead of exec(). True by default for backwards compatibility. When true, the attributes display, outputProperty and checkReturnare ignored.trueNo
checkreturnBooleanWhether to check the return code of the execution, throws a BuildException when returncode != 0.falseNo
outputPropertyStringProperty name to set output value to from the execution. Ignored if passthru attribute is true.n/aNo

C.51.1 Example


C.51.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.52 MailTask

A task to send email. Attachments are supported if the PEAR Mail package is installed.

Table C.63: Attributes

fromStringEmail address of sender.noneYes
tolistStringComma-separated list of recipients.noneYes
messageStringMessage to send in the body of the email.noneNo
subjectStringEmail subject line.noneNo
backendStringPEAR Mail backend (see here for possible values).mailNo
backendParamsStringComma-separated key-value pairs with backend specific parameters (see here for possible values).noneNo

C.52.1 Example

<mail tolist="[email protected]" subject="build complete"">
    The build process is a success...

C.52.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.53 NotifySendTask

This is a wrapper for notify-send, a Linux program that sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon.

On Windows machines, this port may help.

Table C.64: Attributes

iconstringSpecify an icon filename or stock icon to display.infoNo
messageStringText to display. Use \n to specify a line breakn/aYes
titleStringTitle, or summary, of the notification.noneNo

C.54 OpenTask

Open a file or URL in the user's preferred application.

OpenTaskwill not fail ifpathattribute is invalid. Therefore, this task must not be used to check the validity of a file or URL.

Table C.65: Attributes

path String File path or URL to open.n/aYes

C.54.1 Examples

Open http://localhost:8080/ on your browser.

<open path="http://localhost:8080/"/>

Open ./docs/images/screenshot.png on your image viewer.

<open path="./docs/images/screenshot.png"/>

C.55 PDOSQLExecTask

The PDOSQLExecTask executes SQL statements using PDO.


The combination of large SQL files and delimitertype set to normal can trigger segmentation faults with large files.

Table C.66: Attributes

urlStringPDO connection URL (DSN)noneYes
useridStringUsername for connection (if it cannot be specified in URL) noneNo
passwordStringThe password to use for the connection (if it cannot be specified in URL)noneNo
srcFileA single source file of SQL statements to execute.noneNo
onerrorStringThe action to perform on error (continue, stop, or abort)abortNo
failonconnectionerrorBooleanIf false, will not execute any statement if the task fails to connect to the database.trueNo
delimiterStringThe delimiter to separate SQL statements (e.g. "GO" in MSSQL);No
delimitertypeStringThe delimiter type ("normal", "row" or "none"). Normal means that any occurrence of the delimiter terminate the SQL command whereas with row, only a line containing just the delimiter is recognized as the end of the command. None disables all delimiter detection.noneNo
autocommitBooleanWhether to auto (implicitly) commit every single statement, disabling transactions.falseNo
encodingStringEncoding to use for read SQL filesnoneNo
keepformatBooleanControl whether the format of SQL will be preserved. Useful when loading packages and procedures.falseNo
expandpropertiesBooleanSet to false to turn off property expansion in nested SQL, inline in the task or nested transactions.trueNo
errorpropertyStringThe name of a property to set in the event of an error.noneNo
statementcountpropertyStringThe name of a property to set to the number of statements executed successfully.noneNo

You can also use PDOSQLExecTask as condition

C.55.1 Example

<pdosqlexec url="pgsql:host=localhost dbname=test">
  <fileset dir="sqlfiles">
      <include name="*.sql"/>
<pdosqlexec url="mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test"
  userid="username" password="password">
  <transaction src="path/to/sqlfile.sql"/>
  <formatter type="plain" outfile="path/to/output.txt"/>
<property name="color" value="orange"/>
<pdosqlexec url="mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test"
            userid="username" password="password">
        SELECT * FROM products WHERE color = '${color}';
    <formatter type="xml" outfile="path/to/output.xml"/>


Because of backwards compatibility, the PDOSQLExecTask can also be called using the 'pdo' statement.

<pdo url="pgsql:host=localhost dbname=test">
  <fileset dir="sqlfiles">
      <include name="*.sql"/>

  <!-- xml formatter -->
  <formatter type="xml" output="output.xml"/>

  <!-- custom formatter -->
  <formatter classname="">
    <param name="someClassAttrib" value="some-value"/>

  <!-- No output file + usefile=false means it goes to phing log -->
  <formatter type="plain" usefile="false" />

C.55.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • transaction

    Wrapper for a single transaction. Transactions allow several files or blocks of statements to be executed using the same PDO connection and commit operation in between.

    Table C.67: Attributes

    srcStringFile with statements to be run as one transactionn/aNo

  • fileset

    Files containing SQL statements.

  • filelist

    Files containing SQL statements.

  • formatter

    The results of any queries that are executed can be printed in different formats. Output will always be sent to a file, unless you set the usefile attribute to false. The path to the output file can be specified by the outfile attribute; there is a default filename that will be returned by the formatter if no output file is specified.

    There are three predefined formatters - one prints the query results in XML format, the other emits plain text. Custom formatters that extend Phing\Task\System\Pdo\PDOResultFormatter can be specified.

    Table C.68: Attributes

    typeStringUse a predefined formatter (either xml or plain). n/aOne of these attributes is required.
    classnameStringName of a custom formatter class (must extend Phing\Task\System\Pdo\PDOResultFormatter).n/a
    usefileBooleanBoolean that determines whether output should be sent to a file.trueNo
    outfileFilePath to file in which to store result.Depends on formatterNo
    appendBooleanWhether output should be appended to or overwrite an existing file.falseNo
    showheadersBoolean(only applies to plain formatter) Whether to show column headers.falseNo
    showtrailersBoolean(only applies to plain formatter) Whether to show successful executed statement counter trailers.falseNo
    coldelimString(only applies to plain formatter) The column delimiter.,No
    rowdelimString(only applies to plain formatter) The row delimiter.\nNo
    encodingString(only applies to XML formatter) The xml document encoding.(PHP default)No
    formatoutputBoolean(only applies to XML formatter) Whether to format XML output.trueNo

C.56 PHPMDTask

This task runs phpmd, a Project Mess Detector (PMD) for PHP Code. You need an installed version of this software to use this task.

NB: if you have installed the PHPMD Phar file, make sure you set the pharLocation attribute!

Table C.69: Attributes

fileStringPath to source file or pathn/aOnly when there are no nested fileset elements
rulesetsStringSets the rulesets used for analyzing the source codecodesize, unusedcodeNo
minimumPriorityIntegerThe minimum priority for rules to load.5No
allowedFileExtensionsStringComma-separated list of valid file extensions (without dot) for analyzed files.phpNo
ignorePatternsStringComma-separated list of directory patterns to ignore..git, .svn, CVS, .bzr, .hgNo
formatStringThe format for the report when no nested formatter is used.textNo
pharlocationStringLocation of the PHPMD Phar file.n/aNo
cachefileStringIf set, enables writing of last-modified times to cachefile, to speed up processing of files that rarely changenoneNo

C.56.1 Example

<phpmd file="path/to/source.php"/>

Checking syntax of one particular source file. Sending Text-Report to STDOUT.

<phpmd file="path/to/source">
   <formatter type="html" outfile="reports/pmd.html"/>

Checking syntax of source files in the given path.

   <fileset dir="${builddir}">
     <include name="apps/**/*.php" />
     <include name="lib/de/**/*.php" />
   <formatter type="xml" outfile="reports/pmd.xml"/>

Checking syntax of source files in the fileset pathes.

C.56.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • fileset

    This nested tag is required when the file attribute is not set.

  • formatter

    The results of the analysis can be printed in different formats. Output will always be sent to STDOUT, unless you set the usefile attribute to true and set an filename in the outfile attribute.

    Table C.70: Attributes

    typeStringThe output format. Accepts the same values as the format attribute (xml, html, text).n/aYes
    usefileBooleanBoolean that determines whether output should be sent to a file.trueNo
    outfileStringPath to write output file to.n/aYes

C.57 PHPStanTask

The PHPStanTask executes PHPStan - a PHP static analysis tool - with given configuration.

Table C.71: Base attributes

commandStringPHPStan command nameanalyseNo
executableStringPath to PHPStan executablephpstanNo
checkReturnBooleanWhether to check the return code.falseNo
passthruBooleanWhether to echo PHPStan's output on the console.falseNo

Table C.72: Analyse command attributes

configurationStringPath to configuration No
levelStringAnalyse level No
noProgressStringNO progress flagfalseNo
debugStringDebug flagfalseNo
autoloadFileStringPath to autoload file No
errorFormatStringError format No
memoryLimitStringMemory limit No
pathsStringPaths (space separated) No

Table C.73: List command attributes

formatStringHelp format No
rawStringRaw flagfalseNo
namespaceStringNamespace No

Table C.74: Help command attributes

formatStringHelp format No
rawStringRaw flagfalseNo
commandNameStringCommand name No

Table C.75: Common attributes

helpStringHelp flagfalseNo
quietStringQuiet flagfalseNo
versionStringVersion flagfalseNo
ansiStringANSI flagfalseNo
noAnsiStringNo ANSI flagfalseNo
noInteractionStringNo interaction flagfalseNo
verboseStringVerbose flagfalseNo

C.57.1 Supported Nested Tags

C.57.2 Example

                paths="path1 path2"
                <phpstan command="analyse">
                <fileset refid="files-to-analyse"/>

C.58 PHPUnitReport

This task transforms PHPUnit xml reports to HTML using XSLT.

Table C.76: Attributes

infileStringThe filename of the XML results file to use.testsuites.xmlNo
formatStringThe format of the generated report. Must be noframes or frames.noframesNo
styledirStringThe directory where the stylesheets are located. They must conform to the following conventions: frames format: the stylesheet must be named phpunit-frames.xsl. noframes format: the stylesheet must be named phpunit-noframes.xsl. If unspecified, the task will look for the stylesheet(s) in the following directories: the PHP include path, the Phing home directory and the PEAR data directory (if applicable). n/aNo
todirStringAn existing directory where the files resulting from the transformation should be written to. Yes
usesorttableBooleanWhether to use the sorttable JavaScript library (see

C.58.1 Example

<phpunitreport infile="reports/testsuites.xml"

Generates a framed report in the directory reports/tests using the file reports/testsuites.xml as input.

Important note: testclasses that are not explicitly placed in a package (by using a '@package' tag in the class-level DocBlock) are listed under the "default" package.

C.59 PHPUnitTask

This task runs testcases using the PHPUnit framework. It is a functional port of the Ant JUnit task.

NB: if you want to use the PHPUnit .phar file, please make sure you download the library version (phpunit-library.phar) and you set the pharlocation attribute!

Table C.77: Attributes

printsummaryBooleanPrint one-line statistics for each testcase.falseNo
bootstrapStringThe name of a bootstrap file that is run before executing the tests.noneNo
codecoverageBooleanGather code coverage information while running tests (requires Xdebug).falseNo
haltonerrorBooleanStop the build process if an error occurs during the test run.falseNo
haltonfailureBooleanStop the build process if a test fails (errors are considered failures as well).falseNo
haltondefectBooleanStop the build process if a test has failures, errors or warnings.falseNo
haltonincompleteBooleanStop the build process if any incomplete tests are encountered.falseNo
haltonskippedBooleanStop the build process if any skipped tests are encountered.falseNo
haltonwarningBooleanStop the build process if any warnings are encountered.falseNo
haltonriskyBooleanStop the build process if any risky tests are encountered.falseNo
failurepropertyStringName of property to set (to true) on failure.n/aNo
errorpropertyStringName of property to set (to true) on error.n/aNo
incompletepropertyStringName of property to set (to true) on incomplete tests.n/aNo
skippedpropertyStringName of property to set (to true) on skipped tests.n/aNo
warningpropertyStringName of property to set (to true) on warnings.n/aNo
riskypropertyStringName of property to set (to true) on risky tests.n/aNo
usecustomerrorhandlerBooleanUse a custom Phing/PHPUnit error handler to process PHP errors.trueNo
processisolationBooleanEnable process isolation when executing tests.falseNo
configurationStringPath to a PHPUnit configuration file (such as phpunit.xml). Supported elements are: bootstrap, processIsolation, stopOnFailure, stopOnError, stopOnIncomplete and stopOnSkipped. Values provided overwrite other attributes!n/aNo
groupsStringOnly run tests from the specified group(s).n/aNo
excludeGroupsStringExclude tests from the specified group(s).n/aNo
pharlocationStringLocation of the PHPUnit PHAR package.n/aNo

C.59.1 Supported Nested Tags

  • formatter

    The results of the tests can be printed in different formats. Output will always be sent to a file, unless you set the usefile attribute to false. The name of the file is predetermined by the formatter and can be changed by the outfile attribute.

    There are six predefined formatters. xml, clover, and crap4j print the test results in the JUnit, Clover, and Crap4J XML formats respectively. The clover-html formatter prints code coverage details to a set of HTML files. The plain formatter emits a short statistics line for all test cases. The summary formatter print the same statistics as the plain formatter but only to the log output. Custom formatters that implement Phing\Task\Ext\Formatter\PHPUnitResultFormatter can be specified.

    Table C.78: Attributes

    typeStringUse a predefined formatter (either xml, plain, clover, clover-html, crap4j, or summary). n/aOne of these is required.
    classnameStringName of a custom formatter class.n/a
    usefileBooleanBoolean that determines whether output should be sent to a file.trueNo
    todirStringDirectory to write the file to.n/aNo
    outfileStringFilename of the result.Depends on formatterNo

  • batchtest

    Define a number of tests based on pattern matching. batchtest collects the included files from any number of nested <fileset>s. It then generates a lists of classes that are (in)directly defined by each PHP file.

    Table C.79: Attributes

    excludeStringA list of classes to exclude from the pattern matching. For example, when you have two baseclasses BaseWebTest and BaseMathTest, which are included a number of testcases (and thus added to the list of testclasses), you can exclude those classes from the list by typing exclude="BaseWebTest BaseMathTest".n/aNo
    classpathStringUsed to define more paths on which - besides the PHP include_path - to look for the test files.n/aNo
    nameStringThe name that is used to create a testsuite from this batchtest.Phing BatchtestNo

C.59.2 Example

  <formatter todir="reports" type="xml"/>
    <fileset dir="tests">
      <include name="**/*Test*.php"/>
      <exclude name="**/Abstract*.php"/>

Runs all matching testcases in the directory tests, writing XML results to the directory reports.

<phpunit codecoverage="true" haltonfailure="true" haltonerror="true">
  <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
    <fileset dir="tests">
      <include name="**/*Test*.php"/>

Runs all matching testcases in the directory tests, gathers code coverage information, writing plain text results to the console. The build process is aborted if a test fails.

<phpunit bootstrap="src/autoload.php">
  <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
    <fileset dir="tests">
      <include name="**/*Test*.php"/>

Runs all matching testcases in the directory tests, writing plain text results to the console. Additionally, before executing the tests, the bootstrap file src/autoload.php is loaded.

Important note: using a mechanism such as an "AllTests.php" file to execute testcases will bypass the Phing hooks used for reporting and counting, and could possibly lead to strange results. Instead, use one of more fileset's to provide a list of testcases to execute.

C.59.3 Supported Nested Tags

C.60 ParallelTask

Executes nested tasks in parallel.

Parallel tasks have a number of uses in a Phing build file including:

  • Taking advantage of available processing resources to execute external programs simultaneously.

  • Testing servers, where the server can be run in one thread and the test harness is run in another thread.

Any valid Phing task may be embedded within a parallel task, including other parallel tasks.

While the tasks within the parallel task are being run, the main thread will be blocked waiting for all the child threads to complete. If one of the tasks within the parallel task fails, the remaining tasks will continue to run until all tasks have completed. In this situation, the parallel task will also fail.

The threadCount attribute can be used to place a maximum number of available threads for the execution. When not present the value is based on the number of processors present. When present then the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks will not exceed the number of threads specified. Furthermore, each task will be started in the order they are given. But no guarantee is made as to the speed of execution or the order of completion of the tasks, only that each will be started before the next.


This task is highly experimental, and will only work on *nix machines that have the PHP pcntl extension installed.


In some cases, such as when running this task from the Phing's .phar bundle, stability issues can occur. See this issue for more details.

Table C.80: Attributes

threadCountIntegerMaximum number of threads / processes to use.n/aNo

C.60.1 Example

<parallel threadCount="4">
                <echo>Job 1</echo>
                <echo>Job 2</echo>
                <echo>Job 3</echo>
                <echo>Job 4</echo>

C.61 PatchTask

The PatchTask uses the patch program to apply diff file to originals.

NB: the patch program must be in the system path!

Table C.81: Attributes

patchfileStringFile that includes the diff outputn/aYes
originalfileStringFile to patch. If not specified Task tries to guess it from the diff filenoneNo
destfileStringFile to send the output to instead of patching the file in placenoneNo
backupsBooleanKeep backups of the unpatched filesfalseNo
quietBooleanWork silently unless an error occursfalseNo
reverseBooleanAssume patch was created with old and new files swappedfalseNo
ignorewhitespaceBooleanIgnore whitespace differencesfalseNo
stripIntegerStrip the smallest prefix containing specified number of leading slashes from filenamesnoneNo
dirStringThe directory in which to run the patch commandnoneNo
haltonfailureBooleanStop the build process if the patching process encounters an error.falseNo
forwardBooleanIgnore patches that appear to be reversed or already applied.falseNo
fuzzStringSet the fuzz factor to LINES for inexact matching.n/aNo

C.61.1 Example


Apply "file.ext.path" to original file locataed in "/path/to/original" folder.

C.62 PharDataTask

PharData archives generating with Phing. This task require PECL's Phar extension to be installed on your system. Phar is built-in in PHP from 5.3 version.

Table C.82: Attributes

basedirStringBase directory, which will be deleted from each included file (from path). Paths with deleted basedir part are local paths in archive.n/aYes
destfileStringDestination (output) file. Will be recreated, if exists!n/aYes
compressionStringCompression type (gzip, bzip2, none) to apply to the archive.noneNo

C.62.1 Example

Sample build command:

  <fileset dir="./classes">
    <include name="**/**" />

C.62.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.63 PharPackageTask

Phar packages generating with Phing. This task require PECL's Phar extension to be installed on your system. Phar is built-in in PHP from 5.3 version.

Table C.83: Attributes

basedirStringBase directory, which will be deleted from each included file (from path). Paths with deleted basedir part are local paths in package.n/aYes
destfileStringDestination (output) file. Will be recreated, if exists!n/aYes
compressionStringCompression type (gzip, bzip2, none) to apply to the packed files.noneNo
webstubStringRelative path within the phar package to run, if accessed through a web browser.n/aNo
clistubStringRelative path within the phar package to run, if accessed on the command line.n/aNo
stubStringA path to a php file that contains a custom stubn/aNo
aliasStringAn alias to assign to the phar packagen/aNo
signatureStringSignature algorithm (md5, sha1, sha256, sha512), used for this package.sha1No
keyStringThe private key to sign the phar package with (PEM or PKCS#12 encoded)n/aNo
keyPasswordStringThe password to use for the private keyn/aNo

C.63.1 Example

Sample build command:

  <fileset dir="./classes">
    <include name="**/**" />
    <element name="version" value="1.0" />
    <element name="authors">
      <element name="John Doe">
        <element name="e-mail" value="[email protected]" />

C.63.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.64 PhkPackageTask

This task runs PHK_Creator.phk to build PHK-package. Learn more about build process in PHK Builder's Guide.

Table C.84: Attributes

phkcreatorpathStringPath to PHK_Creator.phk.n/aYes
inputdirectoryStringPath to directory, that will be packed.n/aYes
outputfileStringOutput PHK-file. Directory, where file will be stored, must exist!n/aYes
compressStringCompression type (gzip, bzip2, none) to apply to the packed files.noneNo
stripBooleanWhen true, PHP source file(s) are stripped (filtered through php_strip_whitespace()) before being stored into the archive.falseNo
nameStringThe package's name (Information only).n/aNo
webrunscriptStringThe script to run in web direct access mode. Subfile path.n/aNo
crccheckBooleanIf true, a CRC check will be forced every time the package is mounted.falseNo

C.64.1 Example

Sample build command:

    name="Sample Project"

C.64.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • webaccess

    Collection of path tags (see example below), that will be visible outside package in web mode.

C.65 PhpCSTask

This task runs PHP_CodeSniffer Version 3+ to detect violations of a defined set of coding standards.

Table C.85: Attributes

fileStringFile or directory to check.n/aYes
binStringPath to phpcs binary.phpcsNo
standardStringThe list of coding standards to test against. Separated by space, comma or semicolon. No
formatStringThe output format. (ex checkstyle, full, summary, ...) No
outfileStringFilename to write output/report to. If not set output will be sent to STDOUT.n/aNo
cacheBooleanCache results between runs.falseNo
ignoreAnnotationsBooleanIgnore all phpcs annotations in code comments.falseNo
checkreturnBooleanWhether to check the return code.falseNo
levelStringSet the log level of generated messages. Change this to verbose, if you only want output in verbose mode for example. Valid log levels are one of debug, info, verbose, warning or errorinfoNo

C.65.1 Supported Nested Tags

  • FileSet

  • Formatter

    The results of the tests can be printed in different formats. Output will always be sent to a file, unless you set the usefile attribute to false.

    Table C.86: Attributes

    typeStringThe output format. Accepts the same values as the format attribute (default, xml, checkstyle, csv, report, summary & doc).n/aYes
    outfileStringPath to write output file to.n/aYes

C.65.2 Examples

<phpcs bin="bin/phpcs" file="classes" checkreturn="true"/>

C.66 PhpDependTask

This task runs PHP_Depend, a software analyzer and metric tool for PHP Code. You need an installed version of this software to use this task.

NB: if you have installed the PHP_Depend Phar file, make sure you set the pharLocation attribute!

Table C.87: Attributes

fileStringPath to source file or pathn/aOnly when there are no nested fileset elements
configFileStringPath to PHP_Depend configuration filen/aNo
allowedFileExtensionsStringComma-separated list of valid file extensions (without dot) for analyzed files.php,php5No
excludeDirectoriesStringComma-separated list of directory patterns to ignore..git, .svn, CVSNo
excludePackagesStringComma-separated list of packages to ignore.n/aNo
withoutAnnotationsBooleanShould the parse ignore doc comment annotations?falseNo
supportBadDocumentationBooleanShould PHP_Depend treat +global as a regular project package?falseNo
debugBooleanEnable debug output?falseNo
haltonerrorBooleanStop the build process if errors occurred during the run.falseNo
pharlocationStringLocation of the PHP_Depend Phar file.n/aNo

C.66.1 Example

<phpdepend file="path/to/source">
                <logger type="phpunit-xml" outfile="reports/metrics.xml"/>

Running code analysis for source files in the given path.

                <fileset dir="${builddir}">
                <include name="apps/**/*.php" />
                <include name="lib/de/**/*.php" />
                <logger type="jdepend-xml" outfile="reports/jdepend.xml"/>
                <analyzer type="coderank-mode" value="method"/>

Running code analysis for source files in the fileset pathes with CodeRank strategy method.

C.66.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • fileset

    This nested tag is required when the file attribute is not set.

  • logger

    The results of the analysis can be parsed by differed loggers. At least one logger is required. Output will always be sent to a file.

    Table C.88: Attributes

    typeStringThe name of the logger. Valid loggers are: jdepend-chart, jdepend-xml, overview-pyramid, phpunit-xml and summary-xml.n/aYes
    outfileStringPath to write output file to.n/aYes

  • analyzer

    Some additional analyzers can be added to the runner.

    Table C.89: Attributes

    typeStringThe name of the analyzer. Valid analyzers are: coderank-mode.n/aYes
    valueStringThe value for the analyzer.n/aYes

C.67 PhpDocumentor2Task

This task runs phpDocumentor 2, a PHP 5.3-compatible API documentation tool. This project is the result of the merge of the phpDocumentor and DocBlox projects.

Table C.90: Attributes

titleStringTitle of the project.n/aNo
destdirStringDestination directory for output files.n/aYes
templateStringName of the documentation template to use.responsive-twigNo
defaultPackageNameStringName of the default package.DefaultNo
pharlocationStringLocation of the phpDocumentor PHAR package.n/aNo

C.67.1 Example

<phpdoc2 title="API Documentation"
                <fileset dir="./classes">
                <include name="**/*.php" />

C.67.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • fileset - Files that should be included for parsing

C.68 rSTTask

Renders rST (reStructuredText) files into different output formats.

This task requires the python docutils installed. They contain rst2html, rst2latex, rst2man, rst2odt, rst2s5, rst2xml.

Table C.91: Attributes

fileStringrST input file to rendern/aYes (or fileset)

Output format:

  • html

  • latex

  • man

  • odt

  • s5

  • xml

destinationStringPath to store the rendered file to. Used as directory if it ends with a /.magically determined from input fileNo
uptodateBooleanOnly render if the input file is newer than the target filefalseNo
toolpathStringPath to the rst2* tooldetermined from formatNo
toolparamStringAdditional commandline parameters to the rst2* tooln/aNo
modeIntegerThe mode to create directories with.From umaskNo

C.68.1 Features

  • renders single files

  • render nested filesets

  • mappers to generate output file names based on the rst ones

  • multiple output formats

  • filter chains to e.g. replace variables after rendering

  • custom parameters to the rst2* tool

  • configurable rst tool path

  • uptodate check

  • automatically overwrites old files

  • automatically creates target directories

C.68.2 Examples

Render a single rST file to HTML

By default, HTML is generated. If no target file is specified, the input file name is taken, and its extension replaced with the correct one for the output format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="example" basedir="." default="single">
  <target name="single" description="render a single rST file to HTML">

    <rST file="path/to/file.rst" />


Render a single rST file to any supported format

The format attribute determines the output format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="example" basedir="." default="single">
  <target name="single" description="render a single rST file to S5 HTML">

    <rST file="path/to/file.rst" format="s5" />


Specifying the output file name

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="example" basedir="." default="single">
  <target name="single" description="render a single rST file">

    <rST file="path/to/file.rst" destination="path/to/output/file.html" />


Rendering multiple files

A nested fileset tag may be used to specify multiple files.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="example" basedir="." default="multiple">
  <target name="multiple" description="renders several rST files">

     <fileset dir=".">
       <include name="README.rst" />
       <include name="docs/*.rst" />


Rendering multiple files to another directory

A nested mapper may be used to determine the output file names.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="example" basedir="." default="multiple">
  <target name="multiple" description="renders several rST files">

     <fileset dir=".">
       <include name="README.rst" />
       <include name="docs/*.rst" />
     <mapper type="glob" from="*.rst" to="path/to/my/*.xhtml"/>


Modifying files after rendering

You may have variables in your rST code that can be replaced after rendering, i.e. the version of your software.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="example" basedir="." default="filterchain">
  <target name="filterchain" description="renders several rST files">

     <fileset dir=".">
       <include name="README.rst" />
       <include name="docs/*.rst" />
       <replacetokens begintoken="##" endtoken="##">
         <token key="VERSION" value="1.23.0" />


Rendering changed files only

The uptodate attribute determines if only those files should be rendered that are newer than their output file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="example" basedir="." default="multiple">
  <target name="multiple" description="renders several rST files">

    <rST uptodate="true">
     <fileset dir=".">
       <include name="docs/*.rst" />


Specify a custom CSS file

You may pass any additional parameters to the rst conversion tools with the toolparam attribute.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="example" basedir="." default="single">
  <target name="single" description="render a single rST file to S5 HTML">

    <rST file="path/to/file.rst" toolparam="--stylesheet-path=custom.css" />


C.68.3 Supported Nested Tags

C.69 S3GetTask

Downloads an object from Amazon S3. This task requires the PEAR package Services_Amazon_S3

Table C.92: Attributes

keyStringAmazon S3 keyn/aYes (or defined before task call as: amazon.key)
secretStringAmazon S3 secretn/aYes (or defined before task call as: amazon.secret)
bucketStringBucket containing the objectn/aYes (or defined before task call as: amazon.bucket)
objectStringObject namen/aYes
targetStringWhere to store the object after downloadn/aYes

C.69.1 Example

Downloading an object

<s3get object="file.txt" target="${project.basedir}" bucket="mybucket"
key="AmazonKey" secret="AmazonSecret" />

You can also define "bucket, key, secret" outside of the task call:

<property name="amazon.key" value="my_key" />
<property name="amazon.secret" value="my_secret" />
<property name="amazon.bucket" value="mybucket" />

<s3get object="file.txt" target="${project.basedir}" />

C.70 S3PutTask

Uploads an object to Amazon S3. This task requires the PEAR package Services_Amazon_S3

Table C.93: Attributes

keyStringAmazon S3 keyn/aYes (or defined before task call as: amazon.key)
secretStringAmazon S3 secretn/aYes (or defined before task call as: amazon.secret)
bucketStringBucket to store the object inn/aYes (or defined before task call as: amazon.bucket)
contentStringContent to store in the objectn/aYes (or source or fileset)
sourceStringWhere to read content for the object fromn/aYes (or content or fileset)
objectStringObject namen/aYes (unless fileset)
contentTypeStringContent type of the object, set to auto if you want to autodetect the content type based on the source file extensionbinary/octet-streamNo
fileNameOnlyBooleanWhether filenames should contain paths when uploaded to a bucketfalseNo

C.70.1 Example

Uploading a file

<s3put source="/path/to/file.txt" object="file.txt" bucket="mybucket"
key="AmazonKey" secret="AmazonSecret" />

You can also define "bucket, key, secret" outside of the task call:

<property name="amazon.key" value="my_key" />
<property name="amazon.secret" value="my_secret" />
<property name="amazon.bucket" value="mybucket" />

<s3put source="/path/to/file.txt" object="file.txt" />

You can also specify inline content instead of a file to upload:

<property name="amazon.key" value="my_key" />
<property name="amazon.secret" value="my_secret" />
<property name="amazon.bucket" value="mybucket" />

<s3put content="Some content here" object="file.txt" />

It also works with filesets:

<property name="amazon.key" value="my_key" />
<property name="amazon.secret" value="my_secret" />
<property name="amazon.bucket" value="mybucket" />
    <fileset dir="${project.basedir}">
        <include name="**/*.jpg" />

C.70.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.71 SassTask

The SassTask converts SCSS or Sass files to CSS using either the 'sass' gem or the scssphp package.

Table C.94: Attributes

checkBooleanWhether to just check the syntax of the input files.FalseNo
compactBooleanSet the style to compact.FalseNo
compressedBooleanSet the style to compressed.FalseNo
crunchedBooleanSet the style to crunched. Supported by scssphp, not sass.FalseNo
expandBooleanSet the style to expanded.FalseNo
encodingStringDefault encoding for input files. Supported by scssphp.utf-8No
executableStringLocation/name of the sass executable, if required.sassNo
extfilterStringExtension to filter against.n/aNo
failonerrorBooleanWhether to fail/halt if an error occurs.FalseNo
fileStringName of single file to process.N/ANo
flagsStringAdditional flags to set for sass executable.n/aNo
inputStringName of single file to process. Synonym for file.N/ANo
keepsubdirectoriesBooleanWhether to keep the directory structure when compiling.TrueNo
linenumbersBooleanWhether to annotate generated CSS with source file and line numbers.FalseNo
nestedBooleanSet the style to expanded.trueNo
newextStringExtension for newly created files.cssNo
nocacheBooleanWhether to cache parsed sass files.n/aNo
outputStringCorresponding output file for 'file'/'input' parameter. If not specified and outputpath is, then the generated file is placed there, with the filename based on the input file. If neither is specified, then the generated file is placed into the directory that the input file is in. N/ANo
outputpathStringWhere to place the generated CSS files.n/aYes
pathStringSpecify sass import path. e.g. --load-path ...n/aNo
removeoldextBooleanWhether to strip existing extension off the output filename.TrueNo
styleStringName of style to output. Must be one of 'nested', 'compact', 'compressed', 'crunched' or 'expanded'. 'Helper' attributes may also be used. 'crunched' is supported by scssphp only.nestedNo
traceBooleanWhether to show a full stack trace on error.FalseNo
unixnewlinesBooleanUse Unix-style newlines in written files.TrueNo
useSassBooleanWhether to use the 'sass' command line tool. Takes precedence over scssphp if both are available and enabled.TrueNo
useScssphpBooleanWhether to use the 'scssphp' PHP package.TrueNo

The useSass and useScssphp attributes can be used to indicate which compiler should be used, which would be useful if both are available. If both are available and enabled, then the 'sass' compiler is used rather than the scssphp library.

C.71.1 Example

<sass style="compact" trace="yes" unixnewlines="yes" outputpath="${compiled.dir.resolved}">
    <fileset dir="."/>

C.71.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.72 ScpTask

The ScpTask copies files to and from a remote host using scp. This task requires the PHP SSH2 extension to function.

Table C.95: Attributes

hostStringRemote hostnoneYes
portIntegerRemote port22No
usernameStringUsername to use for the connectionnoneYes
passwordStringPassword to use for the connectionnoneNo
pubkeyfileStringPublic key file (OpenSSH format) to use for the connectionnoneNo
privkeyfileStringPrivate key file (OpenSSH format) to use for the connectionnoneNo
privkeyfilepassphraseStringPrivate key file passphrase to use for the connectionnoneNo
autocreateBooleanWhether to autocreate remote directoriestrueNo
todirStringDirectory to put file(s) innoneNo
fileStringFilename to usenoneNo
fetchBooleanWhether to fetch (instead of copy to) the filefalseNo
levelStringControl the level at which the task reports status messages. One of error, warning, info, verbose, debug.verboseNo

C.72.1 Example

<scp username="john" password="smith"
host="webserver" fetch="true"
file="/www/htdocs/test.html" />

Fetches a single file from the remote server.

<scp username="john" password="smith"
file="/home/john/dev/test.html" />

Copies a single file to the remote server.

<scp username="john" password="smith"
host="webserver" todir="/www/htdocs/project/">
    <fileset dir="test">
        <include name="*.html" />

Copies multiple files to the remote server.

C.72.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • fileset

  • sshconfig

    Sometimes it is necessary to set specific configuration parameters on the ssh connection when connecting to a remote server. You can set them with the sshconfig nested tag. Set the parameters to specify connection and encryption options. These are the parameters as specified by the $methods parameter of the ssh2_connect function. See ssh2_connect for more information

    sshconfig can also be used as project level parameter with a refid so the same parameters can be re-used across a project easily.

    Table C.96: Attributes

    kexStringList of key exchange methods to advertise, comma separated in order of preference.n/aNo
    hostkeyStringList of hostkey methods to advertise, come separated in order of preference.n/aNo
    clientNested TagElement containing attributes crypt, comp, and mac method preferences for messages sent from client to server. All attributes are optional.n/aNo
    serverNested TagElement containing attributes crypt, comp, and mac method preferences for messages sent from server to client. All attributes are optional.n/aNo

C.73 SmartyTask

A task for generating output by using Smarty.

Table C.97: Attributes

controlTemplateStringThe control template used to generate the output.noneYes
templatePathStringThe path where Smarty will look for templates.noneYes
outputDirectoryStringThe output directory, will be created if it doesn't exist.noneYes
compilePathStringThe path Smarty uses as a "cache" for compiled templates.noneNo
forceCompileBooleanWhether Smarty should always recompile templates.falseNo
configPathStringThe path where Smarty will look for config files.noneNo
leftDelimiterStringThe template left delimiter.noneNo
rightDelimiterStringThe template right delimiter.noneNo
contextPropertiesStringThe path to a property file that will be fed into the initial template context.noneNo

C.74 SonarTask

This task runs SonarQube Scanner, a tool for code analysis and continuous inspection.

Table C.98: Attributes

executableStringFully-qualified path of SonarQube Scanner executable. If executable is in PATH environment variable, the executable name is sufficient.n/aYes
configurationStringPath of configuration file. The file format is that of a properties file (as used by Java), i.e. a list of key-value pairs <key>=<value>.n/aNo
errorsStringSets errors flag of SonarQube Scanner. Allowed values are "true", "false", "yes", "no", "1", and "0".falseNo
debugStringSets debug flag of SonarQube Scanner. Allowed values are "true", "false", "yes", "no", "1", and "0".falseNo

C.74.1 Examples

Minimal Example

This example assumes that the SonarQube Scanner is called sonarqube-scanner and is available on the PATH.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="sonar-minimal-example" default="sonar">
    <sonar executable="sonarqube-scanner">
        <property name="sonar.projectKey"     value="my-unique-project-key" />
        <property name="sonar.projectName"    value="Foo Project" />
        <property name="sonar.projectVersion" value="0.1.0" />
        <property name="sonar.sources"        value="src" />

Full Example

This example consists of two files – build.xml and

The build.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="sonar-full-example" default="sonar">
        <!-- Assume that mandatory SonarQube parameters are defined in configuration file! -->
        <property name="sonar.log.level" value="DEBUG" />

The configuration file path/to/

sonar.projectKey     = my-unique-project-key
sonar.projectName    = Foo Project
sonar.projectVersion = 0.1.0
sonar.sources        = src

C.74.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • property

    Analysis parameters of SonarQube Scanner can be defined in a configuration file or via nested property elements. If both a configuration file and property elements are provided, the properties are merged. Values from property elements overwrite values from the configuration file if their property keys are equal.

    Table C.99: Attributes

    nameStringName of property.n/aYes
    valueStringValue of property.n/aYes

C.75 SshTask

The SshTask executes commands on a remote host using ssh. This task requires the PHP SSH2 extension to function.

Table C.100: Attributes

hostStringRemote hostnoneYes
portIntegerRemote port22No
usernameStringUsername to use for the connectionnoneYes
passwordStringPassword to use for the connectionnoneNo
pubkeyfileStringPublic key file (OpenSSH format) to use for the connectionnoneNo
privkeyfileStringPrivate key file (OpenSSH format) to use for the connectionnoneNo
privkeyfilepassphraseStringPrivate key file passphrase to use for the connectionnoneNo
commandStringCommand to execute on the remote servernoneYes
propertyStringThe name of the property to capture (any) output of the commandnoneNo
displayBooleanWhether to display the output of the commandtrueNo
ptyStringThe terminal type to opennoneNo
failonerrorBooleanDecides if a command chain will fail if one of the executed commands failed. Added for backward compatibility. Set to true if you execute more than one command and want the task to fail on any error.FalseNo

C.75.1 Example

<ssh username="john" password="smith"
host="webserver" command="ls" />

Executes a single command on the remote server.

C.75.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • sshconfig

    Sometimes it is necessary to set specific configuration parameters on the ssh connection when connecting to a remote server. You can set them with the sshconfig nested tag. Set the parameters to specify connection and encryption options. These are the parameters as specified by the $methods parameter of the ssh2_connect function. See ssh2_connect for more information

    sshconfig can also be used as project level parameter with a refid so the same parameters can be re-used across a project easily.

    Table C.101: Attributes

    kexStringList of key exchange methods to advertise, comma separated in order of preference.n/aNo
    hostkeyStringList of hostkey methods to advertise, come separated in order of preference.n/aNo
    clientNested TagElement containing attributes crypt, comp, and mac method preferences for messages sent from client to server. All attributes are optional.n/aNo
    serverNested TagElement containing attributes crypt, comp, and mac method preferences for messages sent from server to client. All attributes are optional.n/aNo

C.76 StopwatchTask

The StopwatchTask provides an easy way to measure execution time of phing tasks.

Table C.102: Attributes

nameStringName of the timer. Yes
categoryStringSet a category for the timer. No
actionStringAction could be one of start, stop or lapstartNo

C.76.1 Example

<stopwatch name="test" />
<!-- some other task... -->
<stopwatch name="test" action="lap" />
<!-- some other task... -->
<stopwatch name="test" action="lap" />
<!-- some other task... -->
<stopwatch name="test" action="lap" />
<!-- some other task... -->
<stopwatch name="test" action="stop" />

C.77 SvnCheckoutTask

The SvnCheckoutTask checks out a Subversion repository to a local directory.

Table C.103: Attributes

svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
repositoryurlStringURL of SVN repositorynoneYes
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
nocacheBooleanConnection credentials will not be cachedfalseNo
todirStringPath to export tononeYes
depthStringLimit operation by depthempty, files, immediates or infinityNo
ignoreexternalsBooleanIgnore externals definitionsfalseNo
trustServerCertBooleanTrust self-signed certificatesfalseNo
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.77.1 Example


C.78 SvnCommitTask

The SvnCommitTask commits a local working copy to a SVN repository and sets the specified property ( default svn.committedrevision) to the revision number of the committed revision.

Table C.104: Attributes

svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
nocacheBooleanConnection credentials will not be cachedfalseNo
depthStringLimit operation by depthempty, files, immediates or infinityNo
workingcopyStringWorking copynoneYes
messageStringThe commit messagenoneYes
ignoreexternalsBooleanIgnore externals definitionsfalseNo
trustServerCertBooleanTrust self-signed certificatesfalseNo
propertynameStringName of property to set to the last committed revision numbersvn.committedrevisionNo
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.78.1 Example

    message="Updated documentation, fixed typos" />

The most basic usage only needs the working copy and the commit message as in

    message="Updated documentation, fixed typos" />
<echo message="Committed revision: ${svn.committedrevision}"/>

C.79 SvnCopyTask

The SvnCopyTask duplicates something in a working copy or repository, remembering history.

Table C.105: Attributes

messageStringLog messagen/aNo
svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
repositoryurlStringURL of SVN repositorynoneYes
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
forceBooleanForce overwrite files if they already existfalseNo
nocacheBooleanConnection credentials will not be cachedfalseNo
todirStringPath to export tononeYes
depthStringLimit operation by depthempty, files, immediates or infinityNo
trustServerCertBooleanTrust self-signed certificatesfalseNo
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.79.1 Example


C.80 SvnExportTask

The SvnExportTask exports a Subversion repository to a local directory.

Table C.106: Attributes

revisionStringRevision to use in exportHEADNo
svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
repositoryurlStringURL of SVN repositorynoneYes
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
nocacheBooleanConnection credentials will not be cachedfalseNo
todirStringPath to export tononeYes
depthStringLimit operation by depthempty, files, immediates or infinityNo
ignoreexternalsBooleanIgnore externals definitionsfalseNo
trustServerCertBooleanTrust self-signed certificatesfalseNo
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.80.1 Example

   configoption="config:miscellany:use-commit-times=yes" />

C.81 SvnInfoTask

The SvnInfoTask parses the output of the 'svn info --xml' command and extracts one specified element (+ optional sub element) from that output.

Table C.107: Attributes

svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
workingcopyStringWorking copy directorynoneYes, or repositoryurl
repositoryurlStringURL of remote repositorynoneYes, or workingcopy
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
propertynameStringName of property to usesvn.infoNo
elementStringSets whether to store actual last changed revision of the directory/file mentionedurlNo
subelementStringSets whether to force compatibility with older SVN versions (< 1.2)noneNo
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.81.1 Example


C.82 SvnLastRevisionTask

The SvnLastRevisionTask stores the number of the last revision of a Subversion workingcopy in a property.

Table C.108: Attributes

svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
workingcopyStringWorking copy directorynoneYes, or repositoryurl
repositoryurlStringURL of remote repositorynoneYes, or workingcopy
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
propertynameStringName of property to usesvn.lastrevisionNo
lastChangedBooleanSets whether to store actual last changed revision of the directory/file mentionedfalseNo
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.82.1 Example


C.83 SvnListTask

The SvnListTask stores the output of a svn list command on a workingcopy or repositoryurl in a property. The result will be stored in an array, one string that is separated by ' | ' (in words: space pipe space) for easy parsing.

Table C.109: Attributes

svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
workingcopyStringWorking copy directorynoneOne of the two
repositoryurlStringURL of remote repositorynone
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
propertynameStringName of property to usesvn.listNo
limitIntegerLimits the number of items to get back from the commandn/aNo
orderDescendingBooleanSets whether to reverse the order of the listed itemsfalseNo
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.83.1 Example

<svnlist svnpath="/usr/bin/svn"
         workingcopy="/home/user/svnwc" propertyname="svn.list"/>
<svnlist svnpath="/usr/bin/svn"
         orderDescending="true" limit="10" />

The latter example could produce a list of your tags like this:

revision | author | date         | item
4028     | tony   | May 19 18:31 | Release_2.9.1.7
4026     | tony   | May 18 14:33 | Release_2.9.1.6
4023     | tony   | May 16 15:53 | Release_2.9.1.5
4018     | tony   | May 13 11:55 | Release_2.9.1.4
4005     | tony   | Apr 27 12:09 | Release_2.9.1.3

C.84 SvnLogTask

The SvnLogTask stores the output of a svn log command on a workingcopy or repositoryurl in a property. The result will be stored in an array, one string that is separated by ' | ' (in words: space pipe space) for easy parsing.

Table C.110: Attributes

svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
workingcopyStringWorking copy directorynoneOne of the two
repositoryurlStringURL of remote repositorynone
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
propertynameStringName of property to usesvn.listNo
limitIntegerLimits the number of items to get back from the commandn/aNo
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.84.1 Example

<svnlog svnpath="/usr/bin/svn"
            workingcopy="/home/user/svnwc" propertyname="svn.log"/>
<svnlog svnpath="/usr/bin/svn"
            repositoryurl="" limit="10" />

The latter example could produce a history of the latest revisions in the trunk:

4033 | tony  | 2011-05-23T14:21:12.496274Z  | some svn commit comment
            4032 | tony  | 2011-05-23T13:24:46.496265Z  | some svn commit comment
            4031 | tony  | 2011-05-23T09:23:28.093167Z  | some svn commit comment

C.85 SvnPropgetTask

The SvnPropgetTask gets a property on files, dirs, or revisions from the working copy.

Table C.111: Attributes

svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
repositoryurlStringURL of remote repositorynoneYes
todirStringPath to the checked out projectnoneYes
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
propertynameStringName of property to use.svn.propgetNo
svnpropertynameStringThe svn property to get.noneYes
fromdirStringThr dir the properties are from.noneYes
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.85.1 Example


C.86 SvnProplistTask

The SvnProplistTask lists all properties on files, dirs, or revisions from the working copy.

Table C.112: Attributes

svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
workingcopyStringWorking copy directorynoneYes, or repositoryurl
repositoryurlStringURL of remote repositorynoneYes, or workingcopy
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
propertynameStringName of property to usesvn.proplistNo
recursiveBooleanRecursive proplist usage?falseNo
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.86.1 Example


C.87 SvnPropsetTask

The SvnSwitchTask sets a property on files, dirs, or revisions from the working copy.

Table C.113: Attributes

svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
repositoryurlStringURL of remote repositorynoneYes
todirStringPath to the checked out projectnoneYes
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
svnpropertynameStringThe svn property to setnoneYes
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.87.1 Example


C.88 SvnRevertTask

The SvnRevertTask reverts a svn repository.

Table C.114: Attributes

workingcopyStringWorking copy directorynoneOne of the two
repositoryurlStringURL of remote repositorynone
recursiveBooleanFlag for recursive revert.noneYes
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.89 SvnSwitchTask

The SvnSwitchTask changes a local directory from one repository to another.

Table C.115: Attributes

svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
repositoryurlStringURL of remote repositorynoneYes
todirStringPath to the checked out projectnoneYes
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
nocacheBooleanConnection credentials will not be cachedfalseNo
depthStringLimit operation by depthempty, files, immediates or infinityNo
ignoreexternalsBooleanIgnore externals definitionsfalseNo
trustServerCertBooleanTrust self-signed certificatesfalseNo
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.89.1 Example


C.90 SvnUpdateTask

The SvnUpdateTask updates a local directory.

Table C.116: Attributes

svnpathStringPath to Subversion binary/usr/bin/svnNo
usernameStringA username used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
passwordStringA password used to connect to the SVN servernoneNo
nocacheBooleanConnection credentials will not be cachedfalseNo
todirStringPath to the working copynoneYes
revisionIntegerSpecific revision to update the working copy tononeNo
ignoreexternalsBooleanIgnore externals definitionsfalseNo
trustServerCertBooleanTrust self-signed certificatesfalseNo
configOptionStringOverride subversion's config optionn/aNo

C.90.1 Example


C.91 SymfonyConsoleTask

Executes Symfony2 console commands

Table C.117: Attributes

commandStringThe Symfony Console command to executen/aYes
consoleStringThe path to symfony console applicationbin/consoleNo
debugBooleanThe symfony cli debug modetrueNo
silentBooleanDisable task output except errors. Use in conjunction with additional output helper like Symfonys ProgressBarfalseNo
propertyNameStringThe name of the property to store the application output inn/aNo
checkReturnBooleanWhether to check the return code.falseNo

C.91.1 Examples

Simple example

<SymfonyConsole command="cache:clear"/>

Complex example

<SymfonyConsole command="cache:warmup">
  <arg name="env" value="prod" />
  <arg value="some/path/or/single/value" quotes="true">

C.91.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • arg

    Table C.118: Attributes

    nameStringthe name for this argument, -- will be appendedn/aNo
    valueStringthe value for the argumentn/aNo
    quotesStringset to true if the value should be enclosed in double quotesfalseNo

C.92 TarTask

The TarTask creates a tarball from a fileset or directory.

Table C.119: Attributes

destfileStringTarball filenamenoneYes
basedirStringBase directory to tar (if no fileset specified, entire directory contents will be included in tar)noneNo
compressionStringType of compression to use (gzip, bzip2, lzma2, none)noneNo
includeemptydirsBooleanIf set to true, also empty directories are copied. trueNo
longfileStringHow to handle long files, those with a path > 100 chars. Allowable values are: truncate - paths are truncated to the maximum length, fail - paths greater than the maximim cause a build exception warn - paths greater than the maximum cause a warning and GNU is used, gnu - GNU extensions are used for any paths greater than the maximum, omit - paths greater than the maximum are omitted from the archive warnNo
prefixStringFile path prefix to use when adding files to archivenoneNo


files are not replaced if they are already present in the archive.


using basedir and fileset simultaneously can result in strange contents in the archive.

C.92.1 Example

<tar destfile="phing.tar">
 <fileset dir=".">
     <include name="**/**" />

The above example uses a fileset to determine which files to include in the archive.

<tar destfile="phing.tar.gz" basedir="." compression="gzip"/>

The second example uses the basedir attribute to include the contents of that directory (including subdirectories) in the archive, compressing the archive using gzip.

C.92.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.93 UntarTask

The UntarTask unpacks one or more tar archives.

Table C.120: Attributes

fileStringArchive filenamen/aNo
todirStringDirectory to unpack the archive(s) tononeYes
removepathStringPath to remove from files in the archive(s)noneNo
forceExtractBooleanWhen set to false, only extract files if the destination does not exist yet or is older than the archive. When set to true, always extract files.falseNo
preservePermissionsBooleanWhen set to true, preserve permissions (mode, uid, gid) as set in the tar file..falseNo

C.93.1 Example

<untar file="testtar.tar.gz" todir="dest">
  <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="*.tar.gz"/>
    <include name="*.tar"/>

C.93.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.94 UnzipTask

The UnzipTask unpacks one or more ZIP archives.

Table C.121: Attributes

fileStringArchive filenamen/aNo
todirStringDirectory to unpack the archive(s) tononeYes
forceExtractBooleanWhen set to false, only extract files if the destination does not exist yet or is older than the archive. When set to true, always extract files.falseNo

C.94.1 Example

<unzip file="" todir="dest">
  <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="*.zip"/>

C.94.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.95 VisualizerTask

The VisualizerTask generates a graphical representation of your current buildfile. This allows you to see all available targets but also the calls and dependencies among targets.

VisualizerTask is able to represent:

Table C.122: Basic attributes

format String Diagram's format. Supported formats are: png, svg, puml and eps. png no
destination String Location where the diagram will be saved. It could be a file or directory path.Same location as current buildfile no
footer String A text to display at the bottom right of the diagram.n/ano
showTitle Bool Should the buildfile's title be displayed in diagram?trueno
showDescription Bool Should the buildfile's description be displayed in diagram?falseno
direction String Use this to change the diagram's layout. Valid values are: horizontal and vertical. vertical no
server String PlantUML server. Needed by all formats except puml.

If you have network connectivity issues, you should try puml format. This format doesn't require a PlantUML server (and therefore an internet connection) to generate a diagram.

C.95.1 Examples

Using VisualizerTask with default values:


Setting diagram's format to svg with horizontal arrows:

<visualizer format="svg" direction="horizontal"/>

Save diagram into resources/images/ directory:

<visualizer destination="resources/images/"/>

Display buildfile's description and custom footer text:

<visualizer showDescription="true" footer="© Copyright 2021"/>

C.95.2 Limitations

  • Special target naming is not interpreted by VisualizerTask, targets' names are used as is. Please read Target Overriding for more details.

  • As said before, VisualizerTask depends on a remote PlantUML server. Even if only buildfile's name and targets' names are sent to server, please be sure you are not sending any sensible information.

  • PlantUML limits image width and height to 4096 pixels. Overcoming this limitation will require to configure your own PlantUML server and to configure it according to PlantUML FAQ instructions.

C.95.3 Requirements

To work properly, VisualizerTask needs to have the following installed:

C.95.4 Advanced HTTP configuration

As said before VisualizerTask needs a remote server to generate the diagrams. In order to configure the connection with remote server, several attributes and nested tags are available.

Because VisualizerTask relies on an internal Phing's library, these attributes and nested tags are shared among these tasks: HttpGetTask, HttpRequestTask and VisualizerTask.

HTTP attributes

Use the following attributes if your PlanUML server requires an authentication mechanism.

Table C.123: Attributes

authUser String The authentication user namen/aNo
authPassword String The authentication passwordn/aNo
authScheme String The authentication schemebasicNo

Supported Nested Tags

  • config

    Holds additional config data. See Guzzle documentation for supported values.

    Table C.124: Attributes

    name String Config parameter namen/aYes
    value MixedConfig valuen/aYes

  • header

    Holds additional header name and value.

    Table C.125: Attributes

    name String Header namen/aYes
    value String Header valuen/aYes

Global configuration

In addition to configuring a particular instance of Guzzle via nested <config> tags it is also possible to set default configuration values for HttpGetTask / HttpRequestTask / VisualizerTask by setting phing.http.* properties.

<property name="phing.http.proxy" value="socks5://localhost:1080/"/>

<!-- This request will go through the default proxy -->

    <!-- This proxy will be used instead of the default one -->
    <config name="proxy" value="http://foo:[email protected]:3128/"/>
    <header name="user-agent" value="Phing VisualizerTask"/>

C.96 WikiPublishTask

This task can publish Wiki document via Wiki WebAPI. It supports only MediaWiki engine for now.

cURL extension is required.

Table C.126: Attributes

apiUrlStringWiki API URL (eg. http://localhost/wiki/api.php)n/aYes
apiUserStringWiki API user namen/aNo
apiPasswordStringWiki API user passwordn/aNo
idIntegerID of page that will be changedn/aOne of these attributes is required.
titleStringTitle of page that will be changes. Can also be used as page identifiern/a
contentStringContent of published pagen/aNo
modeStringEdit mode (overwrite, prepend, append)appendNo

C.96.1 Example

                title="Some Page"
                content="Some content"

C.97 XmlLintTask

The XmlLintTask checks syntax (lint) one or more XML files against an XML Schema Definition.

Note: This assumes that the DOM extension is loaded in PHP5 since this is used to drive the validation process.

Table C.127: Attributes

schemaStringPath to XSD filen/aYes
fileStringPath to XML filen/aNo
haltonfailureBooleanStops the build when validation failstrueNo
useRNGBooleanSet to Yes if the Schema is in the n Relax NG formatfalseNo

C.97.1 Examples

<xmllint schema="schema.xsd" file="config.xml"/>

Validate one XML file against one XSD file.

<xmllint schema="schema.xsd">
  <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="**/config.xml"/>

Validate more XML files against one XSD file.

<fileset dir="./sources" id="sources">
  <include name="main.xml"/>
  <include name="chapter*.xml"/>
  <include name="appendix*.xml"/>
<property name="docbook.relaxng"

<xmllint schema="${docbook.relaxng}" useRNG="yes">
  <fileset refid="sources" />

Validate a set of DocBook files against the DocBook RNG grammar

C.97.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.98 XmlPropertyTask

Loads property values from a well-formed xml file. There are no other restrictions than "well-formed".

Table C.128: Attributes

fileStringThe XML file to parse.n/aYes
prefixStringThe prefix to prepend to each propertyn/aNo
keepRootBooleanKeep the xml root tag as the first value in the property name.trueNo
collapseAttributesBooleanTreat attributes as nested elements.falseNo
delimiterStringDelimiter for splitting multiple values.,No
requiredBooleanIf this is set to true then a build exception will be raised if the file cannot be found otherwise only a warning will be logged.falseNo

C.98.1 Example

Consider the following XML file:

<root-tag myattr="true">
    <inner-tag someattr="val">Text</inner-tag>

Used with the following entry (default):

<xmlproperty file="somefile.xml"/>

results in the following properties:


Used with the following entry (collapseAttributes=true):

<xmlproperty file="somefile.xml" collapseAttributes="true"/>

results in the following properties:


Used with the following entry (keepRoot=false):

<xmlproperty file="somefile.xml" keepRoot="false"/>

results in the following properties:


C.99 ZSDTPackTask

The zsdtPackTask Create a package with the help of the ZendServer Deployment Tool. The pack options should contain pointers to the application data directory, the package descriptor file, and the package scripts directory.

Table C.129: Attributes

packageStringA directory containing the data and the script directories, in addition to the package descriptor file.noneYes
scriptsStringThe directory which contains the package deployment scripts. The Deployment Tool will search this directory for the expected files (as described in section 2.2.1) and then packs them.noneYes
descriptorStringThe package descriptor file.noneYes
sourceStringThe directory that contains the application resources (PHP sources, JavaScript, etc.). The directory's internal structure must match the necessary structure for the application to be functional.noneNo
outputStringThe directory in which the package is created. The package name will be created as app-name-app-version.zpk".noneNo
lintBooleanPerforms a PHP lint test on the deployment scripts before creating the package.falseNo
phpbinStringThe PHP executable to use for lint.noneNo (Yes if option lint is set to true)
schemaStringThe path to the package descriptor schema used for validation.noneNo

C.99.1 Example

<zsdtpack lint="true"
          phpbin="path/to/php" />

C.100 ZSDTValidateTask

The zsdtValidateTask validates a given Zend package descriptor against the schema file.

Table C.130: Attributes

descriptorStringThe package descriptor file.noneYes
schemaStringThe path to the package descriptor schema used for validation.noneNo

C.100.1 Example

<zsdtvalidate schema="/path/to/schema.xsl" descriptor="/path/to/descriptor.xml" />

C.101 ZendCodeAnalyzerTask

The ZendCodeAnalyzerTask analyze PHP source files using the Zend Code Analyzer tool that ships with all versions of Zend Studio.

Table C.131: Attributes

analyzerPathStringPath to Zend Code Analyzer binaryn/aYes
fileStringPath to PHP source filen/aNo
disableStringDisable warnings separated by comman/aNo
enableStringEnable warnings separated by comman/aNo
haltonwarningBooleanStop the build process if warnings occurred during the run. falseNo

C.101.1 Example


Analyze one PHP source file with all default warnings enabled.

  <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="**/*.php"/>

Analyze a set of PHP source files and disable a few warnings.

C.101.2 Supported Nested Tags

C.102 ZipTask

The ZipTask creates a .zip archive from a fileset or directory.

Table C.132: Attributes

destfileString.ZIP filenamen/aYes
basedirStringBase directory to zip (if no fileset specified, entire directory contents will be included in the archive)noneNo
prefixStringFile path prefix to use when adding files to zipnoneNo
includeemptydirsBooleanIf set to true, also empty directories are copied. trueNo
commentStringComment to add to the zip archivenoneNo
ignorelinksBooleanWhether to ignore symlinks or not.falseNo

Important note: using basedir and fileset simultaneously can result in strange contents in the archive.

C.102.1 Example

<zip destfile="">
 <fileset dir=".">
     <include name="**/**" />

The above example uses a fileset to determine which files to include in the archive.

<zip destfile="" basedir="."/>

The second example uses the basedir attribute to include the contents of that directory (including subdirectories) in the archive.

C.102.2 Supported Nested Tags

Appendix D. Core Types

This appendix contains a reference of the system data types contained in Phing.

D.1 Description

Allows for a description of the project to be specified that will be included in the output of the phing ‑projecthelp command.

D.1.1 Usage Examples

This buildfile is used to build the Foo subproject within 
the large, complex Bar project.

D.2 Excludes

Specifies a set of files, classes or methods to be excluded from processing.

This element has no attributes, only nested tags

D.2.1 Nested tags

  • file

  • class

  • method

Table D.1:  Common attributes for all file, class, method tags

nameStringThe name of the class, method or file. This may also be specified as a pattern.n/aYes

D.2.2 Usage Examples


D.3 FileList

FileLists offer a way to represent a specific list of files. Unlike FileSets, FileLists may contain files that do not exist on the filesystem. Also, FileLists can represent files in a specific order -- whereas FileSets represent files in whichever order they are returned by the filesystem.

Table D.2:  Attributes for the <filelist> tag

dirStringThe directory, to which the paths given in files or listfile are relative.n/aYes
filesStringComma or space-separated list of files.n/aYes (or listfile)
listfileStringA text file with one filename per line.n/aYes (or files)

D.3.1 Usage Examples

<filelist dir="/etc" files="httpd/conf/httpd.conf,php.ini"/>

Or you can use a listfile, which is expected to contain one filename per line:

<filelist dir="conf/" listfile="ini_files.txt"/>

This will grab each file as listed in ini_files.txt. This can be useful if one task compiles a list of files to process and another task needs to read in that list and perform some action to those files.

D.4 FileSet

FileSets offer an easy and straightforward way to include files. The tag supports Selectors and PatternSets. Additionally, you can include/exclude files in/from a fileset using the <include>/<exclude> tags. In patterns, one asterisk (*) maps to a part of a file/directory name within a directory level. Two asterisks (**) may include above the "border" of the directory separator.

Table D.3:  Attributes for the <fileset> tag

dirStringThe directory, the paths given in include/exclude are relative to.n/aYes
defaultexcludesBooleanWhether default exclusions should be used or not. Default excludes are: *~, #*#, .#*, %*%, CVS, CVS/**, .cvsignore, SCCS, SCCS/**, vssver.scc, .svn, .svn/**, ._*, .DS_Store, .darcs, .darcs/**, .git, .git/**, .gitattributes, .gitignore, .gitmodules trueNo
casesensitiveBooleanThe case sensitivity of the file system.trueNo
expandsymboliclinksBooleanWhether to expand/dereference (follow) symbolic links - set to 'true' to emulate old Phing behavior.falseNo
erroronmissingdirBooleanSpecify what happens if the base directory does not exist. If true a build error will happen, if false, the fileset will be ignored/empty.falseNo
includesStringComma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be included; all files are included when omitted.n/aNo
includesfileStringThe name of a file; each line of this file is taken to be an include pattern.n/aNo
excludesStringcomma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be excluded; no files (except default excludes) are excluded when omitted.n/aNo
excludesfileStringThe name of a file; each line of this file is taken to be an exclude pattern.n/aNo

D.4.1 Using wildcards

  • test*.xml will include test_42.xml, but it will not include test/some.xml.

  • test**.xml fits to test_42.xml as well as to test/bla.xml, for example.

  • **/*.ent.xml fits to all files that end with ent.xml in all subdirectories of the directory specified with the dir attribute of the <fileset> tag. However, it will not include any files that are directly in the base directory of the file set.

D.4.2 Usage Examples

<fileset dir="/etc" >
    <include name="httpd/**" />
    <include name="php.ini" />

<fileset dir="/etc" >
        <include name="**/*.php"/>
        <exclude name="**/*Test*"/>

This will include the apache configuration and PHP configuration file from /etc.

<fileset id="files" dir="${phing.dir}/etc">
    <excludesfile name="test"/>
<target name="test">
    <echo msg="${toString:files}"/>

This will exclude all files from a file named test. Each line of this file is taken to be an exclude pattern.

D.4.3 Nested tags

The tags that are supported by Fileset are:

The <include> and the <exclude> tags must have a name attribute that contains the pattern to include/exclude.

D.5 DirSet

A DirSet is a group of directories. These directories can be found in a directory tree starting in a base directory and are matched by patterns taken from a number of PatternSets and Selectors.

PatternSets can be specified as nested <patternset> elements. In addition, DirSet holds an implicit PatternSet and supports the nested <include>, <includesfile>, <exclude> and <excludesfile> elements of <patternset> directly, as well as <patternset>'s attributes.

Selectors are available as nested elements within the DirSet. If any of the selectors within the DirSet do not select the directory, it is not considered part of the DirSet. This makes a DirSet equivalent to an <and> selector container.

Table D.4:  Attributes for the <dirset> tag

dirStringThe root of the directory tree of this DirSet.n/aYes
casesensitiveBooleanSpecifies whether case-sensitivity should be applied (true|yes|on or false|no|off).trueNo
expandsymboliclinksBooleanWhether to expand/dereference (follow) symbolic links - set to 'true' to emulate old Phing behavior.falseNo
includesStringA comma- or space-separated list of patterns of directories that must be included; all directories are included when omitted.n/aNo
includesfileStringThe name of a file; each line of this file is taken to be an include pattern. Note: if the file is empty and there are no other patterns defined for the fileset, all directories will be included.n/aNo
excludesStringA comma- or space-separated list of patterns of directories that must be excluded; no directories are excluded when omitted.n/aNo
excludesfileStringThe name of a file; each line of this file is taken to be an exclude pattern.n/aNo

D.5.1 Using wildcards

  • test*.xml will include test_42.xml, but it will not include test/some.xml.

  • test**.xml fits to test_42.xml as well as to test/bla.xml, for example.

  • **/*.ent.xml fits to all files that end with ent.xml in all subdirectories of the directory specified with the dir attribute of the <fileset> tag. However, it will not include any files that are directly in the base directory of the file set.

D.5.2 Usage Examples

<dirset dir="/etc" >
  <include name="httpd/**" />
  <include name="php.ini" />

<dirset dir="/etc" >
    <include name="**/*.php"/>
    <exclude name="**/*Test*"/>

This will include the apache configuration and PHP configuration file from /etc.

D.5.3 Nested tags

The tags that are supported by Fileset are:

The <include> and the <exclude> tags must have a name attribute that contains the pattern to include/exclude.

D.6 PatternSet

The PatternSet data type defines patterns that can be grouped into sets and nested into FileSets. Patterns can be specified by nested <include> or <exclude> elements.

Table D.5:  Attributes for <patternset> tag

includesStringComma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be included; all files are included when omitted.n/aNo
includesfileStringThe name of a file; each line of this file is taken to be an include pattern.n/aNo
excludesStringcomma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be excluded; no files (except default excludes) are excluded when omitted.n/aNo
excludesfileStringThe name of a file; each line of this file is taken to be an exclude pattern.n/aNo

D.6.1 Usage Example

<patternset id="no.tests">
  <include name="**/*.php"/>
  <exclude name="**/*Test*"/>

D.6.2 Nested tags

The <patternset> tag only supports <include> and <exclude>. The <include> and the <exclude> tags must have a name attribute that contains the pattern to include/exclude.

D.7 Path / Classpath

The Path data type can be used to represent path structures. In many cases the path type will be used for nested <classpaentry> tags. E.g.

<path id="project.class.path">
  <pathelement dir="lib/"/>
  <pathelement dir="ext/"/>

<target name="blah">
  <taskdef name="mytask" path="MyApp\CustomTask\MyTask">
    <classpath refid="project.class.path"/>

Table D.6:  Attributes for <paentry> tag

dirStringSpecific path to directoryn/aNo
pathStringA path (which contains multiple locations separated by path.separator) to add.n/aNo

D.7.1 Nested tags

The <paentry> tag supports nested <fileset> and <dirset> tags.

D.8 Regexp

Regexp represents a regular expression.

Table D.7:  Attributes for <regexp> tag

patternStringregular expression patternn/aYes
refidStringMakes this regexp a reference to a regexp defined elsewhere. If specified no other attributes or nested elements are allowed.n/aNo

D.8.1 Examples

<regexp id="myregexp" pattern="alpha(.+)beta"/>

Defines a regular expression for later use with id "myregexp".

<regexp refid="myregexp"/>

Use the regular expression with id "myregexp".

Appendix E. Core filters

Filters are a subset of Phing data types which provide for the transformation of file contents during the operation of another task. For example, a filter might replace tokens in a file as part of a copy task.

Filters have to be defined within a <filterchain> context to work. Example:

  <expandproperties />

There are two ways to use a filter: System filters (the ones shipped with Phing) can be used with their own tag name, such as <xsltfilter>, <expandpropertyfilter> or <tabtospaces>. User-defined filters can use the way is to use the <filterreader> tag.

E.1 PhingFilterReader

The PhingFilterReader is used when you want to use filters that are not directly available through their own tag. Example:

  <filterreader classname="phing.filter.ReplaceTokens">
    <!-- other way to set attributes -->
    <param name="begintoken" value="@@" />
    <param name="endtoken" value="@@" />

    <!-- other way to set nested tags -->
    <param type="token" key="bar" value="foo" />

In the filterreader tag you have to specify the path the class is in. The FilterReader will then load this class and pass the parameters to the loaded filter. There are two types of parameters: First, you can pass "normal" parameters to the loaded filter. That means, you can pass parameters as if they were attributes. If you want to do this, you only specify the name and value attributes in the param tag. You can also pass nested elements to the filter. Then, you have to specify the type attribute. This attribute specifies the name of the nested tag.

The result of the example above is identical with the following code:

  <replacetokens begintoken="@@" endtoken="@@">
    <token key="bar" value="foo" />

Table E.1: Attributes for <filterreader>

classnameStringName of class to use (in dot-path notation).n/aYes
classpathStringThe classpath to use when including classes. This is added to PHP's include_path.n/aNo
classpatxlink:hrefStringReference to classpath to use when including classes. This is added to PHP's include_path.n/aNo

E.1.1 Nested tags

The PhingFilterReader supports nested <classpaentry>.

E.1.2 Advanced

In order to support the <filterreader ... /> sytax, your class must extend the BaseParamFilterReader class. Most of the filters that are bundled with Phing can be invoked using this syntax. The notable exception (at time of writing) is the ReplaceRegexp filter, which expects find/replace parameters that do not fit the name/value mold. For this reason, you must always use the shorthand <replaceregexp .../> to invoke this filter.

E.2 ExpandProperties

The ExpandProperties simply replaces property names with their property values. For example, if you have the following in your build file:

<property name="description.txt" value="This is a text file" />

<copy todir="/tmp">
    <expandproperties />

  <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="**" />

And the string ${description.txt} it will be replaced by This is a text file.

Table E.2:  Attributes for <expandproperties>

levelStringControl the level at which this message is reported. One of error, warning, info, verbose, debug.infoNo

E.3 ConcatFilter

This filter prepends or appends the content file to the filtered files.

            <concatfilter prepend="license.txt"/>

Table E.3:  Attributes for the <concatfilter> tag

prependStringThe name of the file which content should be prepended to the file.n/aNo
appendStringThe name of the file which content should be appended to the file.n/aNo

E.4 HeadFilter

This filter reads the first n lines of a file; the others are not further passed through the filter chain. Usage example:

  <headfilter lines="20" />

Table E.4:  Attributes for the <headfilter> tag

linesIntegerNumber of lines to read.10No
skipIntegerNumber of lines to skip (from the beginning).0No

E.5 IconvFilter

The IconvFilter encodes file from in encoding to out encoding. Usage example:

    <iconvfilter inputencoding="UTF-8" outputencoding="CP1251" />

Table E.5:  Attributes for the <iconvfilter> tag

inputencodingStringInput encoding.n/aYes
outputencodingStringOutput encoding.n/aYes

E.6 Line Contains

This filter is only "permeable" for lines that contain the expression given as parameter. For example, the following filterchain would only let all the lines pass that contain class:

    <contains value="class" />

Table E.6:  Attributes for the <linecontains> filter

negateBooleanWhether to select non-matching lines only.falseNo
matchAnyBooleanIf false, then all the strings are expected to be present in the line. If true, then the presence of any of the strings in the line is considered a successful match.falseNo

E.6.1 Nested tags

The linecontains tag must contain one or more contains tags.

E.7 LineContainsRegexp

This filter is similar to Section E.6, “Line Contains ” but you can specify regular expressions instead of simple strings.

    <regexp pattern="foo(.*)bar" />

Table E.7:  Attributes for the <linecontainsregexp> filter

casesensitiveBooleanPerform a case sensitive match.trueNo
negateBooleanWhether to select non-matching lines only.falseNo
regexpStringRegular expression to be searched for.n/aNo - Unless specified, a valid nested regexp element has to be set.

E.7.1 Nested tags

The LineContains filter has to contain at least one regexp tag if the regexp attribute has no pattern set. This must have a pattern attribute that is set to a regular expression.

E.8 PrefixLines

This filter adds a prefix to every line. The following example will add the string foo: in front of every line.

  <prefixlines prefix="foo: " />

Table E.8:  Attributes for the <prefixlines> tag

prefixStringString to prepend to every line.n/aYes

E.9 ReplaceTokens

The ReplaceTokens filter will replace certain tokens. Tokens are strings enclosed in special characters. If you want to replace ##BCHOME## by the path to the directory set in the environment variable BCHOME, you could do the following:

<property environment="env" />

  <replacetokens begintoken="##" endtoken="##">
    <token key="BCHOME" value="${env.BCHOME}" />

Table E.9:  Attributes for the <replacetokens> tag

begintokenStringThe string that marks the beginning of a token.@No
endtokenStringThe string that marks the end of a token.@No

E.9.1 Nested tags

The ReplaceTokens filter must contain one or more token tags. These must have a key and a value attribute.

E.10 ReplaceTokensWithFile

The ReplaceTokensWithFile filter will replace certain tokens with the contents of a file. The name of the file to use as replacement is derived from the token name itself. Tokens are strings enclosed in special characters which are user selectable.

This filter could for example be used to insert code examples in documentation where the example code are real executable files kept outside the documentation.

If you for example want to replace #!example1## with the content of the file " example1.php " you could do the following

      <replacetokenswithfile begintoken="#!" endtoken="##"
          dir="exampledir/" postfix=".php" />

The filer above will replace all tokens within the begin and end token specified with the contents of the file whose base name is that of the token with the added postfix ".php". Only the directory specified in the dir attribute is searched. If the file is not found the token is left untouched and an error message is given. It is important to note that all found tokens will be replaced with the corresponding file. So in the example below even #!example2## will be replaced with the content of the file " example2.php "

Table E.10:  Attributes for the <replacetokenswithfile> tag

begintokenStringThe string that marks the beginning of a token.#@#No
endtokenStringThe string that marks the end of a token.#@#No
prefixStringA string that will be added in front of the token to construct the filename that will be used as source when replacing the token.''No
postfixStringA string that will be added to the end of the token to construct the filename that will be used as source when replacing the token.''No
dirStringThe directory where to look for the files to use as replacements for the tokens'./'No
translatehtmlBooleanIf true all html special characters (e.g. ">") in the file to there corresponding html entities (e.g. "&gt;") before the file is inserted.trueNo

E.10.1 Nested tags


E.11 ReplaceRegexp

The ReplaceRegexp filter will perform a regexp find/replace on the input stream. For example, if you want to replace ANT with Phing (ignoring case) and you want to replace references to *.java with *.php:

    <regexp pattern="ANT" replace="Phing" ignoreCase="true"/>
    <regexp pattern="(\w+)\.java" replace="\1.php"/>

Or, replace all Windows line-endings with Unix line-endings:

    <regexp pattern="\r(\n)" replace="\1"/>

E.11.1 Nested tags

The ReplaceRegExp filter must contain one or more regexp tags. These must have pattern and replace attributes. The full list of supported attributes is as following:

Table E.11:  Attributes for the <regexp> tag

patternStringRegular expression used as needle. Phing relies on Perl-compatible regular expressions. n/aYes
replaceStringReplacement string.n/aYes
ignoreCaseBooleanWhether search is case-insensitive.falseNo
multilineBooleanWhether regular expression is applied in multi-line mode.falseNo
modifiersStringRaw regular expression modifiers. You can pass several modifiers as single string, and use raw modifiers with ignoreCase and multiline attributes. In case of conflict, value specified by dedicated attribute takes precedence.''No

The previous example (using modifiers attribute this time):

    <regexp pattern="ANT" replace="Phing" modifiers="i"/>
    <regexp pattern="(\w+)\.java" replace="\1.php"/>

E.12 SortFilter

The sort filter reads all lines and sorts them. The sort order can be reversed.

            <sortfilter reverse="true" />

Table E.12:  Attributes for the <sortfilter> filter

reverseBooleanwhether to reverse the sort order, defaults to false. falseNo

E.13 StripLineBreaks

The StripLineBreaks filter removes all linebreaks from the stream passed through the filter chain.

  <striplinebreaks />

E.14 StripLineComments

The StripLineComments filter removes all line comments from the stream passed through the filter chain:

    <comment value="#" />
    <comment value="--" />
    <comment value="//" />

E.14.1 Nested tags

The striplinecomments tag must contain one or more comment tags. These must have a value attribute that specifies the character(s) that start a line comment.

E.15 StripPhpComments

The StripPhpComments filter removes all PHP comments from the stream passed through the filter.

  <stripphpcomments />

E.16 StripWhitespace

The StripWhitespace filter removes all PHP comments and whitespace from the stream passed through the filter. Internally, this filter uses the php_strip_whitespace() function.

  <stripwhitespace />

E.17 TabToSpaces

The TabToSpaces filter replaces all tab characters with a given count of space characters.

  <tabtospaces tablength="8" />

Table E.13:  Attributes for the <tabtospaces> filter

tablengthIntegerThe number of space characters that a tab is to represent. 8No

E.18 TailFilter

Similar to Section E.4, “HeadFilter”, this filter reads the last n lines of a file; the others are not further passed through the filter chain. Usage example:

  <tailfilter lines="20" />

Table E.14:  Attributes for the <tailfilter> tag

linesIntegerNumber of lines from the back to read.10No
skipIntegerNumber of lines to be skipped (from the end).0No

E.19 TidyFilter

The TidyFilter allows you to use the PHP tidy extension to clean up and repair HTML documents. Usage example:

  <tidyfilter encoding="utf8">
    <config name="indent" value="true" />
    <config name="output-xhtml" value="true" />

Table E.15:  Attributes for the <tidyfilter> tag

encodingStringThe expected input encoding of the file.utf8No

E.19.1 Nested tags

The TidyFilter supports nested <config> tags to configure how Tidy should manipulate the documents. For a complete list of configuration options see the official Quick Reference.

E.20 XincludeFilter

The XincludeFilter processes a stream for Xinclude tags, and processes the inclusions. This is useful for processing modular XML files. DocBook book files are one example of modular XML files. Usage example:

  Render a DocBook book file called manual.xml, which
  contains Xinclude tags to include individual book sections.
<copy todir="${manual.dest.dir}">
    <xincludefilter basedir="${manual.src.dir}" />
    <xsltfilter style="${manual.src.dir}/html.xsl">
      <param name="base.dir" expression="${manual.dest.dir}/" />
  <fileset dir="${manual.src.dir}">
    <include name="manual.xml" />

Table E.16: Attributes for the <xincludefilter> tag

basedirStringThe working directory from which to process the Xincludes. Relative pathnames in the include tags are based on this location. Project basedirNo
resolveexternalsBooleanWhether to resolve entities. (see this link for details)falseNo

E.21 XsltFilter

The XsltFilter applies a XSL template to the stream. Though you can use this filter directly, you should use XslTask Appendix B, Core tasks which is shortcut to the following lines:

  <xsltfilter style="somexslt.xsl" />

This filter relies on PHP5 XSL support via libxslt which must be available for php5. Usually this means including the php5_xsl module when configuring PHP5. In essence this uses the same core libraries as "xsltproc" processor.

Table E.17:  Attributes for the <xsltfilter> tag

styleStringThe XSLT stylesheet to use for transformation.n/aYes
htmlBooleanWhether to parse the input as HTML (using libxml2 DOMDocument::loadHTML()).falseNo
resolvedocumentexternalsBooleanWhether to resolve entities in the XML document. (see this link for details)falseNo
resolvestylesheetexternalsBooleanWhether to resolve entities in the stylesheet.falseNo

E.21.1 Nested tags

The XsltFilter filter may contain one or more param tags to pass any XSLT parameters to the stylesheet. These param tags must have name and expression attributes.

E.22 ClassConstants

This filters basic constants defined in a PHP Class, and outputs them in lines composed of the format name=value.

<property file="constants.php">
        <classconstants />

Appendix F. Core mappers

While filters are applied to the content of files, Mappers are applied to the filenames. All mappers have the same API, i.e. the way you use them is the same:

<mapper type="mappername" from="frompattern" to="topattern" />

F.1 Common Attributes

Table F.1:  Attributes for the <mapper> tag

typeStringType of the mapper.n/aOne of these is required.
classnameStringDot-path to a custom mapper class to use.n/a
fromStringThe pattern the filename is to be matched to. The exact meaning is dependent on the implementation of the mapper.n/adepends on the implementation of the mapper
toStringThe pattern according to which the filename is to be changed to. Here, the usage is dependent on the implementation of the mapper, too.n/adepends on the implementation of the mapper

F.2 ChainedMapper

This mapper implementation can contain multiple nested mappers. File mapping is performed by passing the source filename to the first nested mapper, its results to the second, and so on. The target filenames generated by the last nested mapper comprise the ultimate results of the mapping operation. The to and from attributes are ignored.

F.2.1 Examples

<mapper type="chained">
            <mapper type="flatten"/>
            <mapper type="glob" from="*.php" to="new/path/*.php"/>
                <mapper type="glob" from="*.php" to="*.php1"/>
                <mapper type="glob" from="*.php" to="*.php2"/>

Applying the mapper, you will get the following results from the following filenames:

Table F.2: Result of mapping

foo/bar/a.phpnew/path/a.php1 and new/path/a.php2
foo/bar/b.phpnew/path/b.php1 and new/path/b.php2

F.3 CompositeMapper

This mapper implementation can contain multiple nested mappers. File mapping is performed by passing the source filename to each nested <mapper> in turn, returning all results. The to and from attributes are ignored.

<copy todir="testbuild">
            <fileset dir="${project.basedir}"/>

This code will copy all files in the fileset to /tmp. All files will be in the target directory.

F.3.1 Examples

<mapper type="composite">
                <mapper type="glob" from="*.xsl" to="*.from.xsl"/>
                <mapper type="glob" from="*.xml" to="*.from.xml"/>
                <mapper type="glob" from="*.php" to="*.from.php"/>

Applying the mapper, you will get the following results from the following filenames:

Table F.3: Result of mapping


F.4 FirstMatchMapper

This mapper supports an arbitrary number of nested mappers and returns the results of the first mapper that matches. This is different from composite mapper which collects the results of all matching children.

F.4.1 Examples

<mapper type="firstmatch">
                <mapper type="glob" from="*.txt" to="*.bak"/>
                <mapper type="glob" from="*.php" to="*.php"/>

Applying the mapper, you will get the following results from the following filenames:

Table F.4: Result of mapping


F.5 CutDirsMapper

The CutDirsMapper strips a configured number of leading directories from the source file name.

F.5.1 Examples

<mapper type="cutdirs" to="1"/>

The mapper as above will do the following mappings:

Table F.5: Result of mapping


F.6 FlattenMapper

The FlattenMapper removes the directories from a filename and solely returns the filename.

<copy todir="/tmp">
  <mapper type="flatten" />

  <fileset refid="someid" />

This code will copy all files in the fileset to /tmp. All files will be in the target directory.

F.6.1 Examples

<mapper type="flatten" />

Applying the mapper, you will get the following results from the following filenames:

Table F.6: Result of mapping


F.7 GlobMapper

The GlobMapper works like the copy command in DOS:

<copy todir="/tmp">
  <mapper type="glob" from="*.php" to="*.php.bak"/>

  <fileset refid="someid" />

This will change the extension of all files matching the pattern *.php to .php.bak.

Table F.7:  The globmapper mapper can take the following extra attributes.

handledirsepStringIf this is specified, the mapper will ignore the difference between the normal directory separator characters - \ and /. This attribute is useful for cross-platform build files.falseNo
casesensitiveBooleanIf this is false, the mapper will ignore case when matching the glob pattern.trueNo

F.7.1 Examples

<mapper type="glob" from="*txt" to="*txt.bak"/>

Applying the mapper, you will get the following results from the following filenames:

Table F.8: Result of mapping

SomeClass.phpignored, SomeClass.php

F.8 IdentityMapper

The IdentityMapper will not change anything on the source filenames.

F.9 MergeMapper

The MergeMapper changes all source filenames to the same filename.

F.9.1 Examples

<mapper type="merge" to="test.tar"/>

Applying the mapper, you will get the following results from the following filenames:

Table F.9: Result of mapping


F.10 RegexpMapper

The RegexpMapper changes filenames according to a pattern defined by a regular expression. This is the most powerful mapper and you should be able to use it for every possible application.

Table F.10:  The regexp mapper can take the following extra attributes.

handledirsepStringIf this is specified, the mapper will ignore the difference between the normal directory separator characters - \ and /. This attribute is useful for cross-platform build files.falseNo
casesensitiveBooleanIf this is false, the mapper will ignore case when matching the glob pattern.trueNo

F.10.1 Examples

<mapper type="regexp" from="^(.*)\.conf\.xml" to="\1.php"/>

The mapper as above will do the following mappings:

Table F.11: Result of mapping

test.txtignore, test.txt

Appendix G. Core selectors

Selectors are a specific subset of Phing data types that allow you to fine-tune matching in a Appendix D, Core TypesFileSet (or DirSet).

Phing supports the following core selectors, which typically match on both files and directories in a <fileset>:

  • <Contains> - Select files that contain a specific string

  • <Readable> - Select files if they are readable

  • <Writable> - Select files if they are writable

  • <Executable> - Select files if they are executable

  • <date> - Select files/directories that have been modified either before or after a specific date/time

  • <Depend> - Select files/directories that have been modified more recently than equivalent items elsewhere

  • <Depth> - Select files/directories that appear at a specific depth in a directory tree

  • <Different> - Select files that are different from those elsewhere

  • <Filename> - Select files/directories whose name matches a particular pattern. Equivalent to the include and exclude elements of a patternset.

  • <Present> - Select files/directories that either do or do not exist in some other location

  • <Symlink> - Select files if they are symlink.

  • <Containsregexp><containsregexp> - Select files that contain text matching a regular expression

  • <Size><size> - Select files that are larger or smaller than a particular number of bytes.

  • <Type><type> - Select files/directories by type ('file' or 'dir')

Additionally, to create more complex selections, a variety of selectors that contain other selectors are available for your use. They combine the selections of their child selectors in various ways.

Phing supports the following selector containers:

  • <And><and> - Select a file only if all the contained selectors select it.

  • <Majority><majority> - Select a file only if all the contained selectors select it.

  • <None><none> - Select a file only if none of the contained selectors select it.

  • <Not><not> - Can contain only one selector, and reverses what it selects and doesn't select.

  • <Or><or> - Select a file if any one of the contained selectors selects it.

  • <Selector><selector> - Contains only one selector and forwards all requests to it without alteration. This is the selector to use if you want to define a reference. It is usable as an element of <project>.

G.1 Contains

The <contains> tag selects files that contain the string specified by the text attribute.

<fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.php">
  <contains text="PHP"/>

Table G.1:  Attributes for the <contains> selector

textSpecifies the text that every file must containn/aYes
casesensitiveWhether to pay attention to case when looking for the string in the text attribute.trueNo
ignorewhitespaceWhether to eliminate whitespace before checking for the string in the text attribute.falseNo

G.2 Date

The <date> tag selects files whose last modified date meet the date limits specified by the selector.

<fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.php">
  <date datetime="01/01/2001 12:00 AM" when="before"/>

Table G.2:  Attributes for the <date> selector

datetimeSpecifies the date and time to test for. It should be in a format parsable by PHP's strtotime() function.n/aOne of the two
secondsThe number of seconds since Midnight Jan 1 1970 (Unix epoch) that should be tested for.n/a
millisThe number of milliseconds since Midnight Jan 1 1970 (Unix epoch) that should be tested for. Note: It will be internaly converted to seconds.n/a 
whenIndicates how to interpret the date, whether the files to be selected are those whose last modified times should be before, after, or equal to the specified value. Accepted values are:
  • before - select files whose last modified date is before the indicated date

  • after - select files whose last modified date is after the indicated date

  • equal - select files whose last modified date is this exact date

granularityThe number of seconds leeway to use when comparing file modification times.0No
checkdirsIndicates whether or not to check dates on directories.falseNo

G.3 Depend

The <depend> tag selects files whose last modified date is later than another, equivalent file in another location.

The <depend> tag supports the use of a contained Appendix F, Core mappers element to define the location of the file to be compared against. If no mapper element is specified, the identity type mapper is used.

The <depend> tag is case-sensitive.

<fileset dir="phing-2.4.5/classes" includes="**/*.php">
  <depend targetdir="phing-2.4.6/classes"/>

Table G.3:  Attributes for the <depend> selector

targetdirThe base directory to look for the files to compare against. The precise location depends on a combination of this attribute and the mapper element, if any.n/aYes
granularityThe number of milliseconds leeway to give before deciding a file is out of date. This is needed because not every file system supports tracking the last modified time to the millisecond level.0No

G.4 Depth

The <depentry> tag selects files based on how many directory levels deep they are in relation to the base directory of the fileset.

<fileset dir="phing/classes" includes="**/*.php">
  <depth max="1"/>

Table G.4:  Attributes for the <depentry> selector

minThe minimum number of directory levels below the base directory that a file must be in order to be selected.0One of the two
maxThe maximum number of directory levels below the base directory that a file can be and still be selected.0

G.5 Different

The <different> selector will select a file if it is deemed to be 'different' from an equivalent file in another location. The rules for determining difference between the two files are as follows:

  • If a file is only present in the resource collection you apply the selector to but not in targetdir (or after applying the mapper) the file is selected.

  • If a file is only present in targetdir (or after applying the mapper) it is ignored.

  • Files with different lengths are different.

  • If ignoreFileTimes is turned off, then differing file timestamps will cause files to be regarded as different.

  • Unless ignoreContents is set to true, a byte-for-byte check is run against the two files.

This is a useful selector to work with programs and tasks that don't handle dependency checking properly; even if a predecessor task always creates its output files, followup tasks can be driven off copies made with a different selector, so their dependencies are driven on the absolute state of the files, not just a timestamp. For example: anything fetched from a web site, or the output of some program. To reduce the amount of checking, when using this task inside a <copy> task, set preservelastmodified to true to propagate the timestamp from the source file to the destination file.

The <different> selector supports the use of a contained <mapper> element to define the location of the file to be compared against. If no <mapper> element is specified, the identity type mapper is used.

<fileset dir="${phing.1.5}/classes" includes="**/*.php">
            <different targetdir="${phing.1.4.1}/classes"

Table G.5:  Attributes for the <different> selector

targetdirThe base directory to look for the files to compare against. The precise location depends on a combination of this attribute and the mapper element, if any.n/aYes
ignoreFileTimesWhether to use file times in the comparison or not.trueNo
ignoreContentsWhether to do a byte per byte compare.falseNo

G.6 Filename

The <filename> tag acts like the <include> and <exclude> tags within a fileset. By using a selector instead, however, one can combine it with all the other selectors using whatever selector container is desired.

<fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*">
  <filename name="**/*.php">

Table G.6:  Attributes for the <filename> selector

nameThe name of files to select. The name parameter can contain the standard Phing wildcard characters.n/aExactly one of the two
regexThe regular expression matching files to select.n/a
casesensitiveWhether to pay attention to case when looking at file names.trueNo
negateWhether to reverse the effects of this filename selection, therefore emulating an exclude rather than include tag.falseNo

G.7 Present

The <present> tag selects files that have an equivalent file in another directory tree.

The <present> tag supports the use of a contained mapper element to define the location of the file to be compared against. If no mapper element is specified, the identity type mapper is used.

The <present> tag is case-sensitive.

<fileset dir="phing-2.4.6/classes" includes="**/*.php">
  <present present="srconly" targetdir="phing-2.4.5/classes">

Table G.7:  Attributes for the <present> selector

targetdirThe base directory to look for the files to compare against. The precise location depends on a combination of this attribute and the <mapper> element, if any.n/aYes
presentWhether we are requiring that a file is present in the src directory tree only, or in both the src and the target directory tree. Valid values are: srconly - select files only if they are in the src directory tree but not in the target directory tree both - select files only if they are present both in the src and target directory treesbothNo

G.8 Containsregexp

The <containsregexp> tag selects the files whose contents contain a match to the regular expression specified by the expression attribute.

<fileset dir="${src}" includes="*.txt">
  <containsregexp expression="[4-6]\.[0-9]"/>

Table G.8:  Attributes for the <containsregexp> selector

expressionSpecifies the regular expression that must match true in every file.n/aYes
casesensitivePerform a case sensitive match.trueNo
multilinePerform a multi line match.falseNo

G.9 Size

The <size> tag selects files matching a specified size limit.

<fileset dir="${src}">
  <size value="4M" when="more"/>

Table G.9:  Attributes for the <size> selector

valueThe size of the file which should be tested for. Examples: 250M, 10G, 1T.n/aYes
whenIndicates how to interpret the size, whether the files to be selected should be larger, smaller, or equal to that value. Accepted values are:
  • less - select files less than the indicated size
  • more - select files greater than the indicated size
  • equal - select files this exact size


File size can be written using IEC and SI suffixes, bytes are assumed when suffix is not specified. The following suffixes (case-insensitive) are supported:

Table G.10: Supported file size suffixes

IECB. 1 byte
K, Ki, KiB, kibi, kibibyte. 1024 bytes
M, Mi, MiB, mebi, mebibyte. 1024 kibibytes
G, Gi, GiB, gibi, gibibyte. 1024 mebibytes
T, Ti, TiB, tebi, tebibyte. 1024 gibibytes
SI kB, kilo, kilobyte. 1000 bytes
MB, mega, megabyte. 1000 kilobytes
GB, giga, gigabyte. 1000 megabytes
TB, tera, terabyte. 1000 gigabytes

G.10 Type

The <type> tag selects files of a certain type: directory or regular.

<fileset dir="${src}">
  <type type="dir"/>

Table G.11:  Attributes for the <type> selector

typeThe type of file which should be tested for. Either file or dir.n/aYes

G.11 And

The <and> tag selects files that are selected by all of the elements it contains. It returns as soon as it finds a selector that does not select the file, so it is not guaranteed to check every selector.

<fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.php">
    <size value="1000" when="more"/>
    <date datetime="01/01/2011 12:00 AM" when="before"/>

G.12 Majority

The <majority> tag selects files provided that a majority of the contained elements also select it. Ties are dealt with as specified by the allowtie attribute.

<fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.php">
    <contains text="project" casesensitive="false"/>
    <contains text="taskdef" casesensitive="false"/>
    <contains text="BaseSelector" casesensitive="true"/>

Table G.12:  Attributes for the <majority> selector container

allowtieWhether files should be selected if there are an even number of selectors selecting them as are not selecting them.trueNo

G.13 Modified

The <modified> selector computes a value for a file, compares that to the value stored in a cache and select the file, if these two values differ.

Because this selector is highly configurable the order in which the selection is done is:

  1. get the absolute path for the file
  2. get the cached value from the configured cache (absolute path as key)
  3. get the new value from the configured algorithm
  4. compare these two values with the configured comparator
  5. update the cache if needed and requested
  6. do the selection according to the comparison result

The comparison, computing of the hashvalue and the store is done by implementation of special interfaces. Therefore they may provide additional parameters.

Table G.13:  Attributes for the <modified> selector

algorithmThe type of algorithm should be used. Acceptable values are (further information see later):
  • hashfile
  • lastmodified
cacheThe type of cache should be used. Acceptable values are (further information see later):
  • propertyfile
comparatorThe type of comparator should be used. Acceptable values are:
  • equal
algorithmclassClassname of custom algorithm implementation. Lower priority than algorithm.n/aNo
cacheclassClassname of custom cache implementation. Lower priority than cache.n/aNo
comparatorclassClassname of custom comparator implementation. Lower priority than comparator.n/aNo
updateShould the cache be updated when values differ? (boolean)trueNo
seldirsShould directories be selected? (boolean)trueNo
delayupdateIf set to "true", the storage of the cache will be delayed until the next finished BuildEvent; task finished, target finished or build finished, whichever comes first. This is provided for increased performance. If set to "false", the storage of the cache will happen with each change. This attribute depends upon the update attribute. (boolean)trueNo

G.13.1 Parameters specified as nested elements

All attributes of a <modified> selector an be set with nested <param/> tags. Additional values can be set with <param/> tags according to the rules below.

Table G.14: algorithm

hashfileThis Algorithm supports the following attribute:
  • algorithm.algorithm (optional): Name of the hashfile algorithm (e.g. "MD5" or "SHA"); default is "MD5"
lastmodifiedUses the lastModified property of a file. No additional configuration is required.n/aNo

G.13.2 Examples

Here are some examples of how to use the Modified Selector:

<copy todir="dest">
    <fileset dir="src">

This will copy all files from src to dest which content has changed. Using an updating PropertyfileCache with and MD5-FilehashAlgorithm.

<copy todir="dest">
    <fileset dir="src">
        <modified update="true"
            <param name="cache.cachefile"     value=""/>
            <param name="algorithm.algorithm" value="md5"/>

G.14 None

The <none> tag selects files that are not selected by any of the elements it contains. It returns as soon as it finds a selector that selects the file, so it is not guaranteed to check every selector.

<fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.php">
    <size value="1000" when="more"/>
    <date datetime="01/01/2011 12:00 AM" when="before"/>

G.15 Not

The <not> tag reverses the meaning of the single selector it contains.

<fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.php">
    <contains text="Phing"/>

G.16 Or

The <or> tag selects files that are selected by any one of the elements it contains. It returns as soon as it finds a selector that selects the file, so it is not guaranteed to check every selector.

<fileset dir="${src}">
    <depth max="0"/>
    <filename name="*.png"/>
    <filename name="*.gif"/>
    <filename name="*.jpg"/>

G.17 Readable

The <readable> selector selects only files that are readable.

<fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.php">

G.18 Writable

The <writable> selector selects only files that are writable.

<fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.php">

G.19 Executable

The <executable> selector selects only files that are executable.

<fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.php">

G.20 Selector

The <selector> tag is used to create selectors that can be reused through references. It is the only selector which can be used outside of any target, as an element of the <project> tag. It can contain only one other selector, but of course that selector can be a container.

G.21 Symlink Selector

The <symlink> selector selects only files that are symbolic links.

G.22 PosixPermissions Selector

The <posixpermissions> selector selects only files that have the given POSIX permissions.

Table G.15:  Attributes for the <posixpermissions> selector

permissionsPOSIX permissions in string (rwxrwxrwx) or octal (777) formattrueYes

Appendix H. Project Components

This file will give you a quick introduction and a reference of the things that you may see in a build files besides tasks and types.

H.1 Phing Projects

Projects are the outermost container for everything in build files. The <project> tag also is the root tag in build files. It contains the name, the directory, a short description and a default target.

Project may contain task calls and targets (see below).

H.1.1 Example

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<project name="TestProject" basedir="." default="main"
         description="This is a test project to show how to use projects ;-)">

  <!-- Everything else goes here -->

Phing allows declaring tasks outside targets. Note that these tasks are evaluated before any targets are executed.

H.1.3 Attributes

Table H.1: Attributes

basedirStringThe base directory of the project, i.e. the directory all paths are relative to.n/aNo
defaultStringThe name of the target that is executed if none is explicitly specified when calling PhingallYes
descriptionStringA free text description of the projectn/aNo
nameStringName of the projectn/aNo
phingVersionStringThe minimum Phing version required to execute the build file, in order to prevent compatibility issues.n/aNo
strictBooleanEnables the strict-mode for the project build process. If enabled, a warning would be considered as an error, and the build will be aborted.falseNo

H.2 Targets and Extension-Points

H.2.1 Example

<target if="lang" unless="lang.en" depends="foo1,foo2"
       name="main" description="This is an example target" >

  <!-- everything else goes here -->


The target defined in the example above is only executed, if the property ${lang} is set and the property ${lang.en} is not set. Additionally, it depends on the targets foo1 and foo2. That means, the targets foo1 and foo2 are executed before the target main is executed. The name of the target is main and it also has a description.

H.2.2 Attributes

Table H.2: Parameters

dependsStringOne or more names of targets that have to be executed before this target can be executed.n/aNo
descriptionStringA free text description of the target.n/aNo
ifStringThe name of the property that is to be set if the target is to be executed.n/aNo
nameStringThe name of the targetn/aYes
unlessStringThe name of the property that is to be set if the target is not to be executed.n/aNo
hiddenBooleanWhether or not to include this target in the list of targets generated by phing -lFalseNo
logskippedBooleanWhether to log message as INFO instead of VERBOSE if target is skippedFalseNo


The if and unless attributes only enable or disable the target to which they are attached. They do not control whether or not targets that a conditional target depends upon get executed. In fact, they do not even get evaluated until the target is about to be executed, and all its predecessors have already run.

H.2.3 Extension-Points

Extension-Points are similar to targets in that they have a name and a depends list and can be executed from the command line. Just like targets they represent a state during the build process.

Unlike targets they don't contain any tasks, their main purpose is to collect targets that contribute to the desired state in their depends list.

Targets can add themselves to an extension-point's depends list via their extensionOf attribute. The targets that add themselves will be added after the targets of the explicit depends attribute of the extension-point, if multiple targets add themselves, their relative order is not defined.

The main purpose of an extension-point is to act as an extension point for build files designed to be imported. In the imported file, an extension-point defines a state that must be reached and targets from other build files can join the depends list of said extension-point in order to contribute to that state.

For example your imported build file may need to compile code, it might look like:

<target name="create-directory-layout">

<extension-point name="ready-to-compile"

<target name="compile" depends="ready-to-compile">
Call-Graph:  create-directory-layout -> 'empty slot' -> compile

And you need to generate some source before compilation, then in your main build file you may use something like

<target name="generate-sources" 

Call-Graph: create-directory-layout -> generate-sources -> compile

This will ensure that the "generate-sources" target is executed before the "compile" target.

Don't rely on the order of the depends list, if "generate-sources" depends on "create-directory-layout" then it must explicitly depend on it via its own depends attribute.

Appendix I. Loggers and Listeners

Phing has two related features to allow the build process to be monitored: listeners and loggers.

I.1 Listeners

A listener is alerted of the following events.

  • build started
  • build finished
  • target started
  • target finished
  • task started
  • task finishned
  • message logged

These are used internally for various recording and housekeeping operations, however new listeners may registered on the command line through the -listener argument.

I.2 Loggers

Loggers extend the capabilities of listeners and add the following features:

  • Receives a handle to the standard output and error print streams and therefore can log information to the console or the -logfile specified file.
  • Logging level (-quiet, -verbose, -debug) aware
  • Emacs-mode aware

I.3 DefaultLogger

Simply run Phing normally, or: phing -logger "Phing\Listener\DefaultLogger"

I.4 AnsiColorLogger

The AnsiColorLogger adds color to the standard Phing output by prefixing and suffixing ANSI color code escape sequences to it. It is just an extension of DefaultLogger and hence provides all features that DefaultLogger does.

AnsiColorLogger differentiates the output by assigning different colors depending upon the type of the message.

If used with the -logfile option, the output file will contain all the necessary escape codes to display the text in colorized mode when displayed in the console using applications like cat, more, etc.

This is designed to work on terminals that support ANSI color codes.

If the user wishes to override the default colors with custom ones, a file containing zero or more of the custom color key-value pairs must be created. The recognized keys and their default values are shown below:


Each key takes as value a color combination defined as "Attribute;Foreground;Background". In the above example, background value has not been used.

This file must be specified as the value of a system variable named phing.logger.defaults and passed as an argument using the -D option to the php command that invokes the Phing application. An easy way to achieve this is to add -Dphing.logger.defaults=/path/to/your/file

phing -logger "Phing\Listener\AnsiColorLogger"

I.5 MailLogger

The MailLogger captures all output logged through DefaultLogger (standard Phing output) and will send success and failure messages to unique e-mail lists, with control for turning off success or failure messages individually.

Table I.1: Properties controlling the operation of MailLogger:

phing.log.mail.from Mail "from" addressYes, if mail needs to be sent
phing.log.mail.replyto Mail "replyto" address(es), comma-separatedNo Filename of properties file that will override other values.No Address to send success messages to carbon copy (cc)No Address to send failure messages to carbon copy (cc)No
phing.log.mail.success.bcc Address to send success messages to blind carbon copy (bcc)No
phing.log.mail.failure.bcc Address to send failure messages to blind carbon copy (bcc)No
phing.log.mail.success.body fixed text of mail body for a successful build, default is to send the logfileNo
phing.log.mail.failure.body fixed text of mail body for a failed build, default is to send the logfileNo
phing.log.mail.success.subject Subject of successful buildNo - default to Build Success
phing.log.mail.failure.subject Subject of failed buildNo - default to Build Failure Address to send success messages torequired if success mail to be sent Address to send failure messages torequired if failure mail to be sent
phing.log.mail.success.notify Send build success e-mails?No - default to true
phing.log.mail.failure.notify Send build failure e-mails?No - default to true

phing -logger "Phing\Listener\MailLogger"

I.6 NoBannerLogger

Removes output of empty target output. phing -logger "Phing\Listener\NoBannerLogger"

I.7 ProfileLogger

This logger stores the time needed for executing a task, target and the whole build and prints these information. The output contains a timestamp when entering the build, target or task and a timestamp and the needed time when exiting.

I.8 StatisticsListener

A phing BuildListener which can be used to gather statistics while a phing build is executed. Statistics on the targets and tasks executed are written to the console after the build completes. Some of the statistics captured are: - the number of times a target / task is called - the average processing time spent on a target / task - the total processing time spent on a target / task - the total processing time spent on a target / task expressed as a percentage

I.9 TimestampedLogger

Acts like the default logger, except that the final success/failure message also includes the time that the build completed.

I.10 SilentLogger

A logger which logs nothing but build failure and what task might output.

I.11 MonologListener

Listener which sends events to Monolog.

To use the MonologListener, start Phing with this command: phing -listener "Phing\\Listener\\MonologListener"

Configuration is not (yet) implemented, but you could easily extend the existing MonologListener with your own implementation. Or better yet, send us a PR :-)

I.12 DisguiseLogger

A logger which masks passwords in URI strings - i.e: [echo] hide password from URI http://foo:*****

To use the DisguiseLogger, start Phing with this command: phing -logger "Phing\\Listener\\DisguiseLogger"

Appendix J. File Formats

J.1 Build File Format

The following XML file shows a basic Phing build file skeleton that can be used as a starting point for your own build files. See the references in Appendix A, Fact Sheet and Appendix B, Core tasks for more detailed information on properties and tasks.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  The root tag of each build file must be a "project" tag.
<project name="(projectname)" basedir="(projectbasedir)"
         default="(targetname)" description="(projectdescription)">

    Inclusion of optional overall project properties.
  <property file="(main property file)" />

     Build file wide properties used in the targets below

  <!-- Useful to make the current buildtime available as a property -->
      <!-- Format is, e.g. Sat, 03 Oct 2009, 16:31 -->
      <format property="buildtime" pattern="%a, %d %b %Y, %H:%M"/>

  <property name="(first.property1)"  value="(value1)" override="true" />
  <property name="(second.property2)"  value="(value2)" override="true" />

    Type and task calls here, i.e. filesets, patternsets,
    CopyTask calls etc.
    <!-- Filesets  -->
    <fileset dir="(" id="(fileset.reference)">
        <include name="(include.pattern)"/>

    <!-- Custom tasks  -->
    <taskdef classname="(task.classname)" name="" />

    All target definitions
    ("if" and "unless" attributes are optional)
  <target name="(targetname)" [depends="targetname1,targetname2"]
          [if="(ifproperty)"] [unless="(unlessproperty)"] >
      Type and task calls here, i.e. filesets, patternsets,
      CopyTask calls, etc.

    More targets here
  <target name="..." >
      Type and task calls here, i.e. filesets, patternsets,
      CopyTask calls, etc.



By convention properties are named in dot notation in Phing build files, e.g. ftp.upload, temp.builddir and so on

J.2 Property File Format

Property Files define properties. Properties are stored in key/value pairs and may only contain plain text. The suffix of these files should be .properties, the default Property File for a Build File is

# Property files contain key/value pairs

# Property keys may contain alphanumeric chars and colons, but
# not special chars. This way you can create pseudo-namespaces

# You can refer to values of other properties by enclosing their
# keys in "${}".

# Everything behind the equal sign is the value, you do
# not have to enclose strings:
text=This is some text, Your OS is ${php.os}
Property files may also be formatted in YAML format:
# Property files contain key/value pairs
key: value

# Nested values will be available as concatenated strings after import. E.g.,
# you may access these values with keys in the form of "myapp.window.hsize".
     hsize: 300
     vsize: 200
     xpos: 10
     ypos: 100

# You can refer to values of other properties by enclosing their
# keys in "${}".
  width: "${myapp.window.hsize}"
Property files may also be formatted in XML format:



International Standards

[osi-model] OSI (Open System Interconnect) Model. . .

[xml10-spec] W3C XML 1.0 Specifications. .

[unicode] Unicode. .


[gnu-lgpl] The GPL (Gnu Lesser Public License). .

[gnu-fdl] The Gnu FDL (Free Documentation License), the license used for this documentation. .

Open Source Projects

[pear ] PEAR (Php Extension Archive Repository). .

[ant ] Ant, a Java Build Tool, the main inspiration for Phing. .

[gnumake ] GNU make, an inspiration for Phing. .

[php ] The PHP homepage - PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. .

[phing ] Phing (PHing Is Not Gnumake). .


[svn-howto ] Version Control with Subversion (free book). .

[git-book] Pro-git (free book). .

Other Resources

[javadoc ] Sun Javadoc. .