This task runs PHK_Creator.phk to build PHK-package. Learn more about build process in PHK Builder's Guide.
Table C.84: Attributes
Name | Type | Description | Default | Required |
phkcreatorpath | String | Path to PHK_Creator.phk. | n/a | Yes |
inputdirectory | String | Path to directory, that will be packed. | n/a | Yes |
outputfile | String | Output PHK-file. Directory, where file will be stored, must exist! | n/a | Yes |
compress | String | Compression type (gzip, bzip2, none) to apply to the packed files. | none | No |
strip | Boolean | When true, PHP source file(s) are stripped (filtered through php_strip_whitespace()) before being stored into the archive. | false | No |
name | String | The package's name (Information only). | n/a | No |
webrunscript | String | The script to run in web direct access mode. Subfile path. | n/a | No |
crccheck | Boolean | If true, a CRC check will be forced every time the package is mounted. | false | No |
Sample build command:
<phkpackage phkcreatorpath="/path/to/PHK_Creator.phk" inputdirectory="src" outputfile="build/sample-project.phk" compress="gzip" strip="true" name="Sample Project" webrunscript="index.php"> <webaccess> <paentry>/</paentry> </webaccess> </phkpackage>