B.60 TaskdefTask

With the TaskdefTask you can import a user task into your buildfile.

Table B.63: Attributes

classname String The path to the class that defines the TaskClass.n/aYes, unless the file attribute has been specified.
name String The name the task is available as after importing. If you specify "validate", for example, you can access the task imported here with <validate>. n/aYes, unless the file attribute has been specified.
file String Name of the file to load definitions from.n/aNo
classpath String The classpath to use when including classes. This is added to PHP's include_path.n/aNo
classpathref String Reference to classpath to use when including classes. This is added to PHP's include_path. n/aNo

B.60.1 Examples

<!-- Includes the Task named "ValidateHTMLTask" and makes it available by
    <validatehtml> -->
<taskdef classname="user.tasks.ValidateHTMLTask" name="validatehtml" />

<!-- Includes the Task "RebootTask" from "user/sometasks" somewhere inside
    the $PHP_CLASSPATH -->
<taskdef classname="user.sometasks.RebootTask" name="reboot" />

<!-- Includes all tasks from the property file. Each line in the property
    file defines a task in the format: name=path.to.Task -->
<taskdef file="/path/to/mytasks.properties" />

NB: Taskdef now supports the PEAR-style naming convention to define and load tasks:

<taskdef name="sampletask" classname="Dir_Subdir_SampleTask"/>

will load class Dir_Subdir_SampleTask from file Dir/Subdir/SampleTask.php.

B.60.2 Supported Nested Tags