B.57 Subphing Task

Calls a given target for all defined sub-builds. This is an extension of Phing for bulk project execution. This task must not be used outside of a target if it invokes the same build file it is part of.

subphing uses phing task internally so many things said in phing's manual page apply here as well.

Table B.59: Attributes

genericphingfile PhingFile Build file path, to use in conjunction with directories. Use genericphingfile, in order to run the same build file with different basedirs. If this attribute is set, phingfile is ignored. n/aNo
inheritAll Boolean Corresponds to <phing>'s inheritall attribute but defaults to "false" in this task. false No
inheritRefs Boolean Corresponds to <phing>'s inheritrefs attribute. false No
buildpath Path Set the buildpath to be used to find sub-projects.n/aNo
phingFile String Build file name, to use in conjunction with directories.build.xml, ignored if genericphingfile is set.No
target String The target to execute. Default is the new sub-project's default target.n/aNo
failonerror Boolean Sets whether to fail with a build exception on error, or go on. true No
verbose Boolean Enable/disable log messages showing when each sub-build path is entered/exited. false No

B.57.1 Supported Nested Tags